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Posts posted by SamuiRes

  1. Go to this web page and report cloud cover or out of date images.

    If enough people do this, eventually they get round to it.

    The reason they sent me an email about the update was that I had been regularly doing this about the outdated images for Samui and they took notice


    Also try using the Time Slider as sometimes areas covered by cloud are free of cloud at different dates,

  2. So after 6 months of free trials it's now time to start paying for this service I've just payed 2 months up and will see how it goes they reckon sky channels will be added soon at extra cost obviously.

    Gotta say can't really knock the service but is a bit expensive for the channels you currently get.

    Baht 963 a month. I only watched two or three programmes a week that I really wanted to see - the rest I just watched because they were there. Not sure, for what I want, it is worth the money although I have enjoyed it and will wait and see if I miss not having it before paying that amount.

  3. Can anyone help on this one please.

    "Mai Tang" - cannot find any reference to it anywhere.

    The builder assures me this is the correct spelling - he has used this for the windows.

    It is not as "Mai Daeng" which has been used on the deck.

    wood variaties can be tricky in Thailand as there are many subspecies and the translation can be difficult to find . IMHO the name you are looking for is mai teng , or teng wood . As far as i know it is balau in a more common western name . It is cheaper then mai daeng , and not as beautiful but is pretty well known as one of the hardwoods . I think and now i am really guessing ( i've looked it all up before but i've forgotten big pieces of it ) , it is more commonly known as mai nua keng ( hardwood ) .

    Thank you. I found more information under balau so appreciate your reply.

  4. Can anyone help on this one please.

    "Mai Tang" - cannot find any reference to it anywhere.

    The builder assures me this is the correct spelling - he has used this for the windows.

    It is not as "Mai Daeng" which has been used on the deck.

  5. i prefer the samui airport.

    A relaxing airport in many ways indeed. Not too keen on the landings there though... nor the needlessly long walk past all the shops when leaving.

    As a Samui resident I hate the Samui Airport and its staff. Take a day trip to Bangkok. Leave your car in the departures car park. Walk to the check in. Walk to the Gate. Doesn't sound too bad. But then do it in the heat of the midday sun or in the pouring rain. Trolley buses? Maybe. If they can be bothered. Usually not. Then come back on the last flight in the rain and ask for a trolley bus back to the departures car park. Fat chance. But then I expect nothing less from a "Boutique Airline"!

  6. Twice on Sunday I saw accidents. The first not too serious. Driving from Bangrak towards Fisherman's village about 3pm on the stretch before the left turn to the lights, a farang on a bike coming towards me just fell off in the road. No reason I could see, did not appear drunk, just did not know how to ride a bike.

    Slightly more serious, although no one seemed to be badly hurt, heading towards Big Buddha from Plai Laem by the sharp left turn, again farang man on a bike went round the corner on the wrong side of the road straight into two girls on a bike coming the other way. They managed to stop as he hit them but he was all over the road. This was about 8pm and I suspect alcohol was involved.

    And twice last week on the ring road I was faced with a car overtaking oncoming traffic heading straight for me. Nowhere for them to go so I had to move rather sharpish to the left.

  7. A red jeep has appeared in front of Le Sirene (was GiGi) in Bangrak.

    For sale - looks done up already though.

    I will pm the number

    that red jeep has been passed around more than the old bargirls in that video.

    looks nice and clean, but you have to wonder what's under the hood.

    I would not want to check under the hood of the jeep or the bargirls!

    Immaculate Willys jeep in US Army paintwork in Bang Rak opposite Garland Restaurant. Not sure if it's for sale

    but worth a look.

    Yes I saw that as I drove past this evening.

    Really looking for something from the 1960's era or earlier, beaten up and in need of care and attention would be ideal.

    Thanks for the heads up though.

  8. Last year’s flooding in Thailand could not wash away Bangkok Airways’ profits, with the privately owned carrier posting a net profit that exceeded expectations.

    Last year the carrier saw its net profit increase by up to seven percent to up to 600 million baht, surpassing the 400 million baht estimations, The Bangkok Post reported.

    While profit exceeded predictions and revenue surged by 15 percent to 13 million baht, the carrier’s president Puttipong Prasarttong-osoth explained that without flooding earnings could have reached up to 800 million baht.

    He explained that although the carrier did exceedingly well, he was cautious of factors that would hurt profit in 2012.

    Higher fuel prices, political disruptions and the uncertain economy are weighing heavy over the president’s decisions.

    While Mr Puttipong remains cautious, he did reveal that the carrier is planning to launch one new international route this year between Samui and Kuala Lumpur from March. In regards to suspended flights to Ho Chi Minh City, Macau, Shenzhen and Xian, Mr Puttipong said the company would “activate those routes when opportunities knock”.


  9. Dr Ning, next to '" Lucky Cow "" Makro exit ramp.

    That is the husband isn't it? I thought he was more into dermatology?

    Dr Ning (specialist ENT) has her surgery in Lamai a couple of hundred metres from the Wat in the direction of Hua Thanon.

    I agree she is not cheap, but I believe cheaper than the hospitals. She is however, very good at he job - in my experience over a few years.

  10. Whatever you do - DO NOT USE DHL !!

    A client sent us some lights for his villa from Hong Kong with DHL.

    This was the tracking schedule

    HK - Cincinatti - HK - BKK - Phuket - BKK - HK - BKK - Phuket - BKK at which point they put it in the post. Arrived the next day.

    Complained to DHL Head Office - no response.

    Something similar with TNT recently

    UK - BKK - Suratthani - BKK - Jakarta - Manila - HK - Bangkok at which point Thai Customs got involved which complicated the matter even more.

    We eventually received it six weeks after it left the UK.

    UPS has always been good - at least they seem to know where Samui is.

    • Like 1
  11. From late yesterday afternoon (Friday) my 3BB connection in Plai Laem has been horrendously slow - speed test to Bangkok and Singapore download both 0.07kb on what should be a 6MB connection.

    This morning to the Singapore Server

    Download Speed: 122 kbps (15.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 107 kbps (13.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Latency: 1139 ms

    24 December 2011 10:24:55

    and to the Bangkok Server

    Download Speed: 122 kbps (15.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 110 kbps (13.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Latency: 1139 ms

    24 December 2011 10:28:46

    So is this general or do I have a problem?

  12. Newspaper reports are incredibly unreliable. I was interviewed recently and the Samui Express deliberately printed incorrect information (despite having being told in advance that it was incorrect) because it made better headlines. Slightly off topic I know, but beware of "facts" in the local publications.

  13. Our incoming mail is consistantly late at the moment. Bills are arriving after due dates etc. Presume this is due to flood issues in Bangkok which is fair enough and not the usual inefficiency of the PO.

    However, with Christmas around the corner, has anyone had any experience of delayed post to the UK recently?

  14. Charming how people are more concerned about the car than if anyone was hurt. (They were by the way)

    from the looks of the photo, the songthaew must have been speeding along quite fast (as they are known to do) and tried to make a left turn at a very high rate of speed, causing the car to hit it broad side.

    meh, i'm concerned about any innocent passengers who may have been riding in the songthaew. the car, not so much.

    Driving past a while after the accident it looked as if the Lambo had been coming up the hill by Nora and the Songthaew coming down and the Lambo didn't make it round the corner and broadsided the Songthaew. Not sure if this is correct but that is what it looked like.

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