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Everything posted by Wanderer555

  1. Thank you for the replies, it is very helpful. 🙏
  2. A good Thai friend of 8 years has a father with stage 3 colon cancer with small cancer nodules the lungs. Following surgery recovery, he will begin chemotherapy at the Udon Thani Cancer Center. She has savings to pay up to 1,000,000 Thb, and needs advice on best way forward regarding a long-term payment plan or similar. She is very responsible, intends to cover the cost herself 100% and wants to prepare for this serious life-event. Does anyone have experience with this type of situation, and what options available to Thai citizens regarding payment? Please serious replies only. Thank you
  3. Given the email instructs the recipient to complete and return by email would indicate this is either very poor security by K-Bank or a scam. Returning these forms via email could expose the respondent to identity theft. Recommend recipients contact K-Bank customer support and only complete the forms via a secure online channel or in person.
  4. The argument against Smiths appointment is that he was a private citizen and did not go through the defined appointment process. Durham was serving as an officer of the court and had already been through the appointment process, thus allowing AG Barr to legally appoint him as Special Counsel. ——————— Attorneys who authorize the investigation and prosecution of federal crimes must be officers of the United States because they wield significant government power. Under the clause, there are just two ways of qualifying as an officer of the United States: the appointee must either be (a) nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate, or (b) appointed to a position that “shall be established by law” — which is to say, by a congressional statute. Smith, who has run the Trump investigations since his SC appointment by Garland on November 18, 2022, was not appointed under either of those procedures. To the contrary, he was purportedly appointed under the Justice Department’s SC regulations. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/andy-mccarthy-on-why-jack-smith-appointment-was-unconstitutional/
  5. RCBO MCB’s can go bad overtime, and require replacement. 😅
  6. On what legal basis would it be against the Constitution of the United States of America?
  7. It appears the small rescue vessel is caught in a river vortex, possibly from a subsurface drain or similar. This will suck the boat in and under. Maybe the boat was unpowered and could not be navigated in the swift waters. The video shows a Rescue Jetski type craft in rapidly moving water, and needing good skill to maintain position in the current. This is a sad event, with CM now about 50% impacted by flood waters, with shortages of food and water becoming a real concern.
  8. It is curious to me that the current record level of flooding in Chiang Mai is seemingly being ignored by many media outlets. The attached photos are all from today and courtesy of Chiang Mai News. Approximately 50% of the greater CM area ( mostly the Eastern side) is now flooded including portions of the superhighway. The water is slowly moving south of the city, and peak flood levels subsiding. Additionally, they have stopped fresh water production in many areas, affecting up to 500,000 people. Food supplies in the city are getting low, with many volunteers bringing in supplies and rescuing those trapped. https://www.facebook.com/chiangmainews?mibextid=LQQJ4d
  9. FEMA’s #1 stated goal is not disaster relief but ‘Equity’ as its foundation. Disaster Relief, while not directly mentioned as a Goal, is seemingly covered as a distance 3rd goal. Personally I find it disturbing at best that Equity & Climate goals come before the traditional mission of Disaster Relief. ————— Per the FEMA website : Strategic Goal 1: Instill equity as a foundation of emergency management. Strategic Goal 2: Lead whole of community in climate resilience Strategic Goal 3: Promoting and sustaining a ready FEMA and prepared nation https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20230202/fema-lays-foundation-strategic-plan-engages-stakeholders-and-initiates
  10. While it is always best to try to resolve any medical issues, not all medical problems cannot be resolved and only managed, including chronic pain. For those with incurable diseases or injuries that result in serious chronic pain, medications such as Tramadol can be life-changers and allow the patient to have a higher quality of life.
  11. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 161 seconds  
  12. Can you share a few pictures to show the complete area with sloping driveway and the damaged areas?
  13. Your apathy is noted…. The real point here is the mind-set of some that the laws of a particular country can extend to and supersede the laws of other sovereign nations. A very slippery slope indeed…
  14. No Place will be Safe… UK police commissioner threatens to extradite, jail US citizens over online posts: ‘We’ll come after you’ https://nypost.com/2024/08/10/media/uk-police-commissioner-threatens-to-extradite-jail-us-citizens-over-online-posts-well-come-after-you/ 🤐🤐🤐 LOL
  15. Incorrect….. The red-necked keel back is both venomous & poisonous. 🧐 https://thailandsnakes.com/red-necked-keelback-venomous-mildly-dangerous/
  16. False Equivilancancy: Clinton earned her position as the Democratic Presidential nominee through the primary process (with help from Sanders), while Harris has been gifted the position as the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee.
  17. The D’Link DWR series has been a solid performer for me, ( I have 2 units), and widely available. Your choice of SIM card will depend on your area, with Lazada having many options for annual SIM cards at 70-100 5G gigs per month. These SIMS can timeout with consistent usage so my routers are fitted with timers that restart them daily in the early AM. cheers
  18. ThaiWatsadu has a decent assortment of metal toolboxes. Many are decent quality, though not the same as Western level of quality & functionality. I would recommend shopping in person if possible. Cheers.
  19. Your observation is Irrelevant…. the OP clearly stated this is a Thai 5-Star hotel. Surely such an esteemed establishment of international fame would have certainly met or exceeded all local and international Health & Safety Standards. 🤓🤓🤓
  20. In all fairness, as Thai tax residents are required to pay tax at a rate equal to Thai citizens, should we not also be eligible for the same benefits as a Thai citizen, or should we remain 2nd class residents with no added value for paying all taxes as required by the Thai RD?
  21. The following calculator is based on Aus/NZ standards annd allows for many factors including type of cable conductor, insulation, voltage drop, and installation conditions. https://www.jcalc.net/cable-sizing-calculator-as3008 Includes instructions and detailed calculation methods.
  22. According to Thai property law a foreign national can own a house but cannot own the land under the house. The land is often leased or held under a contract such as a superficies, with the agreement registered at the land department with name of foreigner on the Chanote and no sale or loans against the land permitted without the foreigners consent. This is more common than some realize and is best organized at the start of building the house, with the foreigner being named on the building permit, retaining all financial records and similar. Thai courts will also recognize the ownership claim in the event of a dispute. cheers
  23. In related news…. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/apr/22/thousands-of-flights-to-and-from-europe-affected-by-suspected-russian-jamming
  24. Tens therapy can be effective for many but results vary. I used it about 30 years ago while recovering from a serious lower back soft-tissue injury. It did help though the effectiveness diminished over-time. What worked best for me was using the Tens to relieve symptoms combined with massage (3-4 hours per week) with yoga stretching and slowly increasing physical activity. If I had a flareup of symptoms, I reduced exercise etc and rested to get back to a manageable pain level. After 2-3 years I was about 90% & stable, including 6 months of learning to walk again. Given the current cost, Tens is an excellent idea though I would recommend using it with other therapies such as stretching & yoga to help resolve your condition. Cheers. T
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