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Everything posted by hughrection

  1. Pizza Poster. 🙂
  2. What about some reciprocation when it comes to being married to a Thai for many years. Make it automatic to be able to apply for citizenship after a certain amount of years and stop holding literally thousands of families at hostage. I would have to leave Thailand if I couldn't come up with the 400,000 baht every year - where is the humanity in that? What about doing something for the greater good and not just about making money. It's disgusting. 😞
  3. I have went through all 4 pages so far with multiple comments and have yet to see anyone condone this action. 😞 I have no dog in this hunt as I am not American and cannot vote, but it does give an indication of how broke the political system is when nobody has said this is the wrong thing to do. It is sad to see Americans on here being so far apart in all aspects of their lives. I fear this hatred will never end. It's sad. That's my piece - now get back to your squabbling.
  4. If FD means fixed then Yes they do. Check the BOT website for list of banks covered.
  5. Was asked by GSB for marriage cert when trying to open account. WP - check. Passport - check Pink ID - check Seen marriage cert on her list and insisted on it. I asked if I need to get married to open an account and she responded 'Yes.' LOL I tried to explain that the things on the list were what could be asked for but not all are required if you have some. Was havin none of it. 🙂 Off I pop to another of their branches - WP & passport - Account opened!
  6. It certainly does the hear good. A heartwarming story that we all should take influence from. Notice no pics or posting on social media. Just give and move on. Saw an older guy Monday this week. He had one of those 3 -wheel bicycle things that a handle moves along. His legs were no good and he was rummaging through bins in the rain. Swung the truck around, did a u-turn and gave him some cash. The expression on his face was reward enough. He wasn't begging but trying to make his own way & this needs to be rewarded. 🙂
  7. The number of elderly people in my local Thai hospital is massive and many are there for simple ailments that a few baht in a chemist would solve. They actually get upset if a doctor tells them that they have the cold & should stay at home, have hot drinks and stay warm. If the doctor doesn't prescribe them something, they feel slighted and let him/her know. Many docs just prescribe them vitamin A to get them on their way. Maybe the small payment of the 30 baht might make them think before they make an unnecessary trip. If something is totally free, people will abuse it.
  8. Another additional option .......... smart watches now can call designated numbers if you fall over and fail to stand up after a specified time. Also, you can buy a dongle that has a sim card. Similarly, you program in up to 5 numbers and if you press the button in an emergency, it calls them all. Technology is there to assist. 🙂
  9. Unfortunately, you need to be paying tax on a 40k Thai baht salary. I earn more than this but my Uni cooks the books and so only declares less and puts the remainder down to housing allowance. I can't therefore apply even though I have been here 20 years with about 15 of them on work permit. 😞
  10. this just in ...... Election Commission backs new party in branch row Registration rules are in order, it says. 🙂 Get it right up yeh.
  11. A VETERAN Khon Kaen politician and his secretary were on Thursday handed two-month prison sentences for stripping a reporter to his underpants in 2016. He has a prison record - how can this guy be a senator?????????????
  12. Why are none of you commenting on this? You cannot be a senator with a criminal record! This guy has been sentenced by the courts.
  13. You will be asked for a deposit as the bike is far back in a storage shed. You will pay deposit and never hear from them again. This is a scam on FB. Walk away.
  14. The pandemic cost 7 million lives - did it? Really ? With what we know now about with covid and from covid ? Statistics can favor anyone if they are created right. The same applies with the number of lives saved by the shot? Purely a guessing game in favor of big Pharma in my opinion.
  15. What ad blocker are you using? I get no reminders and never have.
  16. Here ya go. 🙂 https://www.lazada.co.th/products/gree-solar-cell-solar-hybrid-power-12000-btu-i4031886559-s19954844303.html?
  17. Here's me thinkin that he was avoiding tax and laundering it - Apologies. 🙂
  18. Chachoengsao - wife is from there.
  19. Yes thanks, aware of that. He is just nervous about the 1 day overstay. Should he wait for imm to open or do the border bounce?
  20. Family member arrived in Thailand on 30 day on arrival. 30 days are up on the 16th. Immigration doesn't open until the 17th. What to do - visit immigration when they open and get 7 day extension or do border hop today the 14th (is the border open?) ? He is travelling with Thai wife & kids. Many thanks in advance.
  21. If you can't understand that it has nothing to do with the 200 baht, then I can't help you. Try this then - they charged 10,000 baht - does it make a difference to you now? 😞 Can you understand the fuss? Thai immigration get a salary just like me and I make do. I don't charge ' clients' xtra money for services that are free because I am not corrupt. If they want to make more money then don't join the police. It's simple.
  22. Why so rude? I never seen it so I asked you where I could find it. A simple, 'it can be seen on their desks' would have been sufficient. Sheeeesh!
  23. It's simple ....... there is no fee for the transfer for you, buuuuut if she can find anything else that will create a problem then that's when the 'fee' will come up to make it go away. It's immigration Thailand 101.
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