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Posts posted by sibeymai

  1. My Thai ex is my ex precisely because she is a knife-weilding maniac. I can't recommend the advice given earlier in the thread about sleeping with another woman. Ex and I were separated but still living under the same roof when I brought a lady friend back. It prompted the third and final knife attack. The ex was out within a week after that. Be very careful. Seems like the consensus is for you to disappear quickly. Must say I agree. You probably don't have to leave Thailand permanently....just think of it as a holiday.

  2. What's that saying...."The chickens coming home to roost" ? Don't tell me the Finance Ministry couldn't see this one coming. Combined with the strengthening of the baht I wouldn't expect any major investments from overseas corporations. Toyota could well be the last auto manufacturer to set up a new plant here. Given that such plants require multi-billion dollar investments in retooling every 15 years or so any plants which require this kind of investment any time soon will probably be shut down instead. Doesn't just happen in Thailand either. In 15 years from now there's bound to be cheaper places to make cars than Thailand.

  3. I thought discussion of the moderators was discouraged in TV rules......but you have to admit, there's certainly some curiosity amongst the TV community. Threads like this make you all seem just that little bit more human.....well, in most cases with some exceptions.....who'll remain nameless.

  4. Berty, do you mean that auto manufacturers produce cars which can go faster than they are capable of safely ? Surely, as good corporatre citizens, they wouldn't do that. Wow, don't tell US lawyers....they'll have a field day.

    The manufacturers would have a plausible defence that the major contributing factor to safety at 200kph is the driver, with the chassis dynamics coming somewhat further down the list.

    I'd rather be doing 200kph in my Honda Jazz (downhill with a tailwind) than 100kph in some of those airport taxis.

  5. the girl may have been offended.....but I wonder if she was curious about how much the offer might have been. I wonder if the guy would get the same answer at 1,000Bt as he would at 1 million Bt., or 100 million Bt for that matter.

    Makes me wonder who made the first offer of sex in return for something of value.....the man or the woman. My guess is it was the woman, but we'll never know for sure.

  6. Absolutely agree with the "no seal belt - no ride" approach. It works.

    You could try explaining what happens when someone goes through the windscreen of a car...I believe the medical term is "degloved", which basically means they get their skin peeled off. It's terribly painful and usually results in a slow excruciating death.

    Alternatively, drive like a complete madman and they'll either refuse to travel with you....or they'll belt up every time. Either way, problem solved.

  7. The government needs to get tough with the civil servants, without whose complicity, none of these scams could have taken place.

    Amnesty does appear to be the only way to go, but with certain provisions:

    - the amnesty will only be for a limited time, say 3 to 6 months

    - those claiming amnesty must be seen to give absolute co-operation to investigators. Anything less and the amnesty is withdrawn and replaced with prosecution

    - anyone claiming amnesty is granted immunity from criminal or civil prosecution and must decalre the financial benefits they received and return them to the state

    - introduce new sentencing guidelines which significantly increases the penalty for anyone who does not come forward during the amnesty and is subsequently convicted of a corruption offence with a mandatory confiscation of 100% of the assets and those of their immediate family

    Simply put, make the price to pay for keeping silent unbearable for the guilty and their families.

  8. for those on this thread who believe that marriage gives them the right to do whatever they want sexually to their partner (you know who you are)....IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP FROM YOUR DREAM.

    These are not the Middle Ages and your marital partner is not your posession, regardless of how much sin sod you paid.

    Forcing another to do anything against their will is a crime, morally if not criminally. A man who exerts his will against his wife through his physical strength is a coward.

  9. This proposal is likely to get Thailand more international media coverage that other recent events, none of it likely to be favourable.

    What could the Justice Ministry officials have been thinking when they came up with this ? Was there a single woman involved in the decision ? There's no arguing against the reasoning to make a law apply equally to all sexes, but surely the basic premise of the law has to be valid in the first place.

    Legalising rape in marriage is no better than accepting as legal the honour killings which happen in Muslim societies, or other acts of intolerance.

    If rape in marriage is legal how about some legislation forcing the husband to provide for the offspring resulting from those rapes ? If a woman rapes her husband and gets pregnant, who pays for the child then ?

    Definitely another knee-jerk reaction to a problem without thinking about the consequences. Astounding that it took legislators more than 5 years to come up with this.

    The sex act itself probably isn't the big issue between husband and wife. It's more the violence which usually accompanies the act and the imposition of one's will over another which are the big issues.

    With so many Thais separated, sometimes for years, but still legally married, surely this is reason enough to make rape in marriage illegal.

    Thais are free to make whatever laws they want in their own country, but they also need to consider they have a place in the wider world as well. While this proposed amendment does not significantly contribute to increasing divisions in Thai society, it sure doesn't go anywhere near reducing those divisions which already exist.

    Those at the Justice Ministrry responsible for this apalling decision need to think again and the powers that be need to consider very thoroughly the fitness of those responsible to be in the positions they hold.

  10. Can't go past IBM. These are virtually bullet proof and come with a three year international warranty. The company has the resources and the reputation to back up the warranty anywhere. Run out models at reduced prices available most months. Prices range from entry level 35,000Bt to top of the line 100,000Bt+. They're not any more expensive than other top shelf brands.

    Some models are available from the larger stores at Pantip or you can contact an IBM reseller (SEANET is one company I've bought from).

    IBM rank with Sony Vaio and HP/Compaq but their focus is more business and reliability oriented while the Sonys and HPs tend to focus on having all the latest bells and whistles. For something that's meant to be portable and take some occassional rough treatment I prefer the reliability to the gadgets.

    Useful built in features include backup/restore software, security software, ability to restore back to factory software preload without any CDs, unique hard disk shock protection.

    Also, they come in any colour you want, as long as you want black.

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