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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. 1 hour ago, Tarteso said:

    Sure! I was been living in a few countries and also was a smoker until 2010. But 10 years living here for sure has contributed..According to a recent study by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), long-term exposure to airborne irritants due to rising levels of air pollution is a major cause of increased cases of Emphysema.


    Thanks for the clarification.

    Did not know if you were laying the blame on CNX alone.

    Terrible disease.

    I have no proof, but I am willing to bet that the burgeoning use of plastics after WWII will be shown in years to come to be a major source.

    The off gassing of these products, which then enter your lungs at every breath you take.

    Along with adhesives used in about everything - like plywood, particle board, MDF, etc.

    As well as leaching into any liquid they come in contact with, be it cleaning solutions or even water.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

    From this unbeliever, if I may... 


    There's no inherent purpose. We, as individuals, give our lives meaning and purpose. Myriad factors play a role throughout one's life, but regardless wealth, country of origin, upbringing, family, education etc...it's ultimately up to each individual to give meaning to their existence and find or make purpose, or not. This is true for everyone...believer or non. 

    Agree - the only purpose is to continue living.

    If it makes you feel better to believe in some existential 'Reason' for it, by all means go for it.

    I lived in some truly horrible places, and the will to survive is why I am still amongst the living.

  3. That 'Higher Purpose' is a way for humans to answer the fundamental question which has been asked for millennia - "Why are we Here ?"

    To me - any question - apart from a purely scientific reason - that begins with "WHY" is suspect.

    EG - 'Why do you not love me any more ?' Because the person who originally said 'I Love You' is no longer here. He has changed, evolved, turned into something different. Or the other party has - or both would be closer to the Truth.

    It will take something non-human to find the reason - that is if there is one.


  4. You lived nowhere on earth that could have contributed to your emphysema ?

    Find it hard to believe that Chiang Mai is the only reason.

    Got a good friend in line for a lung transplant - he never lived anywhere smoky ... but there you go

    • Like 1
  5. Very easy to end it all without pain, and 100% effective.

    Gov'ts around the world need to realize that it is not any of their business what people do, if it does not harm others.

    And this includes suicide.

    The only people against it are those who do not have to endure the monumental pain that will need to be endured otherwise. Quality of life.

    Thank Judeo-Christian religion, which still exerts a strong hold on the  justice system of Western countries, altho all organized religions are more or less the same.



  6. The 'You' is part of your physical body (and 'Soul' if your beliefs run this way) here and now.

    After death - there is no You anymore.

    If you are reincarnated, there is a "New" you. Which may or may not have knowledge of the old You.

    The You right now is a construct of your experiences in this life up to this point.

    A You in a reincarnated body will not be the same - old You likes carrots, new You hates them for example - altho' some traits may be in common.

    Still waiting ...

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  7. 1 hour ago, chicowoodduck said:

     Could never figure out why folks get so very bored living by themselves?  Enjoy the moment and be thankful you can be on your own schedule and burp and fart whenever the mood strikes you...life is good, be thankful for every single moment

    Agree - but some are strong, sure of themselves and sure in themselves.

    Others - not so much

    They must seek validation in the 'respect' and 'affection' of others - things which are not real, and just a sham IM not so HO

    Those who are grounded need no such window dressing.

    Fear makes people do some pretty funny things - not all funny Ha Ha but many funny Sad

  8. 14 hours ago, RobU said:

    Side effect of Cannabis is Paranoia and Schizophrenia. Paranoid Schizophrenics frequently kill people and do other harm against innocent victims. You need to read ALL the research not cherry pick.

    And where did you find this "Research" ? Comic books, Westboro Baptist church ? Local police departments ? 555

    Been around users of marijuana my whole life. Not one is Paranoid. Not one is Schizo.


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