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Posts posted by cerox

  1. I am in Europe now but for my return to Thailand one day in the future I need to prepare.


    Did anyone of you find covid-19 insurance as requested for 100k USD?

    That "Frank" broker which was suggested somewhere in the Forum before only covers up to 1M THB and also they require a work permit when you make a claim - they said it is not for tourists. I would not have cared and just used it for Immigration so they are happy, but 1M THB is not enough.


    Anyone found an insurance yet?

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  2. On 3/8/2020 at 9:22 AM, Kadilo said:

    In a Central shopping mall at the moment. Prob 50% of Thais wearing one. It becomes a bit of an inconvenience for some when they have to lift it up to spit in the bin. 
    Another I saw today having a p.iss and straight out with out washing his hands......but I’m sure his mask makes him immune. 

    Fair play in general though as there is sanitizer free everywhere for all. 

    From my observations many wash their hands before going to pee.

  3. I am worried about pollution masks.

    Have around 60-70 now.

    Luckily I bought some in December because of the pollution at that time.


    But the supply is limited. How can I protect myself after that? They cost 20 THB per piece before at the 3M shop. Now I should pay 10 USD because of Corona?

  4. When I was in CNX in Dec/Jan, I measured with my handheld pm2.5 outside and it always was in line with the government stations.


    Those who measure higher values than 200 now (because the stations worry me - it is only red and I worry they do not burn enough), please tell me the sky is not blue. You might laugh. But in December I noticed that at AQI 180+ and esp. above AQI 200 the sky is never blue, more grey and if it gets really high turns more white. So if you still see blue sky, the stations might be right and your handheld device might not be accurate. Please someone who is there confirm. We want to get it done - they need to burn more and not just a little.


    Ventenio, why do you praise yourself to live in 90 AQI? Also unhealthy. Certain countries in Europe go crazy when AQI is above 50 because this is the normal safe limit. You are right that everyone should leave CNX. But as you might know, Chiang Mai as always attracted many people on budget who just do not have the money to leave. Others made a huge mistake and bought real estate - now they cannot sell. As you I also think everyone should leave for a certain period - but it is not possible for everyone.

  5. For you guys with the Xioami air purifier this number is the pm2.5 concentration - you can google and calculate into AQI which is much higher.

    Around 35-36 is the limit pm2.5 when you get above AQI 100.

    Around 9 is the limit when you get above AQI 50 (above green air).

    When I was in CNX in December/January, I had to use the power/heart mode regularly to keep it below 9.


    For those who always say a lot of the smog comes from Cambodia, I have just been there in February, around 70 AQI in Siem Reap and consistent blue sky.


    I hope they get more burning done now. It seems to be very slow because AQI is only red. We need +200 consistently so they can finish.

  6. I look at the AQI chart and I am angry.

    They do not burn enough. AQI now yellow/orange mostly!!! Not ok.

    AQI should be above 200 now in the end of February. Not good, because it means there will be burning when many of us come back in the end of April and May. Lets pray that they have some mercy and get the burning done, instead of doing it all year.

  7. I am happy they finally started burning.

    Went out on Feb 7th. I was angry because it seems between Feb 1 and 15th they were not burning much, when I checked the AQI, AQI "only" at 100-150 (normal hahaha).

    So thank you, for finally starting it.  Because I want to return somewhere in May, so please burn now get it done. I was worried they dropped dead and it would take more time to get the burning started. Please do not disappoint us. Burn every day, we want to be able to come back, but you need to finish first.

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  8. I have been in Siem Reap for the last 5 days enjoying life travelling like normal people. Busy here, so other people have not all lost their mind.


    So you sit in your room all day and waiting 2 years until they have a vaccine or something? Unbelievable this panic here.

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  9. It sounds really logical what you say BritMan, but I have to try really hard not to laugh when I hear "burning ban" in a city which is polluted AQI 150+ for 6 months for the year ????

    If that is true, the burning ban has the opposite effect than intended. Before people could live here peacefully and leave for 3 months. Now it is inhabitable for 6 instead of 3 months.

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  10. 1 hour ago, WaveHunter said:

    I thought it was just my imagination at first but the pollution in Chiang Mai has indeed been really terrible lately.  Why? Did they start burning the fields already?

    I wish I knew that too.


    But something definitely changed 2019. The burning season was so much stronger. Then in October, November they was occasional burning when I watched the AQI remotely.


    December/January every other day alternating. Was never like this before. I came back in December for a 60 day visit and leave in two days. Believe me, if I had known it would be like this, I would never have come. Really sad, but I accepted reality.


    I assume it is partially due to more mushrooms they want to gather, because you see all those forests burning. I heard the Chinese want them so much - I did not verify it and cannot tell if it is true. But would make sense. I gave up to understand the details and accepted it is something I cannot change and Northern Thailand is not a good place to live anymore due to the pollution.


    Want to come back in May, but now with Corona I wait before I book a ticket. Now that we saw all those flight bans (flights to China).

    I heard the Thai government will release the figures of Corona on Feb 9th - not sure if that's true. So much false information nowadays. You never know.

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