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Posts posted by prb

  1. OP,

    This is interesting, i have the impression i'm reading the description of my own relation with a thai girl.

    I'm not new to thailand, i've done many travels as a tourist.

    After having my share of Bargirls and money diggers, i was thinking i met someone "different" on my last travel.

    Exact same: met on internet, middle class family, having a job, insisting for paying for everything (cinema, expensive meals...), no sex.

    Start to be into her, i dismissed the advices of one expat telling me that in Thailand what you perceive as a Farang is not the reality as it would be on your own country.

    Back to my place, i told her i could take an annual leave and come to stay with her.

    She encouraged me: "I love you", "I will wait for you" etc...

    I've asked for my annual leave and had 3 month notice.

    Just one month after, communication started to change on Line and I noticed on her facebook big Hints that she was dating an other Farang.

    If i ask her if everything OK. Of course she says no, no problem.

    I'll see where it goes in the next 2 months before i come to thailand but it seems it's no starting very good. ahah, maybe i will start my own thread.

    So, hope the best for you but be very very careful.

  2. And where will these visas be issued exactly?

    That's really the question.

    Planning to come in thailand in annual work leave in two months.

    I have the really limited choice right now between :

    - the too short 2 months visa, that may be renewable depending on the mood of the immigration

    - the PE visa which is expensive, especially when i think that i'm only sure to be away from Europe for 12 months.

    This 6 months visa would be a good compromise, allowing me enough time to decide if i settle in Thailand and switch then to PE or non immigrant Visa depending on the opportunities.

    Well, I guess i wait for news till middle of september to choose.

  3. Hi,

    I was having another question about the Thai Elite PE visa.

    Do you get a white stamped departure card similar as the one you get with the free one month Visa on arriva?

    I'm asking that because i'm wondering if there could not be somme hassles if you go in a regular hotel and don't have this departure card to show at the reception while checking in.

    Any exchange of experience appreciated.

  4. Hi all Thai Elite members.

    I'm 40 years old and I'm going to leave my work in 3 months or so and go to live in thailand.

    I think i'm going the hassle free way of the Thai elite 500K card for five years.

    If i start an activity in thailand i will change my visa.

    I have a few question:

    - any experience of someone who has been refused the visa and for what reason?

    I have of course quite a lot in financial assets and it can pay for many years of a good life in LOS (if not i wouldn't buy this visa) but my current job is not that well paid and of course i will be unemployed when i arrive in thailand

    I've seen in this thread that they don't ask about income, so i'm quite reassured. Any mistake i should avoid while doing the application?

    - do you need to provide a thai adress in the form? if yes, is any hotel / serviced residence in BKK ok to use?

    - is the best way to apply is to buy the plane ticket and then apply, telling them your date and time of arrival?

    - if i spend more than 6 months in the country can I become a thai tax resident and pay taxes in thailand for the interests and dividends i receive or isn't it allowed by this type of visa.


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