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Posts posted by MadMuhammad

  1. On 11/4/2020 at 10:53 AM, Opossum said:


    I need to legalise a few documents @ Thai Ministry of Foreign Affair and want to send them by mail. What do I need to consider?

    - Do I have to write a formal letter in Thai? Are there existing templates of letters in Thai?

    - Anything else I need to consider?

    - Is it maybe better to consider a legalisation service bureau?


    A question worded partially as a statement.  When I had my freedom to marry certificate translated and notarised I had it done at an office at the MRT station in Khlong Toey.

    Do any documents specifically have to be notarised at the MFA? 

  2. 1 hour ago, colinneil said:

    You having a laugh?

    What would anybody do? They would defend themselves, hit him once, but 5 times is a deliberate attempt at murder.

    You ask what i would do, well having been in the same situation of being attacked with a knife, i defended myself by pushing the attacker ( my ex) over on her backside, but didnt keep going.

    under attack and in fear for their life people can react in very different ways. Fear does pretty amazing things to people’s reasoning mechanism. Anyone that didn’t witness it  directly wouldn’t really know for sure 

  3. I'm 43 and have been living here 3 years. I haven't worked since a particularly nasty motorcycle accident in 2014. I live off of a fairly extensive share portfolio, savings, insurance pay outand the proceeds of the sale of my inner city Melbourne home. What I have in the bank and divi's from my shares will see me through to the end of days with good management and a bit of luck. I have purchased a property and I'm married to an educated, career driven girl so I'm in good hands

  4. 6 hours ago, JusticeGB said:

    Unless you register your marriage in Thailand you are not considered married officially in Thailand. Before registering your marriage in Thailand be sure to get a lawyer to draw up a prenuptial agreement which will be of value in Thailand. Your overseas assets probably can't be covered but they maybe. I have been married 16 years and never went the marriage Visa route the regulations are extremely strict and difficult to follow. You are under 50 and have no choice. 

    I'm not sure what regulations you're talking about but from start to finish I had the required documents and got married in 3 days. 30 days later I had my extension. 



  5. 10 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    And what happens when the numbers are not what they say they will be.  Will the books get cooked to save face.  How can GDP not at least be at a negative double digit with no tourism in the country.  Maybe the jump up is due to all of the millionaire Chinese tourists that have just arrived. They have saved the economy once again.  The baht is still soaring as well.

    I’m thinking maybe tourism isn’t the be all, end all of the thai economy, much to the chagrin of the ‘the country needs us’ crowd 

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  6. On 10/21/2020 at 6:02 PM, BritManToo said:

    They don't appear all that bothered at the moment.

    I've been here 11 years and just got my first one at Chiang Mai immigration.

    I just played the elderly slightly demented old foreigner card, and while they wondered why I've never had one before, just did me one.

    Wouldn't have been too much of a stretch mate? ????

  7. 10 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I'd already paid for my holiday in March and nobody was offering me a refund if I didn't go.

    Not to mention my permission to stay would have expired if I hadn't left.

    I was in Siem Reap when I got a message from Air Asia at 5pm, Thai border closing at mid-night, your return flight next week is cancelled.

    Got back in the country with 30 minutes to spare before the airport closed to international arrivals.


    What would I have done if I hadn't managed to return?

    Probably would have dumped my Thai family and mortgage, and set up a new home and family in Cambodia.

    I'm not really one for sending money to people in foreign countries, for services I can no longer use.

    Sounds like a quality relationship and ‘family’ you have there. Oh sorry, quality ‘services’ that you use. Wow

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  8. 12 hours ago, moontang said:

    But, who is going to service the loan?   What if the owner croaks?  I can't see the land office arbitrating a case of he paid/she paid..

    Well I service the loan. The loan is registered at the land office and noted on the rear of the chanote. If the owners croaks is a very good point and not something I have a actually enquired about. 
    At a guess I’ll continue to pay to their spouse or whoever the property is bequeathed to. Something I will enquire about though. Thank you ???????? 

  9. 7 hours ago, madmen said:

    It's called vendor finance but always heavily favors the vendor and they will have a repossession clause built in if you default twice and all your equity vanishes. Most of the buyers are so excited to get a "loan" they will take any terms offered as majority have bad credit ratings or bankrupt etc. Or in the case of thailand there is no credit. 

    We had the property transferred on the date of execution of the contract but we do have the repossession clause in our contract. I have the funds to pay the loan in its entirety but I make far more investing in stocks than the 3% I pay in interest. I’ll never be in the position to default so it’s out Something I have to worry about.

    We also have a ‘early payout’ clause where we can pay the total balance owning minus any future interest payments. I’m happy with our deal 

  10. 7 hours ago, sitti said:

    Never heard of it. I'm a private banking customer of Thai banks and own multiple properties and buildings in Bangkok. Of course I have extensive experiences in getting mortgages from Thai banks and this is the first time I heard of financing through the owner. Either you're not explaining it right or shady way of getting a loan. Even there is such thing, it would be completely unregulated, zero protection to buyer, which the owner can easily screw the buyer. How can you possibly be perfectly certain that owner will transfer you the property after you paid off this so called mortgage through the owner. Unless you're talking about condo company partnering with a bank, and they offer pre-arranged mortgage to qualified potential buyer. But even then buyer would still have to go through bank's process. Nobody should do any type of loan with anybody but real banks. 


    The transfer is done on the day the deposit was paid and there is a note made on the rear of the chanote that the property is under finance. We signed a contract with included stipulations that should we be later than 30 days on any payment or the final balloon payment all monies pairs to the owner will not be refunded and we will lose all rights to the property. 
    I spoke to quite a few people a few people that have gone through the process and I was also advised by my lawyer, hence insisting the property was transferred into my wife’s name in the first instance. It is a legal and common way for foreigners to buy property. 
    We also have the option to payout the mortgage early with no penalty. 




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  11. 1 hour ago, Pravda said:


    Fact is there is no chance he will get a mortgage without a large down-payment. 


    Thai banks are actually very strict with mortgages, more so than Western banks. This is the reason why there are so many condos for sale from developers. People pay a booking fee and when it's time to get a mortgage they simply get rejected, so the unit is back with a developer. Just went through mortgage with a wife yesterday as we took a 3.5 million loan in her name. No 20 or 30 year mortgages if you are over 40. 



    Absolutely hilarious.


    Are we talking about loan sharks?

    Owner finance is very common due to the fact the mortgages are almost impossible to obtain for foreigners. 
    I wanted to buy a property for 5mil. The wife and I offered 3mil deposit with a  combined income of 100K a month but we were still knocked back. Financed through the owner for 3 years at 3% with a balloon payment at the end. Far better deal than the banks anyway 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 25 minutes ago, CGW said:

    I struggle with this statement based on my 40+ years in the tropics!


    The winds here do not blow very often, the slight breeze is blocked out if you have insect screens on your windows, in the middle of summer opening windows up when its 40° outside just equalises the temperature, if the house is hotter than 40° all well and good!


    Even a human body at rest produces waste heat as part of its basic life processes. This heat has to go somewhere, otherwise the body would overheat. If the outside temperature equals your body temperature, your body is unable to dispose of its excess heat without overheating. (Actually, so long as humidity remains reasonably low, your body can employ evaporative cooling, which is how we survive on hot days without air conditioning. But excessive sweating is not exactly fun. And in 100% relative humidity, 32-33 degrees Centigrade can be deadly to an otherwise healthy human being. :shock1:)


    We feel most comfortable in temperatures where the body's natural ability to dissipate heat without heroic measures (like sweating) equals the amount of waste heat our body produces at rest, so those who want to "get used' to the heat, enjoy :thumbsup:


    I’ve always ‘run hot’. Even as a kid I used to emit visible steam on cold days exerting myself at school. My internal temperature doesn’t allow me to equalise my temperature very well at all and I sweat excessively. No ‘getting used’ to the temps for me sadly 

  13. 19 minutes ago, ezzra said:

    so 27 millions and they still live in this s**thole? and didn't run away with the loot and all that time waiting for the police to come? put them in prison just for being that stupid...

    The last thing I would do if I was stealing money through fraud is advertise my wealth by buying/renting flash throngs is: home, car etc. 
    As for running with the loot huge amounts of cash, for free I might add, tends to skew someone’s ability to cut and run, especially if they were poverty stricken in the first place. At least their families are extremely well taken care of back home (if it was their idea and they weren’t just pawns for someone bigger)

    Sophisticated scam just not sophisticated enough to get away with it (although someone has the cash)

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