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jing jing

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Posts posted by jing jing

  1. RIP: Sex Machine (James in his prime) you'll be missed.

    Thanks for the link Boon Mee. RIP James Brown, Godfather of Soul.

    I prefer to judge the artist for his work rather than the details of his personal life, as I wasn't there, don't know exactly what the circumstances were, and frankly don't give a flying <deleted>.

  2. Why do people climb mountains! Why do people study anything! Why are you so intersted/curious as to why I posted this thread? Cmon!
    Why should I give my opinon at the beginning of the thread? I would rather just hear from people had to say first.

    I am just interested/curious thats all.

    Why are YOU so interested/curious?

    Are YOU comparing this post to climbing a mountain or studying anything?

    And why are you afraid to give your own opinion on the topic?

  3. I'm not just talking about a straight forward sex and cash thing, but also 'relationships' which are clearly biased in terms of money and thus effectively the man is paying for the woman/sex.

    So why do YOU do it?

    And if YOU don't, ok then why do you think other men do?

    Why don't you first tell us why YOU pay for sex, and if YOU don't, then why do YOU think other men do?

    If this isn't a troll post, nothing is.

  4. I've got a problem with an Israeli Jew playing a muslim but I'm happy to see that pirated copies are being sold so that Hollywood won't see a dime of profit

    My, friend...Hollywood will make fortune on this.

    Hollywood Zionists won't make a dime off readers of this forum nor will they make even a fraction of what the great Mel Gibson made off Passion. Goooo Mel

    Can a person be banned simply for being a bigoted phuckwit?

    This the same fella who made a post about getting "attacked" by someone who made a "derogatory racial statement" to him, but it couldn't have been his fault because he was only on his 2nd beer at 8AM.


    On a more positive note, I look forward to seeing the movie... isn't Cohen the actor who plays Ali G? That character is hysterical too.

  5. I'd suggest ,as an alternative to the government plans, those home design books available at any Se-ed bookstore. The one I pulled my house plan from was the blue "120" book, which is all single-story designs. Many of the local builders have a copy of it... there are plenty of other books to choose from as well.

  6. I'm frightfully sorry for calling you my Friend..

    Apology accepted.

    I'm sorry for misleading you as well,he has a Thai Wife who helps..

    So, that's one Thai gaining employment through his restaurant. Are you sure there are no others? A two-person restaurant is a pretty tiny operation.

    Yes he annoys me because we have a Business that's legal, we employ Thais, we pay for the Correct Visas and Work Permits as well as Personal income tax and Company Tax..We also keep a very low profile and try not to upset anyone..Reason enough??

    OK, so now the real reason comes out. It is not really about struggling Thais is it? More likely about struggling farangs. Why didn't you mention that in the first place? And by the way, what does his not wearing a helmet have to do with your running a restaurant??

    May I be so bold as to enquire if you are in Business ??

    Why, so you can focus your nosey business on me too?? Sorry, the less people like you know about me, the better. If you would focus more attention on your business and less on what your neighbor is doing you might be more successful.

    Spot on, qualtrough.

    Nobody likes a rat. In every productive activity I've been involved in there were always people who contributed less and seemed to get away with more. It never does any good to worry about how other people are conducting their business unless it directly affects you in an adverse way, and even then, you should address the problem in a very subtle way.

    Perhaps the OP has other issues that transcend the stated work permit/helmet law miscellaneous gripes.

    Incidentally, I like to drive on the wrong side of the road when the situation calls for it, but if it makes you feel any better I do turn my lights on at night.


  7. Isnt it strange how Miss GF has the "most useless threads" but all her "useless threads" manage to extend to at least 4 pages. Hmm, can you make sense of it? :D :D

    Have you further noticed that about 25% of the replies to those threads are "flames" and 25% are folks defending Miss Fawn from the flamers? I confess to attempting to roast GF myself once or twice, but the young lady has such a wonderfully even temperament and unerring good manners that I actually felt rather guilty about it afterwards.

    Now she's turned me around completely, and I've gone from hater to Big Fan of Miss Fawn.

    In fact, next time I drive down to the Big Smoke and find myself snarled in the inevitable traffic jam from h3ll, I shall amuse myself by imagining what Miss Fawn's favorite lovemaking positions are, whether she prefers dominant or submissive, and what sort of provocative attire she might don to further arouse her lovers' basic instincts.

    Either that, or I'll pick my nose and make phone calls. :o

  8. A child can already be included in a parent's non-immigrant "O" visa.

    Good thinking! There is indeed paragraph 7.18, the so-called extension for dependants.

    But I still see “In the case of..” as “If the applicant is...”. In every other paragraph and clause, this is the only thing in can mean. But again, in the end it is the original Thai text that counts, nothing else.

    Sunbelt is on vacation until early January and hopefully will add his comment then.



    Okay, look at this wording: "In the case of a child, adopted child, or child of his/her spouse.."

    Who do you think "his/her spouse" refers to? Certainly not the child, wouldn't you agree? Obviously it refers to the child of the alien's (applicant's) spouse. Therefore it is only logical to assume that "child, [or] adopted child" refers to a child of the alien applicant.

  9. Clause (4) is intended for the foreign child of a person living in Thailand, to enable the child to live with his family.



    Incorrect. A child can already be included in a parent's non-immigrant "O" visa. The interpretation Sunbelt has put forth makes absolutely no sense and I'm certain that whoever was refused an extension had other issues besides being "under 50." Also, because this is new, the immigration folks may be a bit confused by their own rules.

  10. Use common sense.

    I'm not sure what you mean by this; the rule clearly and unambiguously states that financial institutions are instructed to withhold 30% of overseas funds exchanged from foreign currencies to baht. Now someone has said they heard something on Bloomberg about a 20K USD threshold, but nowhere in the rule is this amount specified.

    Since when does common sense have anything to do with bureaucratic rules and regulations?

  11. Doesn,t age come into play for this type of visa ?

    I seem to recollect a referrence to being over 50 in one particular visa enquiry / thread.

    I,ve tried to locate the same in a search and scroll back for info but cannot find it, sorry.

    Help needed, please mods, if possible to expand on this, per over 50

    marshbags :o:D:D

    If over age 50 the wording of 606/2549 is that you are allowed to live with your Thai child and there is no mention of any financial requirement. This has been accepted in Bangkok for those assisted by at least one law firm but have not seen anyone report doing it themselves or outside of Bangkok.

    I have read and reread 606/2549 Section 7.17 and the only interpretation that makes any sense to me is: in order to be granted an extension ("temporary stay"), if you are supporting a child, he/she must be under the age of 20; if you are supporting a parent, he/she must be over the age of 50.

    Read it for yourself and see:


    I don't understand how anyone can read this section to mean that the parent supporting a Thai child must be over 50. Not only is that inconsistent with the wording of the immigration rules, it defies common sense.

  12. Im am a god at making love, many women would also confirm this.

    When I make love I think of how to be better then perfect, im so good that there is no way to improve, many ladies say they have been touched (painful but pleasure) by god himself.

    In the Philippines we have a saying........ "An empty can is noisier than a full one!"

    I hope you ain't an empty can donz.


    I like your style, G.

  13. My dad always told me that his forties were the best time of his life: younger women were attracted to him, older women were attracted to him; he had money, physical vitality, confidence... in short, everything was working in his favor.

    It's true that not all men remain physically fit and highly attractive into their forties, fifties, or beyond, but let's face it -- not all men are fit and attractive in their twenties or thirties. Some guys are lucky and don't go bald at all, while some start losing hair in their twenties. Some guys weigh the same at 45 as they did in college, some were already chubby in college.

    The most attractive women usually end up with good-looking, powerful men at least ten years older than themselves because those men can offer things the youngsters haven't got yet: superior sexual experience and prowess (better believe it!), financial security, sophistication... the list goes on.

    Guys in their twenties are generally very immature and not ready for long term relationships. Knowing what I know now, I have to wonder why in the world any man under 35 would even consider getting married... of course those young guys don't have the benefit of experience to understand why it's such a mistake. Those are the same guys who think a man in his forties is unattractive to younger women, I guess.

  14. Hello,

    If anyone is interested, I am trading the USD/THB. I am going to post charts and all trades on this board so anyone can see how I perform.

    I m putting my reputation on the line doing this, but then I dont have a reputation so I have nothing to lose. I thought it would be a good idea as there is alot of people with dollar deposit accounts, and the dollar weakness means your money isnt stretching as far as it should.

    I ve been trading other currencies with some success on GFT Deal Book 360 and Interbankfx accounts. I have a system. Its not based on prediction as it cant be done this way.

    Now I will have losing periods, but I have a moneymanagement and risk control in place which should keep me a float awaiting the winners.

    In another post I will explain the basic dynamics of the forex markets so you understand whats going on...

    I will post whether I am long or short the USD/THB, and I will post my entry price and exit, and my profit/loss...

    The trades will range from short term and some longer term trades.

    Thanks... would love to see the details if you'd care to share.

  15. Calling someone a pedophile for dating a 19 year old female is just plain ignorant... the fact that such a ludicrous statement comes from an alleged psychologist boggles the mind.

    All those claiming how wonderful true love is in Western society are obviously unaware of the higher than 50% divorce rate resulting from all that "true love."

    Love is something that develops between people over time -- not to be confused with lust at first sight.

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