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Posts posted by DirtyDan

  1. Hey Saudi Arabia,In the America there seems to be a hold on executions ( something about the proper drugs used) so do you time to assist us if we ship to 40 or 50 felons from here?

    The difference is that felons in the US have undergone due process and been unequivocally found guilty of heinous acts. In Saudi, the punishments do not reflect the crimes.

  2. I invest in stocks - large companies and many of which pay regular dividends. The dividends are nice because they're taxed at a lower rate than personal income and they can be reinvested into more stock.

    If you're positive you don't need it for 15 years (no medical/housing/bereavement/katoey-operations) then simply put it into blue chip stocks. These will be the big ones on the market - energy (XOM), Banking, Telcom, Transportation, Commodities. Pick a dozen stocks and start buying. You could also cheat and use a mutual fund for large cap companies (maybe a little less risky having someone in the game pick your targets)

    $2k/month after 15 years at a reasonable 8% return will turn your $360K investment into $675.2k (this does not discount for inflation). If you choose a mutual fund, the managers will take a percent every year knocking you down to $622.2k but might be worth it to mitigate risk of selecting your own individual stocks.

    You also want to make sure you're putting this money into an institution / bank that is credible - not one of the random Singaporean numbers that keep calling asking to invest your money. wink.png

    Keep in mind that during the next 15 years, the stock market may go up and down, (which is why you need to be sure you will not need to cash in the stocks - it hurts when the shares are worth less) but over any 15 year time-span your initial investment will recover.

  3. Putin wants to turn this into World War III. He is begging for a fight.

    Or is he merely testing all his borders and reinforcing them?

    Russia has invaded Georgia and Crimea without the world being too upset. Now they fly over Turkey but actually held accountable for illegal incursions (assuming we believe the Western media saying the jet was in actually in Turkic air space).

    Some interesting reads:


    http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21643220-russias-aggression-ukraine-part-broader-and-more-dangerous-confrontation (I like this one)

    http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-myth-of-russian-aggression/5394632 (Interestingly showing a more Russian bias - Bangkok based writer :) )

  4. I've had the burrito at La Monita's and really enjoyed it. How does Sabroso compare to Senior Pico's?

    I can also recommend Mejico in central world - their taquitos are awesome - and as another plus, I heard they recently got a new chief direct from Mexico city.

  5. My banking has always been a mess and with this recent downturn in our patch, my tax situation may be changing as I may return to consulting but really don't want to leave the LoS. So I appreciate any insight.

    FrankH, does your fancy Swiss system work if it's a direct pay-cheque being deposited or is it into an account owned by a registered business? If so, how do you get around the corporate tax?

    If Thai tax is only paid on income coming into the Kingdom, what's the best way to bring in cash? Buy Baht at the foreign bank or possibly even gold coins? Has anyone ever been issued a tax bill for aggregate ATM withdrawals?

    • Like 1
  6. Don't over look this one point: Nestle is the one blowing the whistle here!

    They're admitting anyone that does buying here in LoS is opening themselves up to the slavery issue. The American legal system is making it so the Corporations can't be honest with their findings... Nestle went out and actually traced the roots of their supply chain only so some sleazy attorneys and their starry-eyes clients can fulfill their get-rich-quick fantasies. The article says class actions suits have already been brought forth by pet food purchasers in the US, how will that help the people currently chained in boats here?

    Now, if Nestle continues to buy from slavers after publishing their findings, then we talk boycott.

    PS IMA FARANG: Recent CEOs canned for ethics violations - 2015 United Airline's for the unprofitable routes solely for government officials (investigation pending), 2011 BP's CEO after the Macondo blowout. Corporations are owned by their shareholders - regular people - that should hold their company's executive accountable for ethics.

  7. I often chuckle at some of the expats in our circles that are paying extortionate prices for their monthly condo rent. I could also tell you about the couple that lives in a 4,500 sqft apartment because their relocation agent told them that's all that's available. Or how about those Nichida prices, $7,500 USD per month doesn't go as far as it used too! I guess junior's edumacation is worth the location?

    Anyway, stumbled across this great blog and thought I would share it with the community. We negotiated a 25% reducing simply by signing a 2 year lease. Anyone else have rental tips?


  8. I wouldn't live anywhere that involves needing the BTS. That's one disastrous bit of transit on so many levels.

    I like my area a lot. So much so, I'm not sharing. No hi.so flats so no worries.

    While I agree the BTS was not planned very well to accommodate future growth (and its current state), it's the only efficient way to move around downtown during rush hour. I personally would not live in a place where I couldn't walk to a BTS station! (Within 1.6 kM anyways)

  9. It amazing how the major Thai banks are raising the foreign card fee at the same time...shows how little banking competition there is in Thailand and how the banks must get together to discuss fees.

    You do realise who owns the banks here, right? whistling.gif

    200baht and then my home bank hits me up for additional 150baht.. Sucks when I want to take out more than the 20,000 transaction limit.

    Several banks have ATMs that offer 25K, the yellow ones in/around BKK offer up to 30K, BKK Bank 25K.

  10. I've recently stumbled into K.U. Garden. While it's all pet food on the ground floor, the upstairs was all gardening and irrigation supplies - way better selection than the HomePros nearer to inner-city BKK (LadPro/BangNa). Also, be sure you can communicate decently in Thai. ;)

  11. Fair enough. I'm from a cold climate and had assumed that's why my smuggled fruit / veggies were dying... (much lake grapes planted in very hot climates need to be harvested sooner or rot on the vine). Any chance your nighttime temps in NM were sufficiently low enough to stave off the effects on next day's warmer temps?

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