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Posts posted by DirtyDan

  1. I agree with the other posters here that the seller has a good opportunity to scam you - I think you know that too! wink.png

    Now, how this transaction is being executed!? Let's remove the "family" issue from this little business transaction and look at it strictly in business terms (this is a business transaction after all):

    You buying something for someone else. Only, you have to actually buy it for a third person. But the third person has said he would transfer it to your intended recipient. Does that seem normal to you? Why wouldn't the recipient take possession of it directly? What happens if the other person is in a car crash, or has a stroke, or something equally horrible and cannot physically transfer the item - do you trust the third person's next of kin? Do you trust all of their spouses and kids too, that they will do the "right" thing?

    I believe you trust your wife, but do you realise that the way this transaction is set up will open your liability to a whole host of other individuals. What if someone in her family is not as trustworthy (and we all have that person in our closets). And trust me, Dirty's lil' brother works in wealth management and has seen it all. Money does strange things to people - not Thai bashing, because there's just as many crooked Westerners that have knocked heads over the strong box.

    Take your time. There's lots of land out there. Do this right as you're not only protecting yourself, you're protecting her and your future together.

  2. 1) Buy the bourbon stateside and put it in checked luggage (note there is a slim chance it could get broken)

    2) Buy the bourbon at the duty free shop in the airport of your last connection and take with you in your carryon luggage (if you buy it in the States, it could get confiscated when you go through security at a connection - remember ICN and NRT/HND stealing booze, bastards).

    3) If you take the booze out of the secure section of the BKK, you will not be allowed to carry it onto the HKT flight as it would be confiscated when you attempt to go through security again (more than 3.4oz) so you would have to check it - put it in a big ziplock and hope it makes it.

    ( If you're planning on drinking it in the airport, as long as you don't leave security, there should be no issues - but don't open the duty-free bag until after you go through BKK connecting security. ;) )

  3. It boggles my mind that people buy stuff at Villa that can bought for fraction of the price just around the corner at the local markets.

    I was at the local market a couple weeks ago and picked up some squid for 180Bt/kg. Had to stop at Villa on the way home for a couple "delicacies" I cannot find at the market (avocadoes and spinach) and saw the same type of squid, sitting in the same type of ice water, for 1500Bt/kg - more than 800% mark up! And you know damn well it all comes from the same place.

    There was another time I was one red onion shy for a recipe and ran into Villa to grab it. I had forgotten to weigh it so when the runner brought the 56Bt onion back to the till, the cashier told her it must be wrong (in Thai). The girls actually laughed about how much we pay for stuff.

    I hate Villa but I've learned that there's always someone willing to take as much money are you're will to give. People, get over your fears of seeing meat sitting on ice and shop where the "locals" go.

  4. Here's another question I have... early reports stated there was a second device affixed to the BTS support that police disarmed. Was there actually a bomb or was this something made up in translation? If they did have another intact device, they could certainly be using that to base their investigation on instead of having to comb the entire blast area (just a thought from a keyboard detective).

  5. I just received my 1 year licence ...26 Aug 2015 to 26 Aug 2017 ?? [emoji15]

    Discussed a couple of times.

    It has always been a "temporary license" not a "1 year license".

    See the document.

    "1 year" was just a "nickname".

    And they changed it to two years since 24(?) March 2015.

    I am too lazy to search for my post on that.

    We were wondering why Mrs. Dirty got a 2 year license... I should have read the old posts, but thank you for posting useful information (even if I didn't read it in time).

    K. Phatcharanan, we were at building 4 of the Department of Land Transport up near Mor Chit.

  6. Just renewed by license yesterday in BKK.

    1) No notification is sent in the mail

    2) They still wanted a copy of my home-country license

    3) I needed a medical certificate (which I got from a walk-in clinic, stethoscope check only)

    4) I did not need to bring my own pictures

    5) exact same aptitude "tests" as before

    6) it cost 655 Bt

    Was that for a new temporary license?

    I changed in my 1 year temporary for the 5 (almost 6) year regular license. I think there was an additional charge added on (50bt?) for them having to update my new passport numbers onto the new license.

  7. Just renewed by license yesterday in BKK.

    1) No notification is sent in the mail

    2) They still wanted a copy of my home-country license

    3) I needed a medical certificate (which I got from a walk-in clinic, stethoscope check only)

    4) I did not need to bring my own pictures

    5) exact same aptitude "tests" as before

    6) it cost 655 Bt

  8. The images and video have been online for 24 hours . You can even see the guy go to the shrine with a backpack in two , sit down take it off and get up and leave without it. Definitely Middle eastern looking.

    The Thai new slinks say He was taken there by a taxi, and while he went to the shrine the taxi waited, after he left the bomb he returned to the same taxi and departed, less then 30 seconds later the bomb went off. The Taxi went to Don Mueang airport and the Taxi driver has said the man spoke english. If he went directly top the the airport , chances are he was on an outbound flight and is far from here now.

    Where are you getting this info? All the media stories, like this one just posted minutes ago say he took a motorcycle taxi to Silom. Also, the time stamp on the video of the guy is about 15 minutes prior to the explosion time. The time might be off on the time stamp, but 15 minutes difference seems quite a bit discrepancy. If he went straight to Don Mueang, there should be video of him easily obtainable.


    "Police have questioned the motorcycle taxi driver who drove the bomb suspect to Silom shortly after the explosion."

    You beat me to it about questioning this new "lead" on the taxi to DMK. goof.gif

    Time stamps are only as good as the person that sets the timer (my mother's VCR still only blinks after every time the power goes out).

  9. . . .

    Second, the police have not officially revealed that they have identified the bomber, and have accessed his facebook and instagram accounts. There are pictures of our friendly neighborhood bomber in military fatigues holding a gun on those websites and the media has accessed these as well. Somyet should keep his mouth shut until the investigation is complete (which of course he is not doing, and why hasn't he been sacked yet?). But the media has every right to be taking a hard look at the Uighurs and is not off-base by focusing the public's attention on them.

    Well, let's consider Thai culture for a moment: One cannot be seen as not having the answers and it is better to say something (anything) than admit to not know.

    Now, combine the cultural aspects of not wanting to lose face with the questionable translations being published verbatim by English media sources and we end up in a situation with much confusion for us non-Thai speakers. Remember, none of these quotes are directly from the horse's mouth.

  10. From the pictures you posted... what you really need are just clothes that fit you properly.

    The ones on the right are all slim fitted and the pants are not bag (have a low rise through the crotch area). Take these exact pictures into the shop with you and don't leave until you're satisfied you're dressed the same way.

    Note - this may not work with some of the Bangkok tailors (as I learned years ago) as you will still end up with whatever they think is fashionable...

    I know there's a guy that makes custom denim in Bangkok (you can Google it), I'm sure you could get proper pants form him.

  11. Another source of info I would point you towards are the style forums on the net: www.styleforum.net

    The problem with going to a lot of these local "tailors", is that you end up looking like a 70s Bollywood hero. Double buttons and a two tone contrast collar in bright polyester purple? no problem. And in all honesty, unless you really know what you want, even when going to one of the few real tailors in BKK, you'll end with Thai fashion (which is what it is. But if you're looking for classic style, local fittings will not leave you happy).

    And I'm modifying my post to add this tidbit, Unless you have the physique of the guy on the right (with the shoulder to waist ratio of a pro-surfer that easily does sets of 12 pull-ups when at the gym), no slim fitting t-shirt is going to make you look like the guy on the left. Be happy to keep your shirt un-tucked like the rest of us chubby wnakers. wink.png

  12. You're going to get a wide variety of answers between the actual professionals hand-picked for their expertise to the people simply trying to extend their endless summer by faking bachelors degrees to teach ESL for minimum wage (people that think your living allowance offer is an outrageous salary expectation). Honestly, a lot of it depends on the lifestyle you're looking for and might I add that wine here is really expensive.

    I would recommend taking a look at condo pricing online - things have changed a lot in recent years (so Mrs. Dirty tells me). Also, school fees to ensure a decent education are very expensive (more so than Oz!); this is a case of you get what you pay for.

    Some things to negotiate:

    Car (Driver?) - including fuel, tolls, insurance

    Tax preparation

    Health Insurance.

    Moving allowance (helps cover the incidental like tossed food, small appliance re-purchasing, etc)

    Moving assistance - people to help with condo lease, driver's licenses, bank accounts (all things you can do yourself, but much nicer with a native speaker).

    Language lessons

    Remember, the more they help you by hiring people to handle the little things, the more time you can focus on your job duties - big negotiation point.

    Good luck and welcome back!

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