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Everything posted by wealthychef

  1. Without a conviction. Who is the criminal gang here? I have no sympathy for these idiot gangs, but when the government "siezes assets" it is no better than a common thief. The laws invented to "prevent gang violence" are always turned on the common citizen in the end.
  2. I am impressed at the amount of effort you took to completely destroy the grammar in this assortment of ideas. I've never seen anyone write this weirdly LOL. Camel case for every sentence, followed by ellipses? Wow, styling. Kudos.
  3. Um, no, indicating probable heavy YaBa usage. Sounds like he found a girlfriend in a biker clan.
  4. If you mean holding animals captive for our enjoyment, I would say it's quintessentially part of the project we ironically call "civilization." People enslave cats and dogs all over the world, breeding them into barely functioning little monsters that wouldn't survive a minute in nature
  5. Yeah, maybe I went a bit over the top with the last bit there. Haha fair point!
  6. Bye bye now! Every notice how some people brighten the room just by leaving?
  7. Yes, and you forgot the part where I torture kittens. Of course since you know nothing about me, I will forgive you assuming I am a chef, understandable mistake.
  8. Yes, super huge fan, kind of like you are fan of getting into internet arguments, right?
  9. I can't believe anyone is negative about this. It's absolutely quintessential Thailand and is fabulous from my perspective. If you hate this you are in the wrong damned country for sure.
  10. I think they should extradite all troublemaking Israelis to Palestine to let them sort them out.
  11. Not to mention the systematic murder and brutalization of 2,000,000 refugees in Gaza, half of whom are children.
  12. I have a solution. Find a patch of desert and put them there. Don't let them move around freely, don't give the food, water or electricity or fuel. Tell them they cannot leave and shoot at them for fun. #freepalestine
  13. Always the song when the poor get a piece of the action. Meanwhile the banks and politicians siphon off billions of baht and nobody cares.
  14. Isn't it good, Norwegian wood?
  15. Disintegration of any fulfilment, purpose or meaning, as culture continues to be homogenized and marginalized, lack of a social support network, and constant doom in the news might be involved.
  16. What does this mean? ???? Mai kao jai na krap
  17. Ah, so they discussed ending the widespread practice of bribery that is the shame of the nation?
  18. Including bribes? I would estimate in the hundreds of thousands at least. Everyone in Thailand knows the police salaries depend on bribes. It's not a bad system actually, as a consumer. I'd rather give a Thai cop 1000 baht "spot fine" than give a faceless bureaucracy 10,000 baht for the same offense.
  19. I'm ignorant of the particulars, but based on Thai history, I'd say the most likely outcome is a few old thieves leave, and in comes a new bunch of thieves. That's how it seems to work in most countries, including my native land, anyhow. Meanwhile of course it's illegal for ordinary folks to directly criticize the very thieves here being investigated. TIT baby!
  20. Probably close on the heels of the day that people learn that modern news stories are about getting clicks on the internet, not informing the readers.
  21. For those wondering "why?" the answer is the same as ever: follow the money. Which politician's family runs a tablet distribution center?
  22. Well, I would say nothing needs to be done other than do the research and let people know the danger they are facing. If they don't listen then som nam na right?
  23. I wonder why the journalist who wrote this confusing article didn't think to include this important factual information. Used to be a time when the "news" contained "information."
  24. What does being trans have to do with this article other than being more salacious?
  25. The only obvious way to improve Thailand's ranking on this index is to bribe the officials who maintain the list.
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