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Everything posted by wealthychef

  1. I think government employees should be encouraged a steady diet of cocaine and marijuana to energize them but make them funny.
  2. Better be careful or else we're going to have an epidemic of properly functioning kitchens!
  3. Are you seriously equating smoking a joint with raping someone? i think you better hold off on pointing the finger on making dumb remarks!
  4. Sounds fair, give him 6 months, a 200k fine, and lifetime ban from Thailand. Let him go home and spread the word.
  5. What makes you say that? It sounds to me like they are making an effort to capture this thug.
  6. yes, the first thing I thought of as well, easier to control digital. Color me paranoid!
  7. Are there no commonalities among them? At what point are these going to be noticed to be a pattern? 555
  8. In my opinion, this US "help with crime" is not about fighting organized crime, this is about spying on China and gaining favor with Thai government to try to pivot it away from a China alliance or friendship. The US CIA in fact works regularly with organized crime and terrorists groups to further its aims. It seemingly has no interest nor ability to reduce either of those things, despite claims to the contrary.
  9. LOL are you kidding? Nobody notices a little head-kicking. In the USA this is just how the police say good morning. Yeee haw!
  10. The equation would be: revenue increase = (new tax revenues collected) - (number of people who leave because of taxes) * (amount of fees and taxes, especially VAT collected per person leaving). So if enough people stay, income outweighs the leavers. Furthermore, one might argue it probably improves Thailand by reducing the number of fat white bellies on beaches. LOL
  11. Well, this does not stabilize the cannablis industry, it protects the hemp industry and destroys the cannabis industry. It's fun to watch them try to put the genie back in the bottle here. The fact is this will gore a lot of oxen, so politically it will be a fun fight. Not over yet I think.
  12. Thanks for clarifying. I thought someone named "Ms. Ma'am" would for sure be a male.
  13. LOL this exact argument happens with every article of every fight in Thailand on this forum. "Thais do this" and "Brits do that." LOL enjoy the freak show and relax.
  14. Sheesh, you get convicted for just one lousy bribery offense and people act like they can't trust you any more! What's the world coming to?
  15. OK now that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of in my life. Reminds me of a couple once that killed the woman's husband so they could run off together, and took pictures of the body dismemberment. They had the pics developed at Walgreens. Derp derp.
  16. I think this is because traffic laws are not well enforced in Thailand. Maybe if the police were more evident on the road, and actually enforced a traffic rule once in a while, people would drive better? Naturally the subject of bribes is important, as driver licenses are optional here and if you want you can just go buy one and skip the tests from what I've heard.
  17. As a person with no religion, I don't see much difference between this boy and any other religious claims.
  18. The nationality of people is usually reported in articles in the news in Thailand. It also doesn't really matter that it was a motorbike taxi, or that it was 6pm but it's included. It's just a norm here. What's the problem with it? I guess nowadays it's perhaps a bit embarrassing to be from Israel, but the reporter is probably not intending it any particular way.
  19. How about the mental health issues from alcohol and the societal effects of it? We should start by banning alcohol, which kills so many people on the roads each year in Thailand among other problems. Blaming marijuana for mental health issues and ignoring alcohol is just ignorant.
  20. If you are implying it's because great due diligence is done in order to evaluate the effects, I disagree. The delay is in order to line up the profits of all the corporate stakeholders. Rarely are there representatives of the working class or average citizen in the process. I'd rather have a poorly crafted bill that then gets canceled because it's a shipwreck than the finely crafted PATRIOT Act in the USA.
  21. Also expect low to zero increase in fatalities and a renewed call for authoritarian measures to "save the elderly" or whatever they can do to prop up booster sales.
  22. exactly. I'm in the middle of trying to figure out how to get FedEx to deliver my vitamins I ordered from Amazon. I have to submit a passport, give someone power of attorney, and fill in some forms. Bureaucracy here can be maddening! LOL
  23. Because "profits over people" is a constant in society. This kind of behavior obviously could be solved quickly by just refusing service to anyone that violates your policy. But that would cost money.
  24. Not the worst rule I've ever heard LOL. I think there is more to this story than "they honked so we stabbed them."
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