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Everything posted by wealthychef

  1. I'm not sure that word means what you think it does.
  2. Their kids only have to live long enough to give them grandsons and help them in retirement. Who cares if they live past 50?
  3. Are we talking about zoos here or Nana Plaza?
  4. "moving the goalpost..." the point was not to mistreat them, the question is more generally, whether raising animals in captivity is moral, yes or no. If you think not, then we should release all dogs, cats, hamsters, birds, etc into the wild. If you are ok with captured birds in peoples' homes, then you should be ok with tigers, assuming they are treated well. I think either are valid viewpoints, but usually people do not think this through very well or argue this point.
  5. Is it really such a freak accident in Thailand? LOL
  6. Or we could just admit that we don't know and go on with our lives... nah. This is more fun! :-). Happy new years everyone
  7. Is this an increase over last year and the year before? I read these stories each year and it never changes. TIT!??
  8. Son hunting, huh, sounds like a perfect compliment to gold digging. All is fair in love and war. Maybe date the guy for a while before you let him knock you up?
  9. I believe the driver. This sounds like a Karen situation. Has nothing to do with taxi mafia or whatever. Western women are entitled sometimes and have learned that by kicking up a fuss they can get their needs met. If she kicked his door he has the right to eject her. The right way would be to call the police, but in Thailand that's a joke. So he just had to get on with life. None of us know what happened in that cab. Don't hate me because my opinion is different than yours please! :-)
  10. I'm glad the policeman had a clipboard handy or this could have turned serious! I hope he gets a stay in jail for drunk driving.
  11. All religions claim to be peaceful, but as Steven Weinberg once said, "With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.” And let's thrown in the other huge factor here: jealousy. And likely mental illness.
  12. I might venture to add that part of the problem was the draconian worldwide CoVid restrictions that harmed the economies and psychologies of many nations. Not sure how big a factor that was; I wonder if anyone is going to do an article on that sometime.
  13. Brown envelopes for everyone! Happy New Years!
  14. Because it gets brilliant people like you and me to show up and read the article and click on them. Next question...
  15. The question as to "Why Chinese tourists snub Thailand" was not addressed or mentioned in the article.
  16. It's convenient to keep your population ignorant. I don't expect any action on this. What's the benefit of educating people? They will just make trouble.
  17. Might have made it easier if you hadn't destroyed it with unscientific policies such as lockdowns and quarantines!
  18. I think that justice for Thais depends on how much money they have, just like in most countries. So if it were a wealthy Thai, yes, they'll check cameras. If a poor Thai, not so much maybe. As for what happened, if someone punched this guy out of the blue in Pattaya, I assume there were drugs, especially alcohol, or prostitution involved, since those are the main activities for young men in Pattaya, and if not that, then it's just because many Thais are overt racists. But that's all pure guesswork coming out of my rear end, like most of the comments here haha. The truth is we don't know what happened and never will until we see camera footage, and even then often context is lacking.
  19. Yeah, I'm going to say steroids. HAs has been known to get involved with drugs occasionally I hear.
  20. This would probably be the hardest part...
  21. I'm sorry but this does not sound like a narrow escape to me. They stopped the bus out and everyone got out without any injuries. I assume they left through the front door.
  22. People like this give Malaysia and Islam a bad name. Some Christians and Jews are similarly anal about their weird beliefs. I appreciate Buddhists because they aren't so damned serious about their ideas. I appreciate Thailand because people don't honk when traffic is bad, they laugh when things go sideways, and are willing to be humble most of the time, at least in public.
  23. It's called "donating." I think it's a nice tradition.
  24. My only question is, will they still accept bribes and will they be more expensive now?
  25. Probably the poilce "confiscated it" and reallocated it to their own apartments.
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