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Posts posted by sibeymai

  1. If I am driving my car at over 100 kph, leave the road for over 100 meters, and strike 4 lightpost damaging both the lightposts and my car this is not an incident nor an event nor an occurrence, this is a a crash. Likewise if an airplane does the same. This is bad enough but for the pilot and flight deck crew to pretend it did not happen is inexcusable and criminal. Their failure to report this crash before they even reached the gate with an unequivocal demand for the immediate shut down of the rumway involved is grounds for the immediate revocation of their licenses with permanent grounding. They had no way of knowing how much debris they left behind them on an active runway, pieces of the plane, a light standard, or a gash in the tarmac where they exited or re-entered. Every airplane landing and taking off after their cowardly act was in danger as well as the lives of thousands of travellers. The only thing they failed to do was run away from the crash site. If a piece of tire rubber could bring down the Concord I can only imagine the carnage that could have occurred. The fact that no bad things happened is a blessing but in no way minimizes the gravity of their crime.


    This post sums it up completely for me. The failure to report the incident endangered the lives of other aircraft and people. The Thai pilots should be grounded as a disciplinary measure and Thai airlines fined. Personally if I was the Thai exec these pilots reported to they'd be looking for a new job. No excuse to gamble with other people's lives.

  2. "Generally" is not very important here - let's see how they handle Thaksin.

    It looks like there's no chance at all that his drug war will cause him any troubles in the UK, for example, and it looks like all corruption cases won't bother him there either.

    From UK's legal system point of view he is as clean as an angel, and always will be.

    That's why it's such a good strategy to nail Thaksin in the World Court. The UK will have to acknowledge this and may make it politically unconfortable for the British government to have Thaksin in the UK while the maqtter is being determined which could take years. If the UK, US and EU was made "off limits" to Thaksin during this period the Thai government would be quite pleased with the result.

    And before Thailand can send anyone to be tried at the court in The Hague, it has to first countersign the necessary international agreements. And this is not going to happen.

    You're probably right...but whatever the Thai investigation uncovers will be given plenty of consideration by Amnesty and HR Watch. Could still make things uncomfortable for the UK government.

  3. "Generally" is not very important here - let's see how they handle Thaksin.

    It looks like there's no chance at all that his drug war will cause him any troubles in the UK, for example, and it looks like all corruption cases won't bother him there either.

    From UK's legal system point of view he is as clean as an angel, and always will be.

    That's why it's such a good strategy to nail Thaksin in the World Court. The UK will have to acknowledge this and may make it politically unconfortable for the British government to have Thaksin in the UK while the maqtter is being determined which could take years. If the UK, US and EU was made "off limits" to Thaksin during this period the Thai government would be quite pleased with the result.

  4. I want to transfer to Thai Baht to Australian Dollars (AUD). I have both a Thai bank account (Kasikorn and SCB) and Australian bank account. What's the cheapest way to transfer eg, bank, western union, cheque? Anyone have experience transferring baht to another currency? If so could you post the details.. especially FEES incurred - Thanks!

    Edited to add: I want to withdraw/cash the money in Australia and it will be deposited/sent from Thailand.

    I am looking to do the opposite transfer AUD to Thailand , perhaps we could do a deal ?

    But of course if you are travelling also then the most cost effective way is to take your baht with you ,

    and deposit in a bank when you get there .

    Sorry, but absolutely have to disagree with taking baht (cash) to Oz. Best exchange rate you will get is to buy AUD here in Thailand at your bank and telex/direct transfer to your Australian bank account. Costs 550bt at SCB, arrives same day if you send around 9:00am or next day if later.

    Beware which bank the transfer is routed to in Oz (the "corresspondent bank". BBL used to send to ANZ first and then ANZ forwarded to Westpac. ANZ charged 11 dollars for milliseconds of their computer time. SCB appears to be able to send direct to Westpac.

  5. The newly announced investigation into the extra-judicial killings is the most effective way for the Thai government to galvanize world opinion against Thaksin. Sling even a little bit of mud Thaksin's way and some will stick to tarnish his reputation and instill some doubt in the minds of his supporters. Even a little damage could be enough for Thaksin to fail the FAPPT and remove him from Man. City if only due to the court of public opinion. If the investigation uncovers solid evidence of Thaksin's complicity in murder then there will be few places Thaksin will be welcome...certainly not London, Europe or the US.

    Why else would Thaksin have said recently that his preferred place of residence outside Thailand is China ? China is about the only country which would withstand the hue and cry against Thaksin if he is implicated in murder. Thaksin knows this very well and his Chinese friends have probably already told him he and his money are welcome.

  6. Transferred some funds out of Thailand today from my personal SCB account and was asked for my work permit. Have never been asked this before.

    Is this standard practice in the experience of TV members, or something new ?

  7. I can only see the Admin Court's reputation for taking the tough decisions and upholding the law being sustained at the expense of VT. After all, it was the same court which dissolved TRT and there were many who doubted it was capable of such. The Admin Court, being a relatively new institution, may not yet be in the hands of the infuential. However, if the potential for a 500 million baht loss on VT7 is correct that's a lot of baht to buy some influence with. Added with the possible demolition of VT5 and there's a mighty big pot with which to pervert the course of justice if one was so inclined.

  8. Chownah,

    2 kg in circles around the tree is correct (nice maths !). With mulching every 3 months the mulch will build up over a year to a point where the quantity and frequency (and therefore cost) can be reduced. 2kg covers not more than 0.5 square metres. For full thick cover of 1 metre square probably 5-6 kg minimum, but more initial cost.

    With not more than 1 square metre around the tree mulched the percentage of total planted area mulched is around 20%. The rest is mowed by tractor.

    Ideally I'd like to use straw when it is available and leave the husk as a base.

    No effect on the soil. The organic material contributed from the rice husk appears to be minimal so we apply buffalo manure as fertiliser with the husk.

    Only negative comment we've had is whether the husk will cause an increase in the temperature of the soil because of its density. It may if used in sufficient quantities, which is why I'd prefer to start using straw/hay for better ventilation.

    We have only just started this program so the quantity of mulch around the tree is not great but what is there seems to be having the desired effect.

  9. Chownah...1 person weeding, fertilising, mulching 4 rai per month. Cost above was for mulch (rice husk) only...1,150 baht per tonne. Fertiliser is about the same cost, then add labour, approx. 5,000 baht per person per month.

    Leave you some mental exercise to do the sums.

  10. Thanks Chownah. That a good "plain english" description of the fertiliser from the website....but I'd like a full chemical analysis before I used it.

    Current cost of mulching 800 rai four times a year is 2,944,000Bt yearly.

  11. speaking about legs, Kish, you don't have a leg to stand on.

    No blood test done on the motorcycle driver and yours you expect will put you over the limit. Only mitigaqting factor would have been if the motorcycle driver was also drunk which as you say he probably was, but there's no proof.

    He's at fault of riding without a license/unregistered/whatever. You're at fault for the accident. No way out as I see it.

  12. Thanks for the link JB. Interesting product. Will need to work out a few things like how long it lasts for and of course the price. Really prefer to source something local as shipping cost from NZ would be a factor. Like the idea of impregnated fertilizer, will have to ask what they use.

  13. Thanks all. I've used newspapers before on a home veggie patch and they've been very effective. However I need a solution on a commercial scale (800 rai so far). Am using rice husk at the moment but it gets blown away by wind and washed away by rain. Would prefer to use straw/hay but it is not available in the quantities I need at this time of year and what is available is very expensive.

    I could use newspaper I guess. It's easily handled and does break down eventually and should be available in reasonable quantities. I wonder what it costs per tonne. It's not really attractive though, but probably no less than using plastic.

    I wonder what sort of chemicals leach out of newspaper over time and whether this might be detrimental.

  14. My farmhouse has plenty of lizards (at least 4-5 different species...they all seem to get along ok). As it's Thai built from timber there are lots of places for them to come in so no point in trying to eradicate them. We'll just have to agree to live together, but I have to sweep out their droppings morning and night (they must eat a lot).

    Just as there's plenty of entry points for lizards there's access for other creatures not quite so benign such as scorpions, spiders, centipedes, etc. Even a snake could find it's way in if it wanted.

    Mostly I worry about scorpions as I'm least familiar with these. Anyone know where in the food chain they stand...ie..will lizards eat scorpions ? What does eat scorpions ?

    I think the story of that Welsh guy has made me a bit paranoid.

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