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Posts posted by prb

  1. After thinking about it, i start to feel a bit tired about spending 30-40€ in outward ticket i almost never use everytime i fly somewhere in SEA.

    Except for Philippines, I never had to show this proof for other destinations.

    I guess i will check tonight what are the cheap ticket to go out of HK without buying anything and book at the airport if the airline staff at Don Mueang give me any hassle...

  2. Ok thanks.

    I will then show a ticket out of HK that is NOT a ticket back to Thailand when i will be checkin the flight ikn DMK.

    My schedule is quite open except that i need to be in BKK on the 17th of june for an hospital appointment.

    As HK looks like quite expensive for accomodation, i will probably not stay there for 2 week and a half anyway and try to visit an other country before heading back to BKK.

  3. Hi sorry, i think i was not clear, i was speaking about the flight from BKK to HK.

    I will buy a ticket out of thailand when i return from HK

    Last time when i checkin for flight from BKK to Taipei with a return ticket BKK-Taipei, the airline staff wanted to see as well the ticket i will use to go out from thailand after returning from Taipei before letting me in.

    Maybe they were just worried i will be stranded in taipei if no ticket out of thailand when go back from taipei to bkk, i don't know.

    Just wanted to know if this is usual process or not.

    I stay on an exemption visa at the moment.


  4. Hi,

    I will be flying out from DMK to Hong Kong, probably with Air Asia.

    As usual for most countries i might have to show a ticket outside HK before checkin the flight.

    Is it OK with airline staff if it is a ticket back to Thailand for 10 / 15 days after.

    I ask because 10 years ago i did a round trip from BKK to Taipei with KLM and the KLM staff asked to see not only a ticket outside Taiwan but insisted to see my ticket back from Thailand to my home country.

  5. Kasikorn fee is 15 baht which is still a lot cheaper than the euro card whose commission will be around 2-3% or 600-900 baht on 30K.

    No, as i said I pay only the ATM fee, the european bank does not take any commission.

    They will charge you commission via their spread or buy/sell price. You need to find out what that spread is before you can determine how much it is costing you.

    Maybe, I did a withdrawal today, i will compare tomorrow with the MC exchange rate.


    Their exchange rate for the 5th of may is not public yet.

  6. Thanks for info, i went back to Chula as i am now experiencing new pain but only when i do some precise bending moves with my torso...

    He thinks the stone is moving. He does not want to do more xray or actions before the end of the month.

    I have been given Uralyt-U to change the PH of urine.

  7. In Thailand, you don't move an account from one branch to another. You have to open an account at the new branch. Then, if you wish, there is nothing to stop you from closing the other account, though you may want to think twice before doing that, if there is any possibility that you will return to the first place. I believe that if you do nothing (i.e. don't have at least one transaction per year), the bank will automatically close the account after one or two years. This time period may vary from bank to bank; I haven't tested all of them.

    Thanks, trying to open an other account in BKK does not worth the trouble.

    I already have a card with an euro account with no fee for payment and withdrawal in foreign currencies (except the thai atm fee of course).

    I wanted to use my Kbank account to stock the cash i withdraw with the euro card (30K in general) and avoid keeping the cash in my luggages but well, if i have to pay a fee everytime i use their card in an atm outside Pattaya I give up.

    // if you do nothing (i.e. don't have at least one transaction per year), the bank will automatically close the account after one or two years. This time period may vary from bank to bank //

    Kasikorn Pattaya will close "abandoned" accounts after 1 year,

    or after 6 months only if the balance if below 100 baht.

    Thanks for the info, i will make sure I do some deposit and money withdrawal before the 6 months.

  8. Hi,

    I opened (with difficulties) my account at a kasikorn branch in pattaya while i was renting a condo there.

    Now i am most of the time in bkk and of course bothered by the atm fee when i want to use this card outside pattaya.

    - can i suscribe to a service with kasikorn that woukd lift this fee?

    - if not, the only solution would be to move the account in a bkk branch. Is that easy? Do they require a proof of adress? I use mostly airbnb and hotel and i dont have one...

  9. Hi Sheryl and thanks again,

    I met Dr Kamol at Chula on the 12th.

    A CT scan was scheduled for the 24th and an other appointment with the Dr for the 26th (today).

    Because i did a CT scan in emergency at BCH on the 13th, i cancelled the CT scan at chula.

    As i still have my appointment with Dr Kamol this afternoon, i will guess i will go with my CT scan pictures + report and see what he thinks about it...

  10. Thanks Sheryl,

    Here is an update on my situation.

    I managed to see an urologist at chula on the 12 of april and got an appointment for 12 days later in Chula for a CT scan.

    Unfortunately, the 13th i did an other crisis (nephrotic colic) and went in emergency to BCH.

    Because the pain was not going away and the stone was not showing up on xray, i agreed to do a CT scan the same day at BCH at their request.

    I have a 5 mm stone on the right side between the kidney and the start of ureterer and a 2 mm still in the left kidney.

    The pain finally stopped and i had no more crisis since, just some discomfort sometimes.

    The problem now is that the stone is not showing up anymore on normal xray (I did 3 xray since. The stone which was showing up after the first crisis is now invisible on classic xray, maybe because it is now hidden by a bone).

    Because of that, neither BCH or St Louis that i have contacted too can do a lithotripsy.

    I have a choice between hoping the stone will pass by itself without doing any damage to the kidney while i am waiting or go for a much more invasive surgery.

    I've read that some hospitals can perform Lithotripsy with ultrasound scanning instead of xray to localise and destroy the stone.

    If someone know if there is an hospital that can perform Lithotripsy with ultrasound scanning in BKK that would be great.

    Any advice appreciated.


  11. Hi kerry,

    Surgery via shockwave was one of the proposal of the BCH doctor after seeing my basic xray.

    As he said, if this way was to be chosen, a more specific 7000 bath x ray (ultrasound?) was necessary before doing a Lithotripsy.

    I'd like to do that first, if the result are that it better to leave it alone, i wont go any further.

    His other proposal was to try to pass it with medecine. To be honnest it seemed to me that his diagnostic and treatment proposal was more based on what i could afford than on medical decision, that is why i would like to give a try to an other hospital.

  12. I think i will try Chuklongkorn tomorrow.

    I read in other post that you can avoid part of the queue to see a doc by going to the after hours clinic.

    Doctor fee would be around 400 bath which is around the same as in a private hospital.

    Anyone know if using after hours clinic will also increas the price of xray, act of surgery etc... ?


  13. Hi,

    I had a kidney stone attack last week during the night. I went in emergency to bangkok christian hospital because i read good reviews about it.

    I went again today, and passed a simple x ray that shows the stone.

    Now i need to do something about it. I am for 6 months more in thailand (i have one year off work).

    Stupidily i constantly delayed the registration for a good expat insurance and i have no insurance...

    I tought for a while going back to my home country (France) but my doctor at home advised that it better to avoid transportation, do it here and then do the paperwork to get a reimbursement from the french social system...

    I spoke to the doctor in BCH about the treatment, it will be first 7000 bath for the scan (x ray by computer as he said) before possibly doing the shockwawe treatment. He did not speak about the cost of the shockwave but i guess all of this will cost me around 100K bath from what i read around... It annoys me but i can afford it.

    My questions:

    I wonder if i stuck with BCH or try to go to an other one. Anybody has an expérience with BCH and kidney stones treatment?

    Is it a good choice? Would Saint Louis be better in the non profit private hospitals options?

    I rule out any top end private hospital because of the cost, but can a good public hospital like chula take care of this at a better cost?

    Can i go to a public hospital like this or do i absolutely need a thai speaker with me?

    I lost the paper but i remember i got an insurance with kasikorn when i got my debit card. I paid around 3000 bath. I guess it is accident protect. Can this can be used to cover part of the costs or is it only for car/Bike accidents?

    Sorry a lot of questions and a rather confused writing.


  14. Good morning,

    I'm flying from Cebu to Kuala lumpur at the end of the month and then the same day from KL to Bangkok.

    An airline ticket out of thailand to cambodia for the end of the following month will be enough to board the plane from KL to BKK and pass the immigration at Don Mueang or do i need to show a valid visa for cambodia visa as well?


  15. Yeah unfortunately there's not much what i can do now. She's living on the other side of the planet.

    I have two options: I can move on or i can stop. It's really up to me. Maybe i'm in love, but i always have the choice to stop.

    I think i move on, it's pretty obvious that she is cheating (or whatever she's doing), but i don't know 100%. I want to be sure.

    Our plan was to meet again beginning next year, cause then i have time to stay for 2 months. Not sure if i know what's going on after these

    2 months, but for sure i will know more than now. Nobody can hide something like husbands, lovers or a second life for 2 months, i'm sure

    it's not possible. But my question was also, if i should take a plane without her knowing next month.

    How long can you stay next month?

    Doing all this long trip, coming unnanounced, just to check what your girl is doing sounds like a quite foolish idea.

    Now, if you can afford it financialy and professionaly and it makes you fell better well....

  16. OP, you've seen my post, i'm in a similar situation. There is not much to do.

    If she is cheating, and just keeping you as an option, she will never admit it like my girl is doing.

    Either you stop all contacts now or you continue to see where all this goes.
    It's going to be the second solution for me. Before all thoses doubts, when i came back from holidays, i negociated one year leave from my work.
    Would do things differently now but the machine is started.
    I'm back in thailand in a month. If the distant relationship has not stopped since then, i'll see for myself what i can really expect.

    When are you going back to Thailand and for how long?

  17. My 1st trip in Thailand was in 2005 at the age of 29.

    Wanted hard to discover the country and had no real idea of what I will find out.

    I remember having only Jeans and Hillwalking shoes which were not the proper clothes for this Hot August month.

    I loved the country, the people and the food and meet one nice bargirl at the very end of the trip.

    I kept coming back and decided to expatriate in 2007. At the same time my company offered me the possibility to almost double my wages so i stayed in europe. Met my european girlfriend one year later and didn't go to thailand for a while even if was still thinking about it.

    Broke up with my girl several years later. At the end of the relationship, I started again my trips to LOS.

    I'm now at 11 trips to thailand. Started in the last trips to stay away from prostitution and use internet dating.

    The last girl I met this summer made me take the decision of something i've been planning for years: Staying in thailand for longer than the ususal 2-3 weeks holidays.

    I organised a sabbatical year leave from work and i have now my tourist visa and enough saving to last for years.

    Still have few months to work before coming. The bad part is that i've realised it was really not sure that the girl will wait for me even if she says the opposite.

    But at least my dream is becoming true 10 years after my first trip. I'm sure i'm going to enjoy those next twelve month and maybe will start a new life in Thailand.

  18. Hi,

    Sorry if this question has been asked already but i'm looking for up to date informations and experiences about Tourists visa because i've seen contradictory information on the internet.

    I have an sabbatical leave from work of 11 months starting end of october and plan at the moment to stay in Thailand most of the time.

    From my country i can apply only for 60 days touris visa, single entry, no multiple entry are issued here anymore.

    I've understood that i can extend it for 30 days so, we are at 90 days and we will be around the 25th of january 2016.

    What will be my options from there?

    1) Is it possible to go to Laos / Malaysia and get a new touris visa in January?

    2) If yes, can this visa be multiple entry if it follows a single entry tourist visa?

    3) Can i do the same process in April and July 2016?


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