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Everything posted by wealthychef

  1. the relationship is that both drive clicks and result in advertising revenue
  2. Being anti-Israel is not anti-Semitic. Please correct this. There are many Jews that are anti-Israel, including the most devout religious Jews.
  3. 120% x 70% = 84%, the net result is a 16% reduction.
  4. Your version of Thailand sounds like a lot of fun.
  5. detention is the first step. The blacklist comes later.
  6. Showing remorse should help. I wish the concept of "restorative justice" were implemented more widely. If ever there was a case for it, this is it.
  7. This vague language is hard to understand. Are they trying to arrest speed freaks? Biker gangs? Crack down on weed shops? Mushroom pizza? I don't really understand what this is all supposed to be about. But I understand TIT!
  8. Actually to me, that seems very unfair, given that she was not found guilty of the crimes and assuming the verdict was correct, which it sounds to be to my Western ears and the reporting given here.
  9. I'm confuse, the title says, "Teenagers Fight, Shoot at each other," but the article says, "Eyewitness Mr. Amnuay, 65, reported seeing a gunman approach alone and shoot at the injured group, believed to be foreigners." This seems like a contradiction. What happened?
  10. Right, we can't have workers working 5 minutes less than their maximum before they die. While we're at it, let's have a national wage cut!
  11. IF I were the family I'd for sure take the prison time. Is there a gofundme to help the family so they don't need this horrible payoff?
  12. Some people here find a racial angle in everything. I would say Thailand is one of the countries in the world with the lowest amount of road rage, and here you are blaming Thai culture and society for one guy's bad behavior based on a dashcam video. My response would be, if society here is as awful as you say, then why is it "psychotic" to be angry about it? Second of all, if you want to see a sick society, I can show you many videos like this from the fake democracy in America, where everyone seems to be currently angry as hell about almost everything. There, instead of cutting off ambulances, they shoot at each other or get out and fight in the streets or other wild malicious acts.
  13. As long as he learned his lesson, I'm happy. Stupid should hurt. Hands off, Thailand does not tolerate Indian rape culture.
  14. If the description is true, he got what he deserved.
  15. Is it really that hard to get weed in the UK? Sheesh.
  16. Wait, this whole time there was no evidence of any crime? Were there no witnesses? Is it just a "he said, she said?" Interesting and it feels like a very wrong ruling in my gut. But I am fed news articles to enrage me, not to inform me...
  17. You mean like kick them for sitting on a public place next to their houses? It took a huge protest for that Swiss bastard to face justice. I think you are confused about the power dynamic here. What counts in Thailand is how much money you have above all. Of course all things being equal, like in a road rage fight that both could have avoided by simply walking away and talking calmly, Thais tend to favor Thais, that's human nature to be tribal. I'm guessing you have zero Thai friends based on your ignorance of the basic facts on the ground here in LOS.
  18. It is certainly true that temples in Thailand really serve the purpose intended by many people when they give to people on the street. But man those teenagers with flutes or whatever, come on. I think making stigmatizing generosity in your society is a mistake. People aren't stray cats. If they are breaking a law, then arrest them, otherwise leave them alone, I say.
  19. Just going by the information in the article and no further research, I would say it sounds like he leaned on a car, someone said get off, and he gave them an attitude and decided it would be a good idea to throw down. 15 guys show up, bang he hits his head, and we have a news story. I don't see how one can draw conclusions about the entire city from this. I will say that on a recent visit I did encounter a group of young Thai men that made me feel kind of threatened. That is the first time I ever had that feeling in Thailand.
  20. They were combatting cultural appropriation!
  21. Just like that, eh? OK, well it must be true if the govt says so.
  22. So if a Russian were killed would the KGB show up to "help?" Given the FBI's involvement in US scandals and corruption and assassinations themselves, I would hesitate to bring them in for help. It won't be long before they'll be setting up bombs themselves. https://www.perplexity.ai/search/the-fbi-is-known-for-entrappin-Qtk1rYcQRlavzYRyTcqbJw
  23. See how gambling is good and fun, and everyone should do it, especially poor people! Look how happy she is. Let's see a followup story in a year to see how they spent the windfall.
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