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Posts posted by sibeymai

  1. Have to say I don't like either of the bastards, but I would take immesnse enjoyment from seeing Maxine win Bennelong.

    Looks like Labor all the way. Wonder what Little Johnnie has up his sleeve. Maybe declare war on Indonesia ?

    Edit: add comment on OP's post to be on topic.....you will find some bars which have the ABC asian transmission, but it would be a brave bar owner who subjects their patrons to hours of election drivel.

  2. He escaped without charges because he wasn't guilty of any crime except seeking attention. It was patently obvious he had nothing to do with the Ramsey murder.

    Then in that case is this thread not defamatory, slanderous and libellous and thus a violation of the forum rules?

    You'd think so, wouldn't you?

    But then again there does seem to be an alarming amount of interest in either real or imagined sex offenders on the forum.

    Remember when Gary Glitter was arrested and imprisoned in Vietnam? The forum beat itself up into a frenzy of moral indignation in numerous threads and when it was pointed out the story had nothing to do with Thailand, we made ourselves feel better by discovering he was arrested boarding a flight to Bangkok. :-)

    Why let the truth get in the way of some prurient innuendoes about paedophilia in our midst?

    Those that protest the loudest are often the most guilty.

  3. Could simply be down to the tyres on the vehicle. Perhaps the Toyota's are a little stickier resulting in more grab and less slide. A change of tyre spec may solve the problem.

    No doubt SUVs in general have a higher incidence of rollover which is verified by statistics. SUVs overall are inherently more dangerous vehicles than regular cars, again backed by statistics. However, in some crashes, according to statistics, the heavier the vehicle the safer it is, but it depends on the crash scenario as this is not true in every situation.

    Certainly, in a SUV to SUV crash the occupants will usually suffer more trauma than the same scenario involving regular vehicles due to the better impact absorbing ability of regular vehicles compared to SUVs.

    The bottom line is that drivers should always drive within their vehicle's capabilities, meaning the driver should be aware of their vehicle's characteristics, and their own driving ability, regardless of the type of vehicle being driven.

    I drive a Vigo and this video doesn't worry me since the chances that I will have to make such a manoeuvre are quite low.

    I do agree though that for some drivers an SUV gives a false sense of safety. I also drive a Honda Jazz and while I feel safer driving the Vigo the reality is that I'm probably safer in the Jazz.

  4. My ex-wife pulled a knife on me 3 times over a period of 3 years and at other times was verbally abusive. Explains really why she is now the ex-wife.

    The first time I thought it was my fault or my behaviour causing the problem. After moving the family back to the home my country the behaviour continued. Moved back to LOS thinking she would be happier here and she became even worse. All in all the marriage lasted 5 years. Most of it was stable but to this day I can not find any rationale for her behaviour. There are some clues but I'm no psychologist. Often she would not do the housework or watch TV all day. I come home from work and it's obvious nothing has happened all day. My guess is some sort of depression but I could never find out the cause.

    When she went crazy it seemed like the temper tantrums of a child, except with the threat of serious physical injury. As for the knives, in each case I managed to disarm her. I do remember after the second occassion I removed all knives from the premises. On the third occassion about 6 months before we were officially divorced I had to sleep barricaded in the bedroom. We separated shortly after but she demanded financial incentive to leave. I paid, what else could I do ?

    I am now remarried and never have experienced the same behaviour. It seems my previous wife may have suffered from depression or had a violent character or grown up in a situation where this behaviour was learned or acceptable. My current wife is also from a rural Isaan village but is completely different. I blame myself for marrying the wrong girl. Perhaps if I had been more fluent in Thai when I married previously I might have discovered some tell tale signs but when communication is limited I think it is difficult to get a full picture of a person's mental state. Caution is necessary and long "engagement" periods recommended.

  5. Thanks to you both for the very prompt replies,

    am off to check out the choice at Central/Robinson now. Post number 2 in 3 years and they are both about beer!



    Hey seymourvt, you must lead a very busy life to post so infrequently :o

    Good Luck to you !

    Err....he's probably too busy drinking to post..... :D

  6. Afraid I have to say the answer is yes. But of all the reasons given so far I think the most suitable is the control over the economy by the elite.

    Thailand is a wealthy country, just look at the abundant infrastructure, factories, condos, good capital and cash inflow etc.

    It's just that the vast majority of Thais aren't sharing in it and therefore aren't wealthy.

  7. You gotta admire a guy whose been a member of TV since 2005 and the first worthwhile thing he can think of to post as a thread is where to buy beer. :o

    In the Chidlom area why don't you try the food hall on the ground floor at Central ? It's rated #3 in the world I believe.

  8. Steady up, all his mates will be in the pub cheering him on....car'n bruce.....and he will be welcomed home with cheers and maybe a ticker tape parade.

    Just imagine what would have happened if he made it.

    Yeah, I guess you're right. Oz embassy should lodge a complaint with the Thais for not providing a shark proof cage and a support boat. After all, he was only trying to emulate Susie Moroney and go one better by doing it nud_e. :o

    On ya, mate.

  9. Classics from Murray Walker:

    "He's obviously gone in for a wheel change. I say obviously because I can't see it"

    "With half the race gone, there is half the race still to go"

    "Do my eyes deceive me, or is Senna's Lotus sounding rough ?"

    "Anything happens in Grand Prix racing and it usually does"

    "Alboreto has dropped back up to fifth place"

    "As you look at the first four, the significant thing is that Alboreto is 5th"

    "I can't imagine what kind of problem Senna has. I imagine it must be some sort of grip problem"

    "He is shedding buckets of adrenalin in that car"

    "It's raining and the track is wet"

    "And there's just a few more corners for Nigel Mansell to go to win the Canadian Grand Prix...and...he's going rather slow....HE'S STOPPING HE'S STOPPING!"

    "and this is the third placed car about to lap the second placed car"

    "they say clothes maketh the man... the clothes are Niki Lauda's, but the contents are me..." as Murray prepares to take a drive in a F1 car." [He gets a total distance of... oh, 1 foot before he stalls it.] (Apparently, this was the second attempt to film Murray in an F1 McLaren - the first, earlier that day, had gone very well, but for technical reasons couldn't be used!)

    [During a F1 race, describing how the leader can see the driver following him] "... Mansell can see him in his earphone..."

    "So Bernie [Ecclestone], in the seventeen years since you bought McLaren, which of your many achievements do you think was the most memorable ?" Bernie Answers, "Well I don't remember buying McLaren." [bernie Ecclestone used to own the Brabham team].

    Murrary: "What's that? There's a BODY on the track!!!" James: "Um, I think that that is a piece of BODY-WORK, from someone's car."

    Murray: There's a fiery glow coming from the back of the Ferrari James: No Murray, that's his rear safety light

    As an introductory piece for a rallysprint race, Murray was put in the Navigator's seat alongside Tony Pond in a Chevette HSR (270 BHP, rwd, and TWITCHY), added an in-car camera, and wired Murray for sound. The result can be deduced by extrapolating his usual excitement and enthusiasm, and adding a large pinch of raw terror! "And there's a 600 foot drop on my left..AND we're doing 120 mph... AND we're approaching a hairpin...OH MY GOD we're going to die..."

    [after a post race interview with Mansell after the Austrian GP 1987] Murray : "How did you get that nasty bumb on your head Nigel?" [Nigel leans forward to show the camera as Murray pokes it with his finger !] Nigel: "OWCH!!"

    Murray: And look at the flames coming from the back of Berger's McLaren

    James: Actually, Murray, they're not flames, it's the safety light.

    Murray, commentating on rallycross from Lydden, describes how a BMW driver has cut holes in his windscreen so that his visibility is improved in all the muck... as he is doing so, the car crashes heavily into an earth bank...

    From the Spanish GP 1995: "and Eddie Jordan is in fifth place"... (actually Eddie Irvine in one of his compatriot Eddie Jordan's cars).

    "...and he's lost both right front tyres" (which may have been accurate back in the days of the Tyrrell P34, but it was from 1995!)

    Courtesy of http://www.worldmotorsport.com/murray/

  10. Have them on the farm here. Wife also says "they bite, you die". Can't substantiate it with any deaths though. Best to use gloves and knee length rubber boots on the farm anyway for defence against bigger snakes and scorpions although they don't offer much protection against wasps as I found out recently. OUCH !!

  11. I had a pond dug on my farm of 7 rai where I grow agarwood and teak trees, about 750 of each. The saplings need some help through the dry season, especially the agarwood hence the pond to provide water for a drip irrigation system.

    My question is regarding what I can do with the pond to keep the water in good condition and what sort of fish I might be able to keep ? The pond is 20 x 5 metres and 10 metres deep. The water level is expected to drop considerably through the dry season.

    Would like to have some nice plants and to be able to pull out a nice tasting fish occasionally.

    PS. cost 43,000Bt to dig the pond.

  12. I don't disagree that Fortuner drivers are the most discourteous driver's I've ever experienced, but as a Vigo driver I must defend myself against such unfair accusations. I assure all that similarities go only as far as the Toyota badge. Makes me sometimes wish I'd bought a Mitsubishi Triton.

  13. Used to spend a great deal of time in the area but haven't been back until earlier this year. Can't believe they've replaced the river banks (many metres high) with gigantic concrete slabs or stone. It's very unsightly, not to mention the negative impact on the environment.

    edited to remove remark

  14. Dear OP,

    I wouldn't worry about it.

    What you and many other western males experience in south east Asia is just what it used to be like in our own countries way back before religion and morality were combined to control otherwise normal people. The end result is millions of frustrated people unable to live normal lives due to artificially imposed restrictions on people's freedoms and lifestyle.

    Enjoy it while you can.

  15. Ah...Thailand.....Hub of Gangsters.........and Koh Samui......Hub of Gangster Hubs, of course.

    100 million baht and living the high life in a (supposed) tropical paradise just for running some drugs. Their vacated position as supplier will have been filled 10 times over with others hoping to cash in the same. Besides, for a 5 year stint in a probably not too uncomfortable Belgian prison 20 million a year is still very attractive. Don't believe thay had all their money stashed in Thailand. They'll still walk out of prison wealthy.

  16. The answer to the question "how many weeks are there in 10 years" has two answers ranging from 520 weeks if each of the 10 years being counted has 365 days, up to 521 weeks if at least 7 of the years being counted have 366 days.

    On probability, considering that years with 365 days outnumber years with 366 days at a ratio of 3:1 the most proabable and therefore the most correct answer is 520.

    Even if the years counted are consecutive the answer is still 520 weeks (in whole numbers).

    Sorry, I must make a correction: answers should be either 521 or 522 weeks.

  17. The answer to the question "how many weeks are there in 10 years" has two answers ranging from 520 weeks if each of the 10 years being counted has 365 days, up to 521 weeks if at least 7 of the years being counted have 366 days.

    On probability, considering that years with 365 days outnumber years with 366 days at a ratio of 3:1 the most proabable and therefore the most correct answer is 520.

    Even if the years counted are consecutive the answer is still 520 weeks (in whole numbers).

  18. Great light and sound show if you happen to be in Phra Khanong (BKK) right now. The lightning (I almost wrote "lightening") and thunder happening very close and very intense.

    BTW, my pond in Khao Hin Sorn has filled up 2 metres in the last week, 1 metre last night.

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