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jing jing

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Posts posted by jing jing

  1. I miss the street life. In Thailand life is lived outside; back in the West when I drive down the street I can't help but wonder where all the people are. I miss all the sounds and smells and electricity in the air. Thailand truly is (with apologies to SoftCell) a nonstop erotic cabaret.

  2. For my opinion on your post I wouldn't feel too agrieved at commencing it, I think you have said you wished you hadn't started it, but I can't really see what harm you can do as long as it doesn't become obsessive and affect his schooling or character.

    the OP probably meant he wishes he hadn't started this topic, eh? :o

    sorry to be a trifle negative in my previous post but there is a tremendous amount of rejection in the business even for top models and for sure one needs a very thick skin to properly deal with it.

    it's one thing if you are approached by an agent or producer and asked if you would mind putting your child in a commercial - in that case there's not much to lose - but putting your 18 month old kid out there on a bunch of cattle calls just seems a bit odd to me.

    I'll admit my wife and I considered getting some commercial exposure for our son based upon others reactions to him, but... he's only 9 months old right now and the bottom line is that I'm just not comfortable shopping him around at such a tender age. maybe if someone walked up and offered to put him in an ad I'd be tempted but I know the chances of that happening are next to nil.

    some food for thought, nikkijah:

    you and your boy's mom think he's the cutest thing in the world right now, right? what if you put him out there on a bunch of castings and never get a callback -- would that in some way cause you to believe that maybe he isn't as adorable as you'd thought, since professionals - people who should know about such things - aren't interested in him? how would that affect your feelings about your son, and his feelings about himself?

  3. sounds like more of an ego trip than anything else. my son (half-Thai) attracts a crowd wherever he goes as well but I think that's typical for light skinned luuk kreung kids in Thailand. of course his mom and I think he's the most gorgeous boy in the world.... but we might just be a little bit biased.

    I notice you pulled down your avatar the minute someone made a less than 100% complimentary statement and thats quite a telling reaction indicating you may not be prepared to deal with what's in store for your kid and family. nevertheless you seem determined to proceed regardless of any negative feedback so best of luck and hope you can handle the situation.

  4. maddy,

    i'm usually in accord with your view of things but on this one we part ways my good mate.

    i know you're a top fella and no cheapskate or any such thing,

    so with that in mind the question that's tickling my noggin is,

    why even occupy your crackin brain matter with issues involving twenty baht or less?

    crikes maddy i cant even imagine what my top mate terry57 would have to say to your rippin self on this one.

    i say be a sport, leave the ten baht and don't even concern your fine self any further with such things.

    cheers old buddy :o

  5. i learnt that much about the bar girls that ive done a 360 degree turn around.

    see terry old mate,

    you really are a top fella with an open mind and a rippin good heart just like my insightful self knew you were.

    next time you find your verbally prolific self in the general vicinity of thailand please let me know with p/m and i will shout you more adult bevvys than your thirsty self can handle

    that's a straight up no bullsheeite fact and please make no mistake about it.

    only one thing i should point out and its just a small detail but looks like you got our little buddy the Donz to do the math on that bar girl turnaround.

    by my calculation 360 degrees puts you right back where you started or maybe that's what you meant to say,

    i think i know what you mean but my own baffled self is not too sure,

    not that it matters that much either way my good mate.

    thanks for the ripping vote of confidence terry,

    i do like your style and think you're a cracking member of this forum your top pontificating self.

    cheers :o

  6. I'm surprised noone else has mentioned this yet, but does the OP know exactly what a 'PR Girl' is a euphemism for in Thailand.

    Sean, a PR Girl for a club like that is not involved in media relations and event planning you know. Jeez . . PR Girl is just another name for a hostess. They can be barfined and taken home for a price.

    Get real man.

    If it looks like s**t, it smells like s**t and it feels like s**t, it's usually for a good reason.

    Dude, now why you gotta go and burst the bloke's bubble? Didn't you read where she's a regular uni girl and accountant type female? :D

    Sean old mate you seem to be a top fella and by the piccies someone posted from her workplace I'm sure your sheila's a right crackin bleeder as well.

    Now there's lots of pretty Thai girls with uni degrees who realize they can earn ten times more by engaging in some :o horizontal public relations on the side if you get my drift mate.

    Considering the dead low wages these ladies would be earning they'd be spittin the dumster if they didn't look for a better way to pay the bills and support the family I'm sure your clever self would agree with that bit of logic.

    Crikey there's nothing wrong with that at all and you might do the same if you were a top looking bleeder like your own sheila probably is.

    But Crikes old boy the only cockup for you is if you don't call a spade a spade. I mean look in the mirror and ask yourself is that a fool I'm looking at?

    And another thing mate is never trust anyone 100% who isn't your mum and I'm not too sure about her.

    cheers :D

  7. it's the difference between struggling to land a big fish with a line and then cooking it over an open fire by the side of the river or buying it in a tin from the supermarket.

    it's the difference between knocking someone out in a bar who has really been asking for it or completing a five-button combination on tekken 3 on the playstation

    it's the difference between bedding a beautiful woman or watching a top porn star on dvd

    some people like to live their lives real.

    Whatever trips your trigger I reckon.

    If that's what someone else wants and enjoys and it doesn't ruin your buzz then who are you to judge him for it, eh? I suppose instead of buying a car ready made, you're the sort who will shape all the body parts from raw sheet metal, machine the engine from a block of iron, slaughter the cows and tan their hides for the leather interior... yeah, right.

    A real man you are, or so you'd have us poor internet hacks believe.

    BTW, it doesn't matter how long you live in Thailand -- a beautiful golden skinned woman with high cheekbones, perfect white teeth, a lean body and a firm round ass is still a beautiful woman at the end of the day, regardless of what some of our more "aristocratic" :o members would have you believe. Plenty of guys who've lived here a long, long time can still recognize an attractive woman, as long as they haven't allowed themselves to be brainwashed by that pseudoelitist tripe about light skin and Western features being the be all and end all of beauty.

  8. To the OP: congratulations on your deal with the government there, and sorry to hear about the HIV thing... seems to be a good news-bad news scenario as one might imagine it would be for 100% disability. Maybe all the drama in your life will go away once you're over here in the land of vertical smiles... then again, maybe not. Best of luck to you either way, and please - especially in light of your STD status - don't forget to wrap that rascal when you're enjoying the companionship of the local lasses.

    Speaking of drama... terry57 old mate, you're a real top fella from what I read of your writings, but crikey, can you dial back the dosage on the espresso please bro, because you just ain't acting like your good natured self these days.

    You've been giving out some real top advice to all us poor rummies here on the forum, how to deal with our love lives, how to stay away from the bar girls and all the crackin bleedin slappers and sheilas and the like, and I really do enjoy reading your work but crikes, I'd hate to see you pull your groin muscle all out of whack on one of those fancy kickboxing moves and then not be able to make your fine contributions to this forum any more.

    Cheers old mate, and it's probably none of my concern anyways, so as you were and never mind me and my foolish self.


  9. Bro, 10-15K is certainly within the reasonable range. Folks who are saying you shouldn't give anything aren't very well clued up on dealing with the hot young totties in LOS. Just don't get carried away comparing quid to baht and think you're getting off cheap 'cause it ain't like that... most Thai people can support a family of 4 on less than 20K and if you're kicking down much more than that then you're just getting played, end of story.

  10. Sorry folks, my bad... I thought it was obvious - simple mathematics - that if you intend to stay in Thailand for exactly 90 days after each entry, which is the maximum duration you are permitted, then of course you can only enter 5 times per year. I assumed (almost always a mistake) that everyone would understand I was asking if there were unlimited entries permitted when staying less than 90 days within the one year time frame during which the visa is valid.

  11. Uncle D, please forgive my saying so but that is some fairly hideous footwear you're sporting in the photo. I suggest a trip to the Big C and search the flip flop sector for the Adda brand -- they've usually got a velcro top strap that you can adjust so the mofos won't fly off at inopportune moments. I got a couple pair and they're downright comfy, not to mention a heckuvalot sportier than those bloody bedroom slippers you've got. Great in the mud besides... just splash em off after emerging from the muck and you're good to go.

  12. You all missed the obvious answer, many Thai girls don't get fat because they take drugs....methamphetamines.

    That's how my fourth wife Noi died in 1999...years of abuse...finally had a brain anurism.

    Thai Bar Girl Age 43. RIP

    Yo JR, I thought you might bring up the obvious answer -- that many Thai girls don't get fat because they are dying of the AIDS they caught from their farang pimps and/or johns, and then went back to the village to await their slow and painfully wasting demise, but no, you come up with another shocker -- this time you're all up in the yaa baa situation.

    Can you share with us, pray tell, how does the devil farang tie into this whole methamphetamine drama? Perhaps it is the fault of some fat, bald, white biker dudes in Oklahoma who are cooking the stuff up in their trailer home?

    Actually that isn't too far from the truth jing jing.

    I would tell you her story, but not sure if you are being sarcastic.

    If you would really like to know...

    Truth be known JR I was being facetious and I'm sorry for that... you have obviously got some stories to tell and I'm not here to derail the train but we're headed way off topic here. If it's stories about Thailand you have to share there's a good place for those but TV may not be it. PM me and I may be able to point you in another direction where your stories might be better received, and no... it's not Stickman.

    On topic, I don't believe that meth factors into the natural slimness of Thai ladies in any significant way, as I'm sure if you did some research you'd find that it's only a very small minority of them who are heavily into the stuff, notwithstanding your dear departed wife #4 and her peer group.

  13. You all missed the obvious answer, many Thai girls don't get fat because they take drugs....methamphetamines.

    That's how my fourth wife Noi died in 1999...years of abuse...finally had a brain anurism.

    Thai Bar Girl Age 43. RIP

    Yo JR, I thought you might bring up the obvious answer -- that many Thai girls don't get fat because they are dying of the AIDS they caught from their farang pimps and/or johns, and then went back to the village to await their slow and painfully wasting demise, but no, you come up with another shocker -- this time you're all up in the yaa baa situation.

    Can you share with us, pray tell, how does the devil farang tie into this whole methamphetamine drama? Perhaps it is the fault of some fat, bald, white biker dudes in Oklahoma who are cooking the stuff up in their trailer home?

  14. Try Thong Lor Thai Language School at the bottom of Thong Lor BTS stop. It's not the cheapest nor the most expensive but they've got a pretty good program there. After 3 or 4 two week modules you should start catching on to the basics.

  15. ""bak ham noi" " - as i know ,it just likes older people call younger boys ,for adorable .It seems like "kid /boy/son" (not sure im not from issanland)

    So he called a grown man an adorable young boy? Excellent idea... back in my native land, in the wrong neighborhood, call a black man a boy in front of his friends and your next of kin may not even recognize your remains. It's a good thing Thai people are generally so tolerant, because an offhanded remark that gets misunderstood could have some very severe repercussions in many parts of the world, regardless of what a big macho man you think you are.

  16. The only two options in your situation that I'm aware of are either a tourist visa or a spousal visa. A tourist visa is difficult to get because the burden is on the applicant to prove that she is not planning to immigrate -- in effect she is being asked to prove a negative. A spousal visa is not difficult in terms of the requirements to qualify, but is much more time and paperwork intensive than the tourist visa. It sounds as though your wife may be a candidate for a tourist visa, which is generally valid for 10 years and allows her to stay for 6 months at a time. I suggest a visit to the US embassy in Thailand and US immigration websites for more information if you haven't already been there.

    My wife has gotten both types of visas before so if you run into problems feel free to hit me up with any questions that arise.

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