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Posts posted by Hayduke

  1. 9 hours ago, oilinki said:

    "POTUS sees alert on his phone about an incoming toward Hawaii, pulls out the biscuit, turns to his military aide with the football and issues a valid and authentic order to launch nuclear weapons at North Korea. Think it can’t happen?


    That's not how it works. Despite Hollywood's best efforts, there is no "button" and no single person (in the US) can initiate the employment of nuclear weapons.

  2. 8 hours ago, sanemax said:

    Most hill-tribe people have been given Thai Nationality and the hilltribe villages do have free Schools and health care , most of the stateless people are those whose Parents fled from neighboring Countries and the cildren (now adults) have no proof of being born in Thailand .

       If people can prove that they were born in Thailand and went to school there and lived all their life there, they usually get given Thai I.D


    Someone might mention this to Mong Thongdee...the (Thai born) young man of Burmese descent who, a few years back, won a national competition designing paper airplanes. Amid much talk he was finally given a temporary passport to compete in Japan. He competed successfully, returned home to more much talk, and once the lights died down....was unceremoniously kicked to the Thai nationality curb.

  3. More smoke and mirrors from your favorite Junta.


    Her ‘flight’ was a deal, plain and simple…they get her out of the country and she gets to keep the money. Everybody wins.


    The last thing Uncle wants is either of the Shins back in Thailand. If she or her brother actually showed up at Suvarnabhumi the government would sh*t.


    But Uncle needs to pound his desk to maintain the show

  4. 47 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    Well of course he does .....  and why wouldn't he.   He's doing a good Job


    A good job? A ‘good job’ doesn’t begin to cover the astounding brilliance and dynamic foresight with which he (from whom all blessings flow) is masterfully conducting the affairs of the country.


    Are we satisfied with half-hearted, lukewarm acknowledgement of the greatest leader the world has ever seen?


    Are we satisfied to palm off his miraculous achievements as…’good job’?


    Are we content to withhold true, well-deserved, and heartfelt praise from divinity incarnate?


    If so…we have failed. Forgive us Uncle, for we know not what we do.


  5. 55 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    ...He is the government and he is the PM.  For the TV complainers and whinges well .... you know what you can do.  Thailand is what it is and the Junta are in control and will be in control for years to come.

    Thailand is economically stable and exports are up.  Thailand will continue to develop as projects get completed.

    I would hate to whinge & whine each day about the government but some farang have nothing better to do I guess. Why waste your life whinging, why not move to a place you enjoy, life is too short to dislike the country you retire in. lol


    Chai yo…as it is written...there are not enough hours in the day, to sing praises to the astounding and limitless accomplishments of the ‘people’s uncle’.


    He is truly the incarnation of all that is pure, noble and holy and the world trembles in awe before his unrivaled magnificence. The man’s brilliance knows no bounds and such sublime perfection has surely never before walked the earth in human form. We are surely blessed by the opportunity to live, even for a moment, in the divine light of his sacred benevolence.


    But your words of wisdom are wasted on the heathens, infidels, and naysayers. They will never renounce their evil sacrilege, repent their sordid apostasy, nor accept the holy truth. As wicked blasphemers they will forever be denied a place in Thailand’s brilliant future of limitless joy and everlasting happiness.


  6. Blatant lies. This is a vile and seditious product of those who would undermine progress and attack national security with treasonous slander.


    The entire nation is, and always has been, solidly in step with Uncle, who has sacrificed personal comfort and spurned earthly riches in order to selflessly serve the people.


    Let the enemies of righteousness burn in a sea of fire.

  7. There used to be a TV show where contestants got like 5 minutes to run through a supermarket filling their cart with groceries. When the buzzer sounded they got to keep all they had managed to stuff in the cart.


    Hijacking the Thai government is kind of the same. The guys on top of the pyramid have so many years to grab as much as they can. When the final bell rings they get to keep all they’ve managed to cram into their pockets. That’s how the game has always worked.


    So, it’s no surprise that Uncle #2 is …well…surprised. He’s just filling his shopping cart like all the other contestants and doesn’t understand why it’s all of a sudden an issue. After all, you can’t change the rules in the middle of the game…can you?

  8. 16 hours ago, Rhys said:

    Lock up the family as well for doing that to one of their own..


    Retribution wouldn't really accomplish anything. It would only bring more suffering into an unspeakably sad story. Hopefully this family’s pain has finally turned a corner, the brother will receive the help he needs, and all concerned are able to find some degree of peace.

  9. 48 minutes ago, ChrisY1 said:

    Just a diversion from the usual police extortion, underage sex slaves, ladyboy street thefts, falling elevators...

    Useless administrators in Thailand are everywhere


    Maybe true, but the authorities are always looking to further expand the bribery net. This provides the police with a custom-made excuse to jack up the monthly ‘tax’ bars have to pay in order to allow smoking.

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