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Posts posted by sibeymai

  1. it appears from the way the fraud was carried out (if indeed fraud is proved) that the government officials are not "the ones defrauded" but were complicit in the perpetration of the fraud and without their involvement the fraud could not have been committed.

    If indeed fraud is proved then those at the Revenue Department and elsewhere are probably as guilty as hel_l. May the full force of the law come to bear.

    There must be a lot of scared civil servants in Thailand right now.

  2. Sibeymai and Gravelrash - demonstrable xenophobic nonsense.

    I see Pauline Hanson has started a new political party - you can probably sign up as foundation members.

    While I won't deny that I agree with some of what Pauline Hanson has to say I deny any xenophobic leanings.

    I would simply like Thaksin, if he chooses to live in Australia, to be subject to much the same rules which apply to me here in Thailand.

    Where I come from that's called being fair which I accept is a rare characteristic in Asia.

  3. Just in case Mr. Ts's now looking for a home outside the UK......

    Dear Mr. T,

    Just as some Thais complain about the poor character of farangs in Thailand I too object to foreigners of poor character coming to live in Australia.

    In fact Mr. T, I object to you personally buying a house in Australia, or obtaining any sort of vise which entitles you to any degree of permanency of residency. However, please visit often and spend lots of money and then GO HOME.

    Furthermore, should you wish to have longer term residence in Australia you must comply with the following:

    - you must lock up a large percentage of your personal wealth in a low interest deposit account

    - you must marry or be in a genuine relationship with a native Australian (yes, one with black skin)

    - if you choose to go into business you must provide 100% of the business capital

    - to do business you must sign documents to give control of all funds and operations to members of your wife's family or other unknown associates who have no business experience

    - you may not conduct offshore business while within Australia without a work visa

    - you will be prohibited from undertaking activities designated as Australian such as gambling, winemaking, cricket or going to the beach

    - you must notify the relevant government agency of which golf courses you will be playing on at least 3 months in advance

    - you must have a permit from the relevant government agency approving you to play at a specific golf course. If you are found to be playing on an unapproved golf course you will be jailed and deported

    - you must pay 1,900% more than Australians for golf club memberships and green fees

    - you must return to Thailand once every year to renew your entry visa which can only be renewed in your home country

    - you may not speak ill of any captain of a national sporting team under the threat of jail and deportation

    - you will be subject by the police to random urine checks for the presence of Thai cuisine and if found you will be jailed and deported

    - you will asked to pay more than Australians for all your purchases

    - you may not jump any queues, seek any favourable treatment, offer bribes or use unfluential connections

    - various government agencies will constantly vary the requirements stated above with out notice and with absolutely no regard for you or your family

    - you will never be given any option to reside in Australia other than under the above conditions

    Mr. T, if you have a feeling that you're not welcome, you might be right.


    A. Citizen.

    PS. Mr. T, an "honest mistake" will not be accepted as an excuse for not complying with all of the above.

    Anyone care to add more ?


  4. "The former prime minister has been accused of abusing his power by being party to buying the 33-rai plot of land at an unusually favourable price."

    As I read the law as it is quoted Thaksin and his wife still broke the law even if they paid above market value for the land. I agree this is probably one of the simplest cases to prove against Thaksin. Once he's in jail it will be much harder for him to defend or obstruct subsequent charges.

  5. Wife is having our first in November and you guessed it.....mother-in-law is moving in to the condo from Kalasin to join sister who is already living with us. After the birth it will be 4 women in the place.

    Looking on the bright side....I probably won't be missed when I nip out for a beer or two. :D

    Wife, wife's mom, wife's sister and your daughter. This isn't how a few years ago you imagined having 4 girls in your apartment, isn't it? :D

    :o all that female underwear on the line is still going to look mighty impressive. :D

  6. Wife is having our first in November and you guessed it.....mother-in-law is moving in to the condo from Kalasin to join sister who is already living with us. After the birth it will be 4 women in the place.

    Looking on the bright side....I probably won't be missed when I nip out for a beer or two. :o

  7. The Supreme Court in Thailand is not part of the military junta or the government. Excuse me for not being certain but I believe that the same judges are there now as were there before the coup. Therefore the UK government is not justified in denying extradition because of the junta as it is neither the junta or the Thai government seeking his extradition but the court. Thailand can make some good ground in their extradition attempt along this line although just because the junta reason is not justified it won't stop the UK government from using it as an excuse not to extradite. The UK may be forced to make a compromise and place Thaksin under "house arrest" until after the elections. If the upcoming elected government were to request extradition as well and the UK has let Thaksin fly the coop they'll look pretty stupid.

  8. I expect Thaksin may well assume control of the next elected government through nominees or proxies. Then, when he is satisfied he is immune to arrest he will return to Thailand to an orchestrated hero's welcome, then drag out the court cases long enough for evidence to be misplaced, witnesses to loose their memory or fail to testify, then do the same through the appeals process. Eventually Thaksin will be awarded billions of baht in compensation.

  9. I don't mean to imply that the BG deserved what happened in any way....but I wonder.....with all the signs which were there if the media report is factual, were her options so limited as to need to stay with this guy ?

    If that is the case this is truly tragic for the BG and others like her who feel they have no option but to endure the same treatment. I have no doubt that nightly there are scores of BGs having the cr_p beaten out of them by guys like this, but for one reason or another feel powerless to escape.

    These guys are the same ones that we drink with in bars all over Thailand, yet the guy we talk to in the bar is always a "nice guy". Maybe we should all be looking a little harder at some of our friends. Guys like this aren't hiding under rocks. We'd hate it to be one of our young ladies who ends up paying with her life.

  10. love topics like these...everyone is bound to have an opinion.

    For mine it's Aussie beef preferably, but US or NZ beef is just as acceptable.

    Nothing less than 1" thick and BBQ on a steel plate with a wood fire (charcoal/gas is for wimps).

    I don't marinate before as I want to taste the steak. A light salting while the meat is hot off the BBQ will suffice.

    The secret to good BBQ steak is temperature control. The plate has to be hot...ideally just a few minutes after the flames start to die down and the fire is settling into coals. Use small pieces of wood to maintain/control temperature. Keep a larger amount of fuel under the centre of the plate and less at the edges so the edges are cooler for greater temperature variation/control on the cooking surface. Usually cook steak (beef or pork) and sausages in the centre and eggs, fish, chicken, tomatoes, onions, bread, pineapple, potatoes, etc around the edges.

    When you think the plate temperature is right to start cooking pour beer over the entire cooking area. This should immediately steam off if the plate is hot enough. Scrape the remaining burnt sugar off the plate and you have a freshly cleaned cooking surface. If cooking thick sausages start with these a good 10 minutes before steaks. Move the sausages aside to finish cooking and the steaks will cook nicely in the fat from the sausages.

    Lastly, make sure you sear the steak when you first place it on the plate by pressing it down firmly on the plate for 5-10 seconds (don't press all the juice out of it though). Only turn the steak ONCE - THIS IS CRITICAL (about the right time to turn is a few minutes after a pool of juice has formed on the upper surface) then sear again. Assuming temperature is correct and steak thickness of 1" a medium to well done steak will take somewhere around 10-15 minutes.

    Edit: PS. the first side of the steak is cooked for a little longer than the second side...for a 12 minute cooking time cook the first side for about 6-7 minutes and the second side for about 5 minutes.

  11. got some of the little amber/brown coloured ones ocassionally inside the house. Wife confirms these are more potent than the big black ones. Have found some shells left from skin shedding which disturbs me a bit...means the buggers are growing.

    If took gaes eat centipedes what eats scorpions ?

  12. I can only see the Admin Court's reputation for taking the tough decisions and upholding the law being sustained at the expense of VT. After all, it was the same court which dissolved TRT and there were many who doubted it was capable of such. The Admin Court, being a relatively new institution, may not yet be in the hands of the infuential. However, if the potential for a 500 million baht loss on VT7 is correct that's a lot of baht to buy some influence with. Added with the possible demolition of VT5 and there's a mighty big pot with which to pervert the course of justice if one was so inclined.

    and would the Court order the suspension of other projects like the Northpoint and Regatta which are also in violation of the 200 meter rule?

    One could reasonably expect so if the matter was brought before the court. Not sure if there are enough with the courage to do it.

  13. Plus, thanks for the link....interesting. There seems to be a tone of reluctant inevitability in the comments rather than any sort of grudging acceptance. Discounting those comments posted by people who obviously have some knowledge or connection with Thailand and are vehemently negative, "sure, I'd prefer he wasn't taking over Man City, but I can't do anything about it" seems to be common.

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