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  1. There are no tourist on that beach and yes, sometimes motorbike kid gang congregate near the skate park
  2. What the Canadian is trying to do with the car? He's not leaning against it as previously reported.
  3. Been told by the IO that this is because new passport and I have to leave the country first to get it back to work. I go abroad soon, finger crossed it will work when I'm back as it is really a place I prefer to avoid.
  4. Yes, i did a new TM30 online as soon as i got it
  5. Hi, Been doing the 90 days online reports for years without issue. I renewed my passport in my embassy in BKK : Following Online 90 days report: REJECTED: go to the nearest immigration office immediately Went there (Jomtien) with old and new passport and did it there, any question about the online report rejection was dismissed as if they could not care less. New attempt for a 90 days report Online REJECTED: you need to go report in the office in person if you have left the country BUT I DID NOT LEAVE THE COUNTRY Is someone in this specific situation (Passport renewal in Thailand) found a way to get his 90 days online report accepted.
  6. Met a new Pattaya resident from my country. We discuss about the real estate in Pattaya, i tell him I own a condo. Then he said that he knows a place where condos are 300K and he is going to buy one or two. You can feel that the guy thinks he found a goldmine and is not going share the info about where this incredible bargain can be found. I say: - Flybird condo! him - .... er yes... Me: - it is a ghetto there, some unit have been broken into and.... Him: I don't fear anyone! I will buy one unit or two and rent it, it will increase value bla bla bla Few days later he had visited the unit for sale and of course given up with this idea...
  7. Parents can sue him if they disagree to the relationship so he better be VERY careful about what he is doing.
  8. You have to set up limits somewhere. And for prostitution the limit is that using <18 yo is a criminal act, even if the minor is not forced to do it.
  9. prb


    Yes, that's the explanation. The same Happened in my area in North Pattaya. When all the jungle is removed, they will plant few banana trees to do like it is now agricultural land. Few weeks after the banana trees are all dry and dead and the area looks disgusting until the vegetation comes back with rainy season.
  10. Yes, I will be careful to finish it until the end. I rarely swim. I've been told not to put any water inside the ear until everything is cleared
  11. Guess i owe an update: Been to the doctor. The yellow crust was dried pus as @Sheryl mentioned and removed. It's coming out from a little wound there. I checked on my archive and it is not the second but the 3rd time i have this problem since June 2022. Been given antibiotics tablets, Mupirocin and antiseptic solution. Like the 2 doctors i have seen in 2023, the fact that this problem keep coming back after few month did not lead to any comment.... Maybe some bacteria that decided to live here and cause infection every time a little scratch is done? 3 times bad luck? Who knows. Wait and see.
  12. Could really be anything from psoriasis, eczema, seborrheic-dermatitis (as said above), bacterial infection, fungal etc etc. All i can say this problem is coming back once in a while, although it has never looked so ugly. The morning after my OP, the crust partially dissolved into a White Yellowish grease that i was able to clean, then the crust reformed later. I could feel a small open wound behind the grease. Not sure i can put any cream on that without risk. I feel better atm, it's still there but my hearing is almost completely back. I have an appointment in few days to see a dermatologist. Will see if it has cleared up or became worse....
  13. Thanks sheryl, this is not feeling like dried pus but damaged skin building up. I had the same problem at this spot one year ago but far from that extent... Starting to have some hearing loss with this covering part of the ear canal entrance... I will get to see a doctor.
  14. Thanks for your reply, it is definitely not wax but some skin going weird... unfortunately.
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