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Posts posted by SamuiRes

  1. Has anyone here had experience with receiving packages via FedEx here? Are they reliable? Any horror stories or praises?

    I received some documents from FedEx, they arrived to Bangkok , then they forward them to you via Post EMS.

    Are you sure it was FEDEX? I have used FEDEX and UPS without any problems, but sending packages by EMS from Bangkok happens all the time with DHL.

  2. The Paper says - Probably not a very good translation but - He was arrested for writing a cheque for 750,000 baht for Coco 66 holdings ( presumably his housing project ? ) without funds . He was trying to obtain a Visa to go to Taiwan .

    The paper says the cheque was written a year ago and the order to arrest him was made a year ago ?? and he was caught due to his recent visa application .

    So if the order was made to arrest him a year ago why didn't the police do it ? This is Samui , Thailand !

    The Police did not do anything because they knew the matter was in hand and had been effectively resolved apart from some paperwork withdrawing the complaint. Immigration however saw an opportunity to make a few bucks selling a story to the Press when he applied for a re-entry permit for a business trip. It was a set up - how many times to do you go to Immigration and find a Newspaper photographer waiting for you? Anyway - it has gone away, there are no charges and the whole thing once again has been blown out of all proportion.

  3. We are getting together here to watch the fight tomorrow (11am onwards Sunday 9th)

    Man City fans especially welcome!

    Boxing on the Wii before the fight, food and drink.

    Are you sure it starts ar 11.00?

    HBO advertise a 21.00 ET start which is 12 hours behind Thailand.

    Supersport advertise 04.00 SA time which is 5 hours behind Thailand

    Therefore I believe the show starts at 09.00 Sunday.

    No doubt there is a lot of pre fight talk so can you confirm the actual fight starts at 11.00 please?

  4. Pompey Dave was one of lifes real "nice guys"

    He always had a smile on his face and not a bad word for anyone.

    He will be sadly missed by all.


    Agreed - real nice guy. Totally shocked when I heard this morning. Someone you have known and liked for a long time, suddenly gone. Sympathy to Lawrence and his Mum.

    I know it is too soon, but as and when anyone has information on the funeral, please post.

    R.I.P. Dave.

  5. Seen a monitor lizard being bbq'ed over a fire next to the road in one of the side sois in Maenam, a few years ago. Too bad one doesn't see them that much naymore, just like the squirrels.

    All eaten by the cheap, imported labor on the island.

    Yes - very sad. This is a photo I took of one near my house in Plai Laem four years ago. He would plod round totally unconcerned with people, which of course was his downfall as one day my wife saw (at a distance) a local Thai catch him and take him away, never to be seen again.


  6. I don't think a referendum is required - as soon as you reach 50,000 residents it's automatic as far as i know ... one of our local 'rags' reported a few months ago that Samui only needed another few hundred to reach the magic 50,000.

    Not automatic because how many is it per sqm?

    To qualify for city status a municipality needs to have a population of at least 50,000 and a population density of 3,000 per square kilometre.

    Samui has nowhere near that density. I believe what they may now be talking about is a Special Economic Zone similar to Pattaya which would include Koh Phangan and Koh Tao - or they will have to bend the rules to ignore the density requirement which, this being Thailand, is extremely possible. However, who believes the Surat Thani authorities are going to let go of control without a fight?

  7. Sad to hear that. Dont know him personally, but understand he is a well known guy around here. I been recommended for a year already to go to their saturdaybuffe but it still has not happend, apperently its very good? Anyway, will somebody else take over or are they closing down?

    Or maybe they have knew owners already since he was in switzerland and the place is still open?


    I believe Mrs Papa will continue to run it as she has done for a long time. It was open last night although a lot of tearful staff around.

  8. Just took these from Sunbelt Asia's website. There are often weeks, if not months, between business's in Samui coming onto the market so was a little surprised to see so many resorts and land for sale at the same time

    Or could it be that Sunbelt Asia, despite having an office here for a while, have a new representative on the island who is perhaps more dynamic than the last one and simply producing more business?

  9. Here are some pix that give you an idea how the road looks in front of Wat Plai Laem.post-12697-1193186298_thumb.jpg post-12697-1193186416_thumb.jpg

    The second picture is near to where I live and the problem is not just the water, but the sand under the surface. One car was bogged down in it this morning and I saw a number of bikes ride into the water too quickly and come to a very sudden halt.

    This picture from Laem Din at 08.45 this morning. The water came over my bonnet at one point.


  10. Just wondering where I can get some insurance for the contents of my house?... I want to insure my computer and tv against theft.

    If that's possible out here?...

    Any recommendations?...

    Lap top can not be insured but desk top yes, we insure with M.V.Consult he is before Big Buddha.

    if you want details PM me I will give you number and name.


    Actually you can insure Lap tops. We did it for one of our clients who had three. One was stolen in a break in and the insurance company paid up.

  11. I hope you do not mind this slightly tongue in cheek answer but -

    find the nest and tell your Thai wife or girl friend where it is and watch her climb the tree and shake all the ants eggs out and proceed to eat them!

    Not the perfect solution that you are looking for I know, but the number of times I have seen my wife do just that............ :o

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