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Posts posted by NewInPatts

  1. Doesn't exist.

    This is Bangkok, not Ibiza Town - you've got Wax and Glow, not KM5 or DC10

    With but a handful of exceptions, foreign DJs in Bangkok are utter <deleted> so they'll be unfamiliar with the kind of deep house I suspect you're looking for.

    When you ask these idiots who their MUSICAL influences are, instead of naming real artists, they'll reel off a list of DJs whom they admire for their trendy tattoos, friendship bracelet collection and their ability to make hand-hearts and punch the air just as the drop comes in.

    Seriously, I shit you not

    If you're a talented DJ, you're not in Bangkok playing to wannabe-hip Thais, Antipodean clowns in fishermen's pants and 3rd rate Eastern European models who think Swedish House Mafia actually make house music.

    No, you're in Europe or parts of the US playing to a musically-knowledgeable crowd that can spot filler from the Beatport Top 50 within the first few bars of a track and make sure you KNOW they can

    Any idiot can play to a clueless audience of social media poseurs and get applause. Playing in Bangkok doesn't require you to raise your game because, put simply, most of your audience doesn't know the difference between house and trance

    If 95% of the sets I've heard at places like Glow and Wax were played in London, the DJs would have been beaten to within an inch of their lives.

    Your best bet is to pick up some birds, bring them back to yours and play your own compliations

    Well said.. so far we did our own after-hours and just rented a decent hotel room in the morning. Obviously not the best solution (music) but better than nothing.

    So, in Bkk and after routing about in TV for hours, you spend the night in your room.

    Lordy, lordy, you and I need to sit down and have a chat. But in the interim here's another tip: RCA. Bunch of Thai-style clubs. You may or may not like the music but go with Thais and you should have fun.

    I think you got that totally wrong. We are usually out in places like RCA / Escobar / Safe House and such but afterwards there is nothing much going on so we just rent a room together and continue our 'party' there.

  2. Doesn't exist.

    This is Bangkok, not Ibiza Town - you've got Wax and Glow, not KM5 or DC10

    With but a handful of exceptions, foreign DJs in Bangkok are utter <deleted> so they'll be unfamiliar with the kind of deep house I suspect you're looking for.

    When you ask these idiots who their MUSICAL influences are, instead of naming real artists, they'll reel off a list of DJs whom they admire for their trendy tattoos, friendship bracelet collection and their ability to make hand-hearts and punch the air just as the drop comes in.

    Seriously, I shit you not

    If you're a talented DJ, you're not in Bangkok playing to wannabe-hip Thais, Antipodean clowns in fishermen's pants and 3rd rate Eastern European models who think Swedish House Mafia actually make house music.

    No, you're in Europe or parts of the US playing to a musically-knowledgeable crowd that can spot filler from the Beatport Top 50 within the first few bars of a track and make sure you KNOW they can

    Any idiot can play to a clueless audience of social media poseurs and get applause. Playing in Bangkok doesn't require you to raise your game because, put simply, most of your audience doesn't know the difference between house and trance

    If 95% of the sets I've heard at places like Glow and Wax were played in London, the DJs would have been beaten to within an inch of their lives.

    Your best bet is to pick up some birds, bring them back to yours and play your own compliations

    Well said.. so far we did our own after-hours and just rented a decent hotel room in the morning. Obviously not the best solution (music) but better than nothing.

  3. You did not change from a non-b to a non-o.at immigration.

    You apparently left the country and got a 30 day visa exempt entry that you then converted to a 90 day non-o visa entry. You then called it a 60 day extension because you got 60 days more than your 30 day entry.

    You need to find out why your extension was denied. You can apply again during the last 30 days of the 60 day extension.

    Thats exactly the case. I forgot that I actually went outside the country to cancel my old visa, returned and converted it.

    Now I am still not sure why the 90 day card on the left is stamped exactly 90 days but the stamp on the right says 60 days.

    Total confusion.

  4. Sorry I meant the one year extension, where you have to do 90 day reports. I had the financial requirements.

    So, what exactly did you ask for at CW, an extension of 90 days or one year? And are you currently here in Thailand on a Non Immigrant entry?


    Converted Non-B to Non-O based on marriage and got 60 days. Went for the 1 year extension today with all the proper paper work and got a 60 day stamp and was told to come back in 60 days.

    They obviously weren't sure what to do.

  5. Hey,

    I just got back from CW Immigration. I got an initial 60day stamp based on having a thai wife.

    Went with all my docs, bank book etc to get a 90 day extension.

    Despite having all the paperwork I only got 60 days!

    Even the Officers were confused on what the rules are, so its pretty much unpredictable.

    Just to let you guys know, I had all papers in order, pictures, rental contract, bank book.. all the bells and whistles but still only got 60 instead of 90 days.

  6. maybe you should go back to london or Amsterdam ........ you can sit there bombed out and do nothing .. blink.png

    Not sure what this has to do with drugs if one wants to go for dinner at 9pm - have a few drinks after and hit the club at midnight and the whole club closes at 3am the latest.

  7. 5am to lunch would be after hours in some places - you know like ibiza, berlin, london

    not going to find anything like that in bangkok tho

    ecstasy fuelled rave scene never hit thailand

    Thats exactly what I was looking for.. those after hour clubs you have in berlin, amsterdam and such places. Playing some mellow deep house etc..

  8. What are some decent (not pick up spots) that open after hours in Bangkok?

    Especially some which play electronic music.

    Not looking for anything like spicy or something like that. A proper after-hour club which goes from 5am till lunch time or some like that.

    I have only found one so far which is a total crap shoot. So if anyone knows any decent club (not pick up spot) please let me know.

    If they open during the week, even better! wink.png

  9. What are you going to do when the hospital presents you with an invoice of 100k ?...... you did agree to pay the costs didn't you.

    You got that wrong. The insurance said 30k is too high and they won't cover it and they have to go the hospital to find out the real price and the insurance will cover it.

    It probably doesn't even require operation, the 'bone' doctor wasn't there and they put on a big show as always. Wouldn't be surprised if she needs no operation at all.

    So far all her claims have been bullshit.

  10. Went to the police station and she demanded 30,000 baht and claimed she need an operation now. Her previous claim of 54,000 vanished since she couldn't justify it with her payment slips and so on.

    The insurance said ok fine, we have to find out the real price for the operation and she said "no, I want to have operation in my home town" - basically just trying to scam some money and not get any operation.

    So off we went to some government hospital to find out the real price and its literally 1/3 of what she asked for.

    Now we will send the amount direct to the hospital, take the invoice, present it to our insurance and will get it back.

    Was their last ditch effort to scam some money out of us.. of course no word about court or anything like that since they knew we called their bluff.

    Case closed.

    Mate do you take your wife with you each time you go? and does she understand anything?

    Sorry not picking on you, but you seem to dig deeper holes for yourself every time you do things

    1. You should not have to pay a cent, insurance pays. It is NOT you pay and later claim

    2. Government hospital is FREE as i already pointed out for you, woman is employed and has social security.

    3. She is over 50, so assuming her work place does not pay social security, not only its illegal, but due to age she would have FREE medical care because of age.

    4. Compulsory insurance taken out when paying tax includes up to 15 000 in medical bills, her failure to have one and still driving is illegal.

    Case is far from closed, if i were you, it would be the time to consult the lawyer and try to reverse the mess you have gotten yourself into

    I agree with you on all counts - but that's the deal we made with the police. We signed papers that we don't have to come back anymore as we are moving anyway.

    I might be mistaken on paying the hospital first and presenting it to the insurance - it was my understanding from how it works in the west and I did let the wife do the talking.

    Honestly, I'd rather pay around the 10k for the operation versus some crazy amount. Obviously they don't have money to go to the court.

    I am not sure why the insurance guy would sent her to the hospital to get the real price of the bill when its supposed to be free. That was his idea, not ours.

    Appreciate your input and will bring that up this morning.

  11. Went to the police station and she demanded 30,000 baht and claimed she need an operation now. Her previous claim of 54,000 vanished since she couldn't justify it with her payment slips and so on.

    The insurance said ok fine, we have to find out the real price for the operation and she said "no, I want to have operation in my home town" - basically just trying to scam some money and not get any operation.

    So off we went to some government hospital to find out the real price and its literally 1/3 of what she asked for.

    Now we will send the amount direct to the hospital, take the invoice, present it to our insurance and will get it back.

    Was their last ditch effort to scam some money out of us.. of course no word about court or anything like that since they knew we called their bluff.

    Case closed.

  12. The insurance is talking to the station at this moment to clarify if the insurance can just go on my behalf.

    The only address is they have is an old address from my drivers license - we are moving out of town anyway. Perfect timing so to speak.

  13. If the insurance agent is also going to be there, it is for the final 'agreement' sign-off. There will probably be some more family members there to remonstrate and cajole you for cash but they can all bugger off. If they refuse to sign, then it's up to the insurance agent to chase them but if you sign off and have paid the fine, you are done and dusted and you have absolutely no reason to go back.

    Once signed theres nothing they can legally do to me as the case is closed, correct?

    Even if the other party doesn't sign.

  14. Sounds like par for the course at Nongprue police station. Your wife's phone number was bought from them. Just make sure your address details are not on any police statements. Unfortunately, if your home address is on your DL or insurance policy, they can sell that too.

    If you have paid your fine, the case is closed and the only reason the cops want you to go back is so they can assist in a last-ditch financial settlement outside the insurance... and pocket their fee.

    Don't bother with a lawyer, not needed unless they escalate stuff which I doubt they will. If push comes to shove, you can always get a new mobile number.

    Thats what bothers me - that I have to go back, I thought thats why I have insurance.

    From my understanding I have to go back to sign some papers where mine and the 'victims' signature has to be on to close the case.

    Them being really really rural people I am expecting things to escalate at the station, since she has no insurance, no tax sticker, no license - so they are trying to milk me.

    I will refuse to pay, the will threaten with court - which they can't afford - I will be asked to compensate them somehow - hopefully thats it and the case is closed.

    If I compensate them I just make matters worse in my opinion, as they know I opened my wallet once I will most likely do it again and I have no interest in compensating people that try to scam me in the first place.

    Does anyone know what happens, if I just don't show up? We are moving out of town anyway..

    Call insurance and get them to come also. It's not a criminal case so insurance should attend any meetings

    They will be there.

  15. Sounds like par for the course at Nongprue police station. Your wife's phone number was bought from them. Just make sure your address details are not on any police statements. Unfortunately, if your home address is on your DL or insurance policy, they can sell that too.

    If you have paid your fine, the case is closed and the only reason the cops want you to go back is so they can assist in a last-ditch financial settlement outside the insurance... and pocket their fee.

    Don't bother with a lawyer, not needed unless they escalate stuff which I doubt they will. If push comes to shove, you can always get a new mobile number.

    Thats what bothers me - that I have to go back, I thought thats why I have insurance.

    From my understanding I have to go back to sign some papers where mine and the 'victims' signature has to be on to close the case.

    Them being really really rural people I am expecting things to escalate at the station, since she has no insurance, no tax sticker, no license - so they are trying to milk me.

    I will refuse to pay, the will threaten with court - which they can't afford - I will be asked to compensate them somehow - hopefully thats it and the case is closed.

    If I compensate them I just make matters worse in my opinion, as they know I opened my wallet once I will most likely do it again and I have no interest in compensating people that try to scam me in the first place.

    Does anyone know what happens, if I just don't show up? We are moving out of town anyway..

  16. Tell us what you've learned from this and what advice would you pass on to others, please.

    Honestly? Drive with a stolen license plate and don't stop in case of any accident.

    That would be if I didn't have too much integrity to pull this off..

    Alright, perhaps in due course there are messages you want to share, the obvious one being that you have to let your insurance company agent deal with everything, another might be, don't sign anything that you don't fully understand and agree with and so on....

    Well of course, I am just pissed that they are trying to milk me.

    1) Don't sign anything unless a lawyer is present or your thai wife or a thai person who would catch a bullet for you and can translate it perfectly

    2) Let the insurance deal with everything - that's what you're paying them a premium for. Only get 1st class insurance.

    3) Don't try to help the victim at the scene of the accident, call EMS / Insurance company

    4) Sit in your car and lock the doors, depending on where you are. Can be quite dangerous as in my case in the middle of east pattaya with a bunch of angry villagers around and being the only white person.

    5) Don't take any phone calls from the victim and avoid any interaction with them outside of the police station. It will only make matters worse.

    6) Don't go to the station without a PROPER lawyer ( I know those are hard to find, especially in Pattaya) unless you have family friends with police connections or can assist you in the matter. Just like in our case, replace the case officer.

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