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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. i am meeting more western men here in pattaya who have given up on thai girls and have phillipino girls. must be a real head ache with visas but i guess they appreciate the fact they can have real conversations with them. i dont understand why western men need thai woman for companionship. better hanging out on your own than trying to force companship from a thai girl. i have 2 kidds with a thai girl, she is a great mum but appart from our kids we have nothing in common. we have never had a real conversation about anything however we both love our kids and i can easily support her. it works ok but we both know that is as far as it goes.

  2. Better refurbish and equip your already existing aircraft carrier instead of having it delegated to the sad duty of serving as a local tourist attraction.

    That will be cheaper than buying a few submarines, which surely would be useless and ultimately become rusting tourists attractions, too, because nobody knows how to operate them.

    Once you get your carrier up and running, take it out to sea and - voila! - mission accomplished, as all your neighbors will stand in awe (and probably piss their pants) in the face of the awesomely powerful Thai Navy.

    That was the original (and basically only) reason for purchasing submarines anyway, wasn't it? I mean, awing your neighbors...

    But then again... somebody is probably already counting on pocketing a handsome kickback when that silly submarine purchase goes ahead. How could I forget.

    the aircraft carrier is diesel powered and crazy expensive to run. maintaining a fleet of aircraft to fly off it again very expensive. better to leave it in port and use the money for something productive, building more dams for flood mitigation and drought relief springs to mind.

  3. sounds about right. author is talking about thais in rural Thailand. interesting read for me even though I have been here almost 10 years.

    if this was an article about thai prostitutes then it would go something more like this. generally the girls are single mothers with no income or support, having few options she will go to sell her wares in a tourist trap. she will try to get as many sponsors as possible and milk them for as much and as many sinsots as possible. this is just a job for her and foreign men seem very gullible and ready to pay big amounts despite none being required for a banged out bar girl single mother. I often feel embarrassed to be a foreigner in Thailand with all of my fellow ferangs being so easily ripped off. no wonder many thais think we are stupid.

  4. met this guy in Phuket a few years ago and he gave me his story. interesting he has married again and had a fourth child. can never be stated again if you come to Thailand RENT EVERYTHING FOR AT LEAST THE FIRST 5 YEARS. I told this guy to walk away from his properties but he said it was everything he owned. he said he was a barrister and I told him to move back home. guess he did not want to leave.

  5. as I have said I was in the nz army when they were trying to let females into frontline roles. they could not pass the fitness tests. fitness requirements were reduced (only for the females) basic training they were constantly on light duties due to injuries. during basic training a corporal gave some of them a yelling at, then had to go back and apologies for yelling at them. whole exercise was like a circus show. woman are just not cut out for combat roles. simple solution is let them in as long as they can pass the physical requirements. none can, problem solved.

  6. They are afraid of wemen...

    you cannot make a children killer out of a girl

    i mean a girl will never follow an order to kill children or generaly against her belief ...unlike men

    army is useless if the soldiers do not follow orders, just another good reason not to have woman in combat roles.

    I was in the armed forces for 3 years. nz infantry. they decided to allow females in. they had to lower physical fitness standards so they could pass. them we went out on a 10 day exercise. by the end of it not one remained. combat is not a place for females, it is not a place for most males.

  7. ha ha, many foreign mens financial lives have been destroyed by thai woman pretending to be their boyfriends or wives. this is of course good for the thai economy so therefore not a problem for thailand. cant blame the girls though, I still cant believe how many western men fall for this scam. I even had my house in a thai girls name, had a contract but I don't know if this would have saved me. thank Christ I managed to sell it and get my money back.

  8. Why didn't your foreign staff have a Non B visa and a work permit ? You are openly admitting that your foreign staff were working on ED and Tourist Visas... Either a troll or a perfect example of the fact that you can send a man to the moon but you still can't fix stupid.

    have you ever run a business in Thailand? employing 4 thais and paying for a work permit. how can anyone do this to employ foreigners? I understand why some people try other options.

  9. My experience at immigration was a bit nerve racking...yet there was a kindly patent ex-pat working there to soothe nerves as the cattle were moved from desk to desk...

    Reason I left Thailand for green pastures had more to do with my expectation and disappointment than anything else...I had lived in Thailand for 3 years a few decades ago and could not have been happier...

    Thailand has changed drastically over that time...more crime, accidents, scams, and down right hostility toward foreigners in many locations...

    Got tired of the attempts to rip me off on almost every transaction involving baht...

    So, cut my loses and moved on...very glad I did...more health environment, agreeable food, and relaxed culture...

    The down side...there are no young women calling out to tell me I am a handsome man...smile.png

    would be interesting to hear where you found greener pastures I still enjoy thaialnd but may look at moving on eventually.

  10. did I read some article that said the rainy season was supposed to start this month? not sure where the writer got his information. I have a friend in the dam building business in Thailand. he now just spends his work time going to court as a witness over why this dam or that dam project failed to get completed. seriously, he tried to retire but he has several court cases on going and they keep offering him pay rises to stay on.

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