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Posts posted by popje

  1. 5 Cent per minute to Canada is "ambitious" (or "creative marketing").

    Maybe someone can help out with a cheaper offer.

    I try to find.

    But one thing for sure: buying such an ordinary (nothing special) AIS prepaid for 29 CAD makes no sense at all.

    Wish I could make money this way?

    Anybody needs prepaid SIM cards from Thailand?

    Special price 28 CAD biggrin.png

    As JDGREEN writes: always a good idea to install Skype/Line/Whatsapp if you have a smartphone.

    If you have a free hotel WiFi e.g. you can get connected really cheap.

    yeah, that guy had 2 for sell and they haven't sold in the past month, I am not sure there a lot of money you can make tongue.png

    You didn't answer my question, is unlimited text automatically unlimited international texts, its like that where I live.

    As for the internet option, I'd rather not to be honest for a few reasons, one of them being that when people receive a call from skype, the number that appears is like 123456789, I know a lot of people who will ignore my calls.

  2. Hell no !!!

    29 CDN for a simple AIS SIM?

    You can get this here simply everywhere e.g. right at the airport e.g.

    Topup possible at 7/11 and uncountable other locations/options/methods.

    Incoming international calls and text are free for you.

    Outgoing international is not free.

    Rates vary depending on prefix dialed.

    Calls to Canada dialed with 009 prefix are 2.5 Baht/min to fixed/mobile.

    Thanks ! I kinda knew 30$ for a sim card was too much, but I was more interested in what it offered, 0.05cent per minute equal to 1.36 baht which is almost twice as cheap as the one you mentioned, do you know if there a cheaper one, or one that you pay by month for unlimited or have a cheaper rate ?

    also, when I have unlimited texts, it includes international right ?

  3. When I was in Beijing last year there was a neighborhood that sold scorpions grilled on a stick.

    In Vietnam there is a snake farm where you choose your snake and they cook it for you. Typically soups.

    Vietnam and Cambodia are places you want to go not Thailand. Thailand isn't filled with exotic weird things. I know you were kidding about rocket launcher but again that was Cambodia and not Thailand.Not even sure you still can do that stuff there.

    If you want to eat what the locals eat even in the remote areas nothing on your list will do.

    Here is a list of things that most tourists don't eat that locals prefer

    There is a soup with larvae from a bamboo that is common, eat salty fish called Pla rah, eat nam prik gapee (fermented shrimp paste dip) with fried eggplant and acacia herbs in eggs, laab dip (raw bloody meat with roasted rice powder), raw Jack fruit curry (gaeng Kanoon), kanoom jeen (a rice noodle boiled in a spicy soup with congealed pork's blood), gaeng hok (leftovers mixed with some herbs and noodles, gaeng kah (an herbal curry), gaeng som (a sour curry), gaeng pak wan (a very herbal and pungeant curry),

    Chinese neighborhoods, you can eat chicken feet soup.

    Most markets will have some crickets, beetles, larvae and other insect things. I don't touch that stuff, but a few friends enjoy them. Redneck foods.

    Drunkards like to eat these tiny shrimp that are alive and you swallow them,

    If you want to look like a village elder, you can chew on beetlenut leaves and rot your gums and spit nasty red juice on the ground.

    Good post, thanks. Yeah, I guess I'll wait for vietnam and cambodia for most of these foods, I think the rocket launcher thing is a myth, I've heard about it a few times but from no one that actually done it, I am pretty sure everything is possible with enough cash though.

    About these things you said that locals eat but not tourists, there a few interesting one, I am not a big fan of insects though, I tried them, its okay, I would eat them in a survival situation but don't count on me to pay for that. I am also intolerant to sea food, its a shame, I know, so apart from some fish sauce in a meal, I can't eat any. I will try the rest, thanks for telling me the names in thai, hopefully I'll pronounce them right.

    So, I can't interest you in a nice Caesar salad then?

    Why not

  4. Preferably something that can be topped up at 7 elevens, I am not in thailand yet so I can't go look by myself, I need something with free incoming international calls/texts and cheap outgoing international calls/texts, I found this: http://www.amazon.ca/Thailand-SIM-Card-Unlimited-Internet/dp/B00F59HONM/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1432763866&sr=8-14&keywords=thai+sim

    Can I buy this and top it up when I get there at a seven eleven ? Do that mean internation texts will be free ? Is there a better deal around ?

  5. No, it's a phenomena where carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels and wood get trapped in the earth's atmosphere which acts like a blanket, and causes the planet to heat up.

    It's blamed for things like melting glaciers and ice caps, extreme weather, rising sea levels, population displacement, crop failure, famines, etc.

    I've enjoyed a bonfire or two in my lifetime as well, but nowadays I would question how viable a form of recreation it is from an ecological standpoint.

    I was being sarcastic..

    Decomposing wood and organic matter release the same amount of Co2 into the atmosphere as the same material will release when it is burned.

    Burning just releases it faster.

    Science rules..


    I was aware that you were being sarcastic. I was also aware that you seem to be oblivious that bon fires are not without an environmental cost. By the way, I hope you make arrangements to clean up the mess left after you've enjoyed yourself. I'm no politically correct hyper vigilant environmentalist, but seriously, OP, you can't find a more environmentally friendly way to enjoy your visit to Thailand than lighting a bon fire? What are you a pyromaniac or something?


    I guess, according to you, then the annual burning up North is A-OK? Burning just releases it faster. Just a small minor detail. And by the way, Bill Nye the Science Guy, if what you say is true, why, pray tell, do you think the Alps glaciers and the Artic ice cap are melting? Or are you another global warming denialist who ignores the overwhelming consensus of scientists that the burning of fossil fuels is causing global warming? I'm listening to news reports as we speak that the temperature in India hit 47 Celsius! I would say climate change is one of the biggest threats to the livability of Thailand. It's the younger and future generations who are going to pay the heaviest price for ignoring this threat, not your favorite straw men, the "grumpy, sarcastic, old men of TVF."

    I might not be environmental friendly but I am not an <deleted>, I always clean up behind me and make sure it looks like no one been there, like that no one is pissed, no one have to clean up after me and people won't mind me going back.

  6. Thanks everyone for your answers, sorry I cant reply to everyone. I now have a very good idea on where and how to find these.


    Really sounds like you have something to prove though. "Hey everyone look at me I went to SE asia and at all this weird crap." Oh yeah, all Thai people love cat, dog rat, bat , snake. We also fry dog shit wrapped in wontons.

    You really will sound crazy walking up to people asking for these kind of things.

    I thought I might sound like that, but it is not the case, I just want to try new stuff and if there one place in the world where I can try these, its South Asia, I don't want some local to kill his dog for me so I can eat it just to make money, I don't want to eat endengered species in highly illegal hidden restaurants. I also don't want to eat tourist stuff that locals don't eat. I don't think you guys munch on insects and scorpions do you ? I also want to shoot a cow with a rocket launcher, I've heard its possible, na I am just kidding. I am not going to ask everyone there about that stuff to not look crazy like you said, that's why I asked here first.

  7. I would not rely on advice from a bunch of grumpy, old, sarcastic, and critical expats who have no real knowledge of Thai law for advice.

    Why not stop by the local police station and ask them, or call the police in the area you want to have your bonfire?

    Maybe there is a permit you can get to cover your butt?

    Maybe it will cost a couple of hundred baht to get it?

    Seriously, I would not ask the TV ( Thai Viscous ) gang for advice about Thai laws!

    They can tell you how they think the laws should be, or how the laws are "where they come from",, but probably no accurate information on what the laws are in Thailand.

    Good luck!

    Like I said in one of my post, the reason I didn't ask a cop/local yet is because I am not in thailand yet! I was just wondering and thought you guys would know, I will make sure I ask when I get there. I just thought there would be some specific laws in thailand about bonfires like in my country, seems like there is no specific laws about that, I guess I'll find out for sure when I get there.

  8. You want to eat Lion, Tiger or any other rare meat. Odd. Why would you want to eat endangered animals? There are almost no Tigers left in Thailand because arse wipes in China( and you also) want to eat them and use their body parts for medicine. You should just stick to Olives they are more healthy.

    Here in Canada/USA you can buy game meat online, tiger, lion, bear, raccoon, coyote, anything you can think of, they're farm raised animals and technically not endangered species just like every chicken and pork you eat, but they are expensive as hell, I want to try eating them, I would even try human flesh if I could, but trust me, I wouldn't encourage eating wild endangered species, I don't even want to go to that world famous tiger temple because I think the tigers here are maltreated (they are) and drugged (not sure). I am just a big amateur of trying new food.

  9. OP:

    You ever hear of global warming?

    No, never, is it some kind of high temperature weather than could affect my bonfires ? Like make them dangerous or something ?

    No, it's a phenomena where carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels and wood get trapped in the earth's atmosphere which acts like a blanket, and causes the planet to heat up.

    It's blamed for things like melting glaciers and ice caps, extreme weather, rising sea levels, population displacement, crop failure, famines, etc.

    I've enjoyed a bonfire or two in my lifetime as well, but nowadays I would question how viable a form of recreation it is from an ecological standpoint.

    I was being sarcastic..

  10. First, let me start by saying I will go in pretty much every country in South Asia, including Vietnam and China, I know Vietnam is known for these kind of food but so is Thailand, so I am looking for the authentic thing, not a tourist attraction or overpriced food, in other words, if its not eaten by Thailand natives, I won't eat it. If you have the exact location and/or price of where I can get it, that would be awesome.

    Let's start by stuff I have never eaten



    -Snake blood and beaten heart





    -Century egg

    -Lion/Tiger or any kind of rare game meat you can think of

    And stuff I've already eaten but absolutely want to find in Thailand/South Asia

    -Snails (is there something like this in Thailand or should I wait to get in Vietnam ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zqagaz2WHxU)

    -Frog Legs

    -Beef Jerky

    -Prosciutto/Jamon or any kind of cured meat


    Thanks and feel free to suggest anything that isn't on the list, just not seafood

  11. Based on the substantial number of fires started every day around dinner time in Rhek Thum, I would have thought it was illegal not to have a fire.

    Especially ones with plastic bottles, fluorescent light tubes, batteries, car bumpers, and soiled baby diapers.

    Was curious and tried to find that Rhek Thum place, couldn't find anything, but now I feel dumb, is that a play on words ?

  12. This is a good thread that I have a lot of interest in

    I have never seen a game cafe in CM... However

    If you're into games as i'm sure you are, unfortunately PC gaming no longer has the best experience IMHO

    It used to be the best place to play games but not anymore

    My reasons for this are as follows:-

    All the best games are now console exclusives

    PS4 has The last of us, Bloodborne and soon uncharted 4

    The first two are amazing games and i'm sure Uncharted 4 will be as well when it's out

    Xboxone has Halo 5 and gears of war coming soon

    Plus Destiny (despite getting a stupid IGN review) is an amazing game that's only on consoles

    The above 6 games are some of the best games ever made and you can't play them on PC

    So my advice for gaming in Thailand is to get a PS4 not an Xboxone

    I have heard that Microsoft didn't see Thailand as a worth while investment so you can't play any games online with the xboxone

    Considering how important multiplayer is in most new games this renders the xboxone a bit useless

    I'm considering buying an xboxone if i can play halo and gears campaign but will not be expecting to ever play online with it

    If anyone has heard anything different please let me know

    So Popje if you really value gaming I would get a PS4 from Lazada for 13,000 baht

    Then send me a message here and add me as i'm on it every evening and weekend

    Thanks for your input, first of all, I already own a gaming laptop that I will bring with me, I also own a Xbox One but I don't want to bring it along just to play Halo 5, I don't want to buy a PS4 there as I won't be staying in CM for more than like 6 months, I just wish there would be some kind of cafe where I could pay per hour to play console games, I am a big gamer, but I will be fine with PC games, I am a very big fan of Halo though, I would be really disappointed if there no way I can play it without buying an Xbox One when the game come out. I don't mind waiting to get home to play other Xbox One/PS4 games, but there is no way I can bring or buy a console since I will keep "backpacking" all around south asia after thailand. Xbox one online not working is disappointing, but considering Microsoft is a US company and Sony is a Japanese company, it kinda make sense.

  13. From Criminal Code of Thailand:

    Section 220 Whoever, cause fire to any material even belonging to himself in a manner likely to cause injury to the other person or a thing belonging to the other person, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding seven years and fined not exceeding fourteen thousand Baht.

    Operative word: 'likely'

    I don't like that word, 100 meter away from any human and houses doesn't seem likely to cause injury to me, but some dirty cop may say otherwise.

  14. Are bonfires illegal in Thailand, yes if you just want to burn your rubbish or dance around it..... Or use one as a surrogate TV, (that's television not Thaivisa) as so many Thais do.

    The local government, especially Chiang Mai have made some effort to reduce fires being used to burn of household rubbish, I think it was about two years ago regular bin collections started, 1 per week, (Mae Taeng) cost....30 Baht a month.

    I used to think it was all about local fires around Chiangmai, mushroom farmers and the like......But it is not that simple, the smog comes from bordering country and Chingmai province sits in a big bowl, if the wind is in the wrong direction...........we get it all.

    Can you light a bonfire, OP regardless if the location in Thailand allows bonfires or not................. You run the risk of getting fined, if you get my drift.

    Thanks, yeah, I don't want to burn rubbish lol, I love to drink beer around a fire with my friends and cook hotdogs on the fire, stuff like that, depending what the fine is, I might do it anyway, I'll see when I get there, I just find it strange that there is no official law about bonfires.

    Hey 'popje'.... I went on a bit, I know.....But I think I had you covered with the 'Dance around it' comment... Lol

    *Cooking fires, we will make cooking fires, we might dance a bit around it, but only for cooking purposes :)

  15. Don't know about the legalities of bonfires.

    Many years ago when I was living on one of the islands occasionally some people would want a bonfire on the beach just to sit round and chill out.

    The only concern from resort owners was to have it below the tide line so the next tide would wash the remains away and keep the beach clean.


    Oh! Just thought, keep away from grass roofed bungalow and huts, they tend to get a bit nervous about fires.

    Good, thanks, yeah the first house I'll be in koh samui is very close to one of the less populated beach, I looked on google map and found a good spot like 100 meters away from any house, bungalows, huts or resorts.

  16. Think it must be...there is a huge one every year in the Chiangmai area ...

    Where I live there are huge bonfires every year for an holiday, but it is highly illegal to start a fire anywhere especially in a public place like a beach, we do it anyway but thats not the point, even in your own courtyard it is illegal, it is only legal in rural areas but still very restricted, like you can't make bonfires in certain area, at x meters of a forest or a public area and you can't make bonfires if it haven't rained for x days.

    in this post you state,!

    Where I live there are huge bonfires every year for an holiday, but it is highly illegal to start a fire anywhere especially in a public place like a beach,we do it anyway

    so it looks like you will do it anyway, so why ask,?

    I don't mind being in trouble in my country, first I know exactly what will happen and I know good spots for not getting caught, I never got caught, yet. But when I am a tourist in another country, I don't want any trouble and have no idea what the laws are regarding bonfires, I heard I can get in jail for smoking a joint, or simply threaten to pay a very big amount of money by corrupt cops, at least that's what I heard, so I'd rather ask on a forum and not take any chances of getting in any kind of trouble for something as dumb as a bonfire.

  17. OP, they do have several Internet shops around town that cater to those that like online PC gaming, but I've never seen any that have Xbox or Play Stations in them to use. Most of these places have systems preloaded with the most common MMO and FPS games, but they are all in Thai and based in Thailand. I would never use them as many of these places have password loggers that can steal your password and then they will log into your account and steal/sell all your stuff.

    Can you play MMO's and FPS's here in Thailand on your own computer while logged into your American based server account? By all means, Yes! but you won't be happy with your results if your a big PVP'er in MMO's or usually quicker than others in FPS games. ALL connections going outside the country are throttled. You will have a minimum of 300MS latency delay above and beyond your connection to the game servers are. This is fine for PVE, but you won't like the latency at all.

    Thanks, yeah I remember when I came to thailand the first time, after a few weeks there I wanted my dose of World of Warcraft, after looking at like 6 cafe, I couldn't find the game anywhere, everyone were playing weird MMO's I never heard about, I don't play WoW anymore but I play a bunch of other games, if I get over 100MS, any PVP or shooters is out of the question, I think I'll just play offline games, I'll probably try an asian MMO or something like that, I saw a bunch of incoming asian games that looks awesome, especially Lost Ark Online and Lineage Eternal. I guess I'll find a local with an xbox one, buy Halo 5, give him 30 baht and play on his console when the game comes out, I really don't want to bring my Xbox one for just one game.

  18. There are gaming cafe's on almost every corner in Chiang Mai. All the "net" cafes that were here last time, have been converted to gaming cafes. You'll have more of an issue sorting through who has good equipment,games,players rather than finding them. Most of them are "in-house/Lan Party" types, but cater to the younger crowd. The latency on Thai internet is still off so online gaming may be tough.

    Thanks, thats what I thought, ever seen an xbox one in one of them ?

  19. "Anyone who made one, what kind of wood should I use, can I buy any ?" If you & friends are bonfire addicts I wood have thought you wood know the answer to these questions." Wood", pun definitely intended.

    But, if you are unsure....... Pine, soft wood burns too quickly. Wet wood is very difficult to light.

    Why not buy a bag of charcoal ? If questioned by the authorities tell them it's a cooking fire, not a bonfire. Just a thought.

    "What is wrong with people on this forum, I made 2 threads with very legitimate questions and 2 out of 4 answers I got are sarcastic and insulting, sorry if english is not my main language....." Lighten up, ol mate.....yeah, another pun, sorry. Don't you think it wood have been better to ask locals about open fires ? If you intend playing on this forum, better get use to sarcasm & insults. Lots of times you are gunna get flamed, especially if it's a hot topic.

    Anyway, welcome aboard. All newbies usually start as a flicker & soon turn into a blazing inferno.

    Cheers..... Mal.

    Reason I asked here and not a local is because I am not in thailand yet and also because I was surprised I couldn't find anything on google about it, I was really just wondering, making bonfires and drinking beer with my friends is one of our favorite activity and it doesn't cost anything, except the beer of course. Thanks for the advice, I'll make sure to bring some food and if I get questioned by the authorities I'll tell them its a cooking fire. As for the kind of wood, I live in canada, we don't have the same kind of trees here, looking at google map it looks like koh samui (the first island I'll be on) is mostly palm trees, I don't know how well that burn and if there a lot of dead ones on the ground, anyway, thanks for your post, your puns actually made me laugh.

  20. Are bonfires illegal in Thailand, yes if you just want to burn your rubbish or dance around it..... Or use one as a surrogate TV, (that's television not Thaivisa) as so many Thais do.

    The local government, especially Chiang Mai have made some effort to reduce fires being used to burn of household rubbish, I think it was about two years ago regular bin collections started, 1 per week, (Mae Taeng) cost....30 Baht a month.

    I used to think it was all about local fires around Chiangmai, mushroom farmers and the like......But it is not that simple, the smog comes from bordering country and Chingmai province sits in a big bowl, if the wind is in the wrong direction...........we get it all.

    Can you light a bonfire, OP regardless if the location in Thailand allows bonfires or not................. You run the risk of getting fined, if you get my drift.

    Thanks, yeah, I don't want to burn rubbish lol, I love to drink beer around a fire with my friends and cook hotdogs on the fire, stuff like that, depending what the fine is, I might do it anyway, I'll see when I get there, I just find it strange that there is no official law about bonfires.

  21. I don't know the actual law but in rural areas there are small bonfires every night in villages where they gather all the rubbish that has been dropped or thrown on the floor for a week or so, then burnt.

    A lot of villages that do not have a special building in the temple for cremation build a bonfire (funeral pyre) to burn the deceased. This could be in the temple grounds or on the families own property if they have a large area of land where their house stands.

    There again if there are laws, if you are Thai, then you can ignore. I would not suggest you try it if you are a Farang.

    Thanks, I guess I'll see when I get there.

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