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Everything posted by placnx

  1. It could be propaganda promoted by the dog tribe.
  2. So, was the bank-certified statement for the year not required? I just use my regular passbook account, and forgot to update it for months, so the individual transactions don't show. Even so, they can see that no deposits were made during this time, which means that I didn't go under the 800K or 400K limits.
  3. Let's hope that methods of analysis applied to Covid can be used to increase our understanding of the evasion of the immune system when someone is infected the second time with a different serotype, there being four. Some quadrivalent vaccines are under development. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dengue_vaccine
  4. The status quo has been upset by XI Jinping being very explicit about taking over Taiwan by force, and that's different from the status quo where Taiwan would not be bothered as long as it did not declare independence. It's no wonder that the US is taking the matter seriously and looking to provide Taiwan with more effective defensive arms. I suppose that there is more detailed planning for defending Taiwan under various possible PLA attack strategies. Xi's override of the international treaty concerning Hong Kong is a message for Taiwan and the world. I've always thought that the "one country two systems" for Hong Kong was mainly intended to sway public opinion in Taiwan toward reunification. Now China's use of force and economic coercion harks back several hundred years when brutality was the norm.
  5. I have had a license for many years, last renewed in 2018. I was never asked for a doctor's certificate. Is this a new requirement?
  6. The program in the Philippines was problematical. Dengvaxia was effective for those kids who had been previously infected, but for Dengue-naive ones who got jabbed, the vaccine made some cases of Dengue worse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dengvaxia_controversy
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