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Posts posted by DirtyDan

  1. This seems fishy...

    1) A fisherman sees someone directly polluting their catch area and doesn't radio it in? (says they "communicated with other boats in the area - assume they had a radio?)

    2) Hasn't it already been confirmed to be coming from an estuary?

    3) Who would spend $324,000 USD dumping +/- 7000 bbls (1 MT) of oil overboard? Here's my conspiracy theory of the day: A gift from an adjacent tourist area currently afflicted by the low tourist numbers in the LoS? (or record tourist numbers if you read the TAT reports... rolleyes.gif )

  2. I don't know of anyplace that rents (maybe the fancy dress shop on nana X petchburi - but I think that's all costumes). But for the price of a rental in the US ($200) you can have something made. Spend a little more and get something you'll wear forever.

    Honestly, you'd be surprised how often you find events to wear a tuxedo at if you got it hanging in your closet. wink.png

  3. @alt was the result good? Is it Worth it?

    Yes, and yes.

    First time was in Vietnam. I then wanted to get it done again in BKK. BKK was obviously more expensive but still very cheap compared to western prices.

    The place I went to on Suk Rd. is inside this plaza (1st or 2nd floor): https://www.google.ie/maps/@13.73859,100.558136,3a,75y,205.32h,89.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZJoFmOmmWhXGWW0JrC8JRA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

    Found them professional, perfect English (the dentist... the receptionist had almost none). They also had my records from 4 years ago when I first went there. Also they mentioned I had a few cavities but didn't even try to sell me anything, just advised I get them sorted out at some stage 'when you go home'

    Ps. While having the laser job done, get your teeth cleaned... oh my god it was the best feeling in the world after

    You had your teeth whitened but didn't get fillings to repair the decay in the structure of your teeth? Seriously?

    You should see his car! Engine oil is almost tar from lack of changing, headlights are burned out, tires have no tread, and the brakes are worn to the shoe... but Boy, does it ever shine in the sunlight after having a nice new coat of wax!

    What's the point of whitening teeth that will fall out if you let the cavities grow unchecked?

    On point: I see cosmetic teeth whitening clinics in every dental shop here in BKK.

  4. When we arrived in LoS, we were first told that veggie is ahaan jai... after never being able to find it, we have since learned that for simply requesting the veggie menu at a restaurant, mongsawrat is the proper way to ask.

  5. It has reopened. If you go down Soi 13 until the end (Suk 49), then turn right at the junction continue straight on until you reach the crossroads at the side of Racquet Club. Turn left there and there is a Fuji Supermarket on the left hand side. They are located in a house on the right hand side of that road nearly directly opposite Fuji.

    It is on Soi 49/11 Alley or Phrom Si 1 if you search google maps.

    Y'all are thinking of Thon Krueng - the place on Soi Phrom Sri 1 is just their parking area, the restaurant is on 49.

    Nice places around Thong Lo:

    1) http://www.patarathailand.com/ Thai food - owned by S&P but their food is amazing (great wine list as well)

    2) Bo Lan (on 51? or 53?) - super good Thai food and wine pairings

    3) Soul Food (on 55) - High end Thai - people either love it for its quality or hate it for its price. (I love it)

    4) Paste (on 49) - Thai fusion - small intimate place that I would rank as one of BKK's best

    5) Smith's (on 49) - Used to frequent their Sunday brunch, and I've heard their dinner is really good too.

    6) On Thonglor 13 (the side street from Thong Lor to Samitivej hospital) there a sushi place in on the ground level the Nihonmura Mall (just across from Tribeca - which also makes decent breakfasts) - that serves massive slabs of cheap salmon. Awesome value sushi place!

    7) In the same Nihonmura complex is Umenohana - some of the best Japanese Kaiseki I've had outside of Kyoto (including other parts of Japan)

    8) Game over Café (the one SoiSauce was referencing a couple posts ago) - good burgers.

    9) is you're up for a walk the other way, just past Ekkamai is Mikellar which has amazing beer selection and good food as well (not just standard pub grub but scallops and coldcut plates and salads)

    there's so many.... and I'm getting hungry now thinking about them.

  6. They are real.. Its illegal to sell fake goods in Thailand.

    Sent from my c64

    Wasn't there a recent quote from one of the ruling government officials that there is no prostitution in Bangkok because they have a law against it?

  7. Didn't the Military announce last week that there would be no more police stops! I guess like everything else it didn't last that long.

    Military can make all the announcements it wants, but until the BIB start making a living wage (one that provides them with enough funds left over after gun purchase), they're going to have to make their money some other way...

  8. Privacy? The age of privacy is dead.

    Unless your bank account is numbered (no connection to your name) and held by a financial institution with no ties in anyway to your home country (I'm thinking a private Swiss institution), you cannot assume privacy.

    A few years ago Scotiabank (Canadian) was subpoenaed to release information to the Canadian government about its account holders in the Cayman Islands despite anonymity being required according to the laws of the Cayman Islands. One country's laws trumped the other's.

  9. Can anyone be more specific? I've bought a pair el-cheap shoes from Findig but wouldn't trust their belts. Also, My brother bought a few belts from a shop on the same floor - got a year out of them before they disintegrated...

    And in this heat, I'm not sure I'd blame the belt itself as I also have a high quality Euro belt that was destroyed after a few days of being subjected to the sweat caused from me tromping around in tropical temperatures.

  10. {...}

    Of course I use digital music. That's not the point. The point is that someone asked where to buy CDs and you come in and start throwing the word retarded about because they don't use the medium you want them to. Everybody knows what digital music is and does- you've totally missed the point of the thread. Do something useful and point the original poster in the direction of something he actually wants, rather than something you've patronisingly assumed that he needs.

    And yeah, some people like rummaging. You're not one of them. That's great, but I'm glad everybody in the world isn't as bland and conformist as you.

    So. Know any good CD shops in Bangkok or not?

    I logged in just to give you a +1 !

    Watching this thread with eagerness as my retarded ears also love the warm sounds of vinyl (I find CD's to be hollow/tinny).

  11. "...Thailand’s safety standard position will not be reduced from its past standing as 1st tier in international aviation industry to unfavourable 2nd tier nation"

    They do have a way with words. Info share: LoS is ALREADY red-flagged! Someone should inform the good Secretary that he's now trying to play catch up.

    I'm trying to link the info directly from the ICAO website, but the graph is not loading. Sure wish we had a single internet gateway instead of the individual ISPs blocking selective information... http://www.icao.int/safety/pages/usoap-results.aspx

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