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Posts posted by MadMuhammad

  1. 42 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

    How much have you been charged for the ''service'' in total?

    I mean how much money you had to pay after you have already paid

    initialy for the product and the delivery of it ?

    This ''problem'' seems to be a reccuring ''problem'' with the Thai custom and UPS

    so i very much doubt that the attitude of the customers is in cause 

    Maybe you was just lucky

    or maybe your surname wasn't ''John'' or ''Bill''?

    It seems they target a specific farang ''clientele''

    supposed to have more than enough money to pay an ''overcharge''

    A grand total of zero. 100% farang nane. As mentioned I must just be lucky I guess, multiple times. im not saying it doesn’t happen I’ve just found any issue I have had has been resolved very quickly with no extra payment required, via UPS through,  amazon especially (6 or 7 deliveries this year alone) 

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  2. On 9/18/2020 at 12:54 AM, ukrules said:

    Give it up now and forget about ever getting your package.


    This has happened before, I normally tell them to quite literally 'go <deleted> themselves'.


    You will never see your package. The next step will be asking for import permits for the products which you will not have nor be able to obtain.


    They stole an in the ear thermometer off me earlier this year using similar methods.



    I had to present my original passport to UPS and obtain import approval for a single bicycle tyre from the US as it wasn't TIS approved. I provided my passport with all attached docs and they arranged import approval and delivery to me in 48hrs. Maybe your attitude caused the issue? 

  3. Just now, trevoromgh said:

    No-one in their right mind would travel long distance to Thailand with the current Covid restrictions and also the lack of airflights.  If Thailand is going to stand any chance of getting some tourists back from western countries they would need to adopt a similar approach to that taken by Cyprus for specific countries, read here  TimeOut report

    There they are promising to pay the holiday expenses of any travellers who test positive for coronavirus whilst visiting. Accommodation, medicine and food for the entire affected group would all be included, with travellers only needing to pay for their journey back home. A dedicated hospital and hotel would also be available for stricken tourists.

    I realize such a radical approach is unlikely to be adopted here anytime soon but in desperate times then desperate measures should be considered.

    What about those that have families, businesses, homes and/or the means or the want to spends months in country at a time. There would be plenty in that situation one would think 


    • Like 1
  4. Everyone: they have to do something, surely. They can't just shut the borders with no options to see my family. come back to my condo, see my family, get laid. At least give us an option for christ sake you dumb, short sighted government!!


    Government: ok ok. Look, we'll do this in limited numbers and with a bunch of requirements ok? If you really need to see your family, come back home or get laid this is what's required for now


    Everyone: What?! What do you mean requirements??!! You cant be serious?! I don't like your option you dumb, short sighted government.......



    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. Looks will fade but a good woman will always be a good woman. I chose my wife for her intellect first, but she’s still a cutie and 17 years younger than me. 
    I had an absolute princess of a gf when o first met her, one of the prettiest Thai girls I’d ever seen. But she she was a watermelon head and my wife made her look even dumber than she was in my eyes. My marriage just gets better with time 

  6. 4 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

    i would personally want to be checked out if i got food poisoning from something like sea urchins, or perhaps pork. Most food poisoning I am told gives you nothing more then an upset stomach, however some can be very nasty and possibly even fatal such as botulism. If it were anywhere but Thailand the restaurant would be investigated for food hygiene and health and safety standards. I often wonder how much food poisoning does go on when they lay out raw meat on a wooden table in markets with zero refrigeration and just a silly makeshift fan to keep the flies off. I once sat in an open air restaraunt with rats running around the floor in Bangkok, it was so bad i left, there was no way i was going eat there,,, 

    My symptoms just a couple of days ago were fever, joint pain, diarrhea, headache, lethargy, nausea and dehydration. I rode it out for 12hrs before giving in and going to hospital. The only thing I had eaten in the previous 12-16 hours was chicken and boiled spinach. Number 1 & 2 on the list lol

  7. 6 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

    I live nearby and know this place. It's been on my wish list of places to visit for a while. It looked good and has good reviews (until now). Sea Urchin and Capelin would not be my choice of food but their other stuff looks much safer. I wonder if they'll stay in business much longer as the Ari HiSo's will soon spread word of their sickness. 40,000 Baht for diarrhoea is excessive.  

    I just spent a night in BKK Hospital Pattaya with food poisoning, 23800 baht

    • Haha 1
  8. I recently read something that reminded me of the way I live my life, the 3 foot world. It relates directly to mountain climbing but can be adapted to every day life. At its core is the premise ‘stay in your three-foot world.’ 

    We have no control of anything outside our ‘3 foot world’ so concentrate on what’s close to you and shut out the white noise. 
    You’ve made it to a fantastic age where nothing should have an affect on your happiness and satisfaction IMO. 
    The world will do what the world will do, enjoy yourself, worry less about the uncontrollable and hopefully you have few more years, hopefully a decade or more to enjoy your bubble. 

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, stouricks said:

    The 'cameraman' must have been videoing the fracas well before the kick took place. It seems like it is standard procedure to have your phone out, video ANY shouting, loud noises, arguments etc, and then decide what to post on Face Cloth.

    And if people don’t do that then there is no evidence of the attacks. I know I won’t be sticking my nose into any situation like that in this country but I’ll happily gather evidence to assist afterwards 

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