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Posts posted by SamuiRes

  1. Dr Ning is the one to go to. Being going to her for years.

    She has two offices. One as stated in Nathon but she also has one in Lamai.

    Nathon Mon - Fri 0800-1530 Sat 0800-1200

    Lamai Mon-Fri 1600-1730 Sat 1430-1730

    As you drive out of Lamai towards Hin Ta Hin Yai, her office is on the right with her name in big letters across the front. She is on vacation at the moment but should be back soon.

    Her office numbers are 077 421 405 Nathon and 077 920 260 Lamai

  2. Link to head office.

    Thanks - that is where I started and got no response which is why I posted here.

    I also tried the old telehone number. No answer.

    However - I have just now received a response

    บริษัทชับบ์ ( ประเทศไทย ) สาขาเกาะสมุย

    เลขที่ 108/37 หมู่. 1 ถ. ทวีราษฎร์ภักดี ตำบล บ่อผุด

    อ.เกาะสมุย จ.สุราษฎร์ธานี 84300

    TEL 077 – 426911

    FAX 077 – 426912

    Apparently near to Samui Town Centre opposite Bangkok Bank.

    :angry: I hope you don't intend to use their Security services. We did and found the guards were all drunks, so cancelled the contract. Then Mr. xxxxx took us to court. He lost. A pushy company with a very bad attitude towards Thais grrrrrrrr...

    Just need a couple of safes for a client.

  3. Link to head office.

    Thanks - that is where I started and got no response which is why I posted here.

    I also tried the old telehone number. No answer.

    However - I have just now received a response

    บริษัทชับบ์ ( ประเทศไทย ) สาขาเกาะสมุย

    เลขที่ 108/37 หมู่. 1 ถ. ทวีราษฎร์ภักดี ตำบล บ่อผุด

    อ.เกาะสมุย จ.สุราษฎร์ธานี 84300

    TEL 077 – 426911

    FAX 077 – 426912

    Apparently near to Samui Town Centre opposite Bangkok Bank.

  4. Is this the "TV Everyones agreeing with Carmine day"........i'm not used to this, it's starting to freak me out!!!!!!:blink::D

    Maybe it's time for a controversial post.....wheres Rooo :lol:

    You want a controversial post? This should get everyone going -


    ALERT Samui Hotels Up USD25.5 Million In First Half Of 2010

    A sharp upswing in visitor arrivals to the resort island Koh Samui translated into a USD25.5 million increase in hotel room revenue in the first six months of this year compared to H1 2009, according to research by leading consulting firm C9 Hotelworks' Samui 2010 Hotel Market Update.

    Full report here:



  5. Take the time to write them a complain.

    Sounds a waste of time, but if everybody do it, it will ultimately get noticed and something will be done about it.

    Thailand is a noisy place, but slowly noise pollution is recognized as a problem that needs to be put under control.


    Writing a letter can have an effect. I wrote about shoddy service a couple of years ago and at least had a good response fom Bangkok and from the then Manager here. Didn't improve the service but at least I knew the point had been made! You do need to go to the top though to get a reaction.

    Chris Bush is the new CEO of Tesco Lotus so write to him in Bangkok.

  6. That's a VERY common attitude i found in different parts of the country, but how did it become so widespread? at what point of his life a thai become "initiated" to this way to think? maybe there is some well kept secret we have not unveiled yet...:D

    I remember some time ago, i wanted to take a lease on a property that has been empty for the last 10 years, when we were at a very last stage and asked the landlord to register the lease at the land office, he told me that he couldn't do it because "there was something very bad with the building...." i didn't want to know more (probably a spirit in the house) and the building is still empty.....

    The usual reason for not wanting to register at the Land Office is that the rent is therefore declared and the Revenue Dept will come sniffing round for tax.

  7. Appreciate all the comments. I was wondering if it was just this area, not just us alone, as the shop across the road has the same problem. However, I am told the electric company were doing some major work near Tesco these last few days which may be the reason, and today being a weekend they are not working and (touch wood) so far all seems OK.

  8. This week seems to have been particularly bad with massive and regular voltage drops - our lights go out and the ac stops, then it all comes back after a few seconds. Our electrician checked the incoming supply and it was dropping as low as 130 at times. Is this wide spread through Samui or just confined to the supply along the ring road? Is anyone else suffering the same problem or is it just us?

  9. Have you been to any UK airport before? Drop off and get out the way quickly so someone can drop off, less of hugs (park your truck in the excellent carpark if you want to do the 5 minutes byebye)] Taxis/minibuses get priority just like any other airport (although they might not be contributing)..

    1km? Are you kidding? If you cant walk you probably arent fit to fly. And anyway, wait under the shelter and the bus or golf cart will pick you up, never an issue. 10m max never 25m - walk it or get someone to push your wheelchair. Lazy...

    Not Lazy, just trying to keep body temperature normal carrying hand luggage 1 km. in a 40 degrees sun and if its belting rain ? Either way you are going to have a soaking shirt once on the plane uggghhhh ! Haven't you read the sign "Shuttle every 20 minutes" ? That makes for a lot of passengers banked up.

    This is the main point - not the distance between check in and departure gates, but the fact that you have to walk in either in the hot sun or pouring rain and that is not a good start to your trip. As for the trolleys, well as far as I can see, sometimes they are there, sometimes not. Pot luck.

    Parking is not a problem and where else can you leave your car at the airport for days at a time without charge? There are many good things about the airport, but this walk from check in to the gate in the sun and rain is a legitimate groan.

  10. I agree entirely. This has been a problem since the beginning and I have had more than one arguement with Bangkok Airways about this with the usual useless response that shuttles are available which we all know is nonsense. I actually quite like Bangkok Airways and without them we would not have an airport but this is one aspect of their service which falls well below par and which despite complaints they seem (for obvious commercial reasons) disinterested in addressing.

  11. Thank you for all your replies. It is the efftect on SE ranking that was my concern. We had an issue a few years ago where we were using a Thai based Hosting Company and they were hosting some dodgy sites in China and we found that being associated with this Hosting Company had a negative effect. Once we discovered this we changed Hosting immediately and the problem went away. So I am somewhat wary of what other people do and how it can negatively affect your business. Appreciate the comments.

  12. Whilst not as serious as a break in to your house, this last weekend we had a full bunch of bananas taken from a tree in our garden and this morning a Thai lady we know, also in Bangrak, told us she had lost half a dozen ripe Jackfruit from a tree on her land over the weekend. A different level of theft I know, but still theft. Creeps.

  13. The one time I needed their help with an injured dog we found, they were totally dismissive and told us to take it to a vet. Not impressed. Sorry.

    So you found an injured dog? Very good. You took it to the rescue centre for them to fix and pay for???? Did you offer a donation. NO! And you expect for them to pay??????????? You people should get our more. Pay yourself if you are such an animal lover and stop bad mouthing a centre that does all it can with very limited resources. :)

    Not quite right. We phoned them and asked if they could help. This was a Saturday night and their only answer was take the dog to the Vet on Monday. Did I say I expected them to pay or was not willing to make a donation? I am simply commenting on a response I had from them when we found a dog in distress which I found less than helpful. Because they are doing a good job does not make them immune to criticism in the same way you are entitled to criticise me for my comments.

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