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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. Your insecure pure and simple....you don't know what she thinks unless she's told you, stay within your means and who's to say these so called rich bfs and husbands are actually rich lot of people splash some money around and it looks more than what it is.

    Most Thia women are in it for love not $ like a lot of jaded guys here claim, treat her well and love her unconditionally and keep a check on your thoughts.

    you for real? hope you are joking. basically every thai girl/ferang 'relationship' I have seen in my 10 years of life in Thailand has been based on money. almost without fail the relationships have been about draining as much from the buffalo as possible. sometime quickly if the girl does not like her sponsor. or quickly if she is enjoying the lifestyle and can still get away to bang her thai boy occasionally.

  2. Buy her a dog...than she has no time for her friends anymore....

    Or get her pregnant...biggrin.png
    Both worked out pretty well for me...
    ... Ha ha, have considered that!

    that's how thais do it to get out of sinsods, get their girl pregnant. was not my intention but same thing happened to me. girl I had been seeing casually for a number of years (without any financial support, why I will never know)got pregnant and is greatfull for the salary I pay her. luckily she does not hang around with any of the girls from he old bar. seems having a thai girlfriend often involves dealing with her friends b#llshit as well. if you don't have kids better cut her loose and just go about enjoying your single life.

  3. Nuts.

    How is this about Uber?

    What if a former McDonald's employee molested someone? Would it be about McDonald's?

    Uber is disruptive, and IMO exploitive of drivers, and, as a company, just plain sleazy, but come on...this is just smear propaganda.

    Complete waste of bandwidth.

    But what if a McDonalds employee rapes a woman in the bathroom while he is at work? The taxidriver was working for Uber when the rape took place.
    if it happened while the employee is at work then possibly that location could bear some of the blame but would all mcdonalds be closed down? no of course not. stupid knee jerk reaction.

    uber is a fantastic concept, employing thousands and providing cheaper transportation. in nz the transport minister applauded them for reducing the need for car ownership as people have a reliable alternative to buying a car. calling a taxi and maybe having them turn up half an hour later is not a viable alternative.

  4. My first question is: Where did you meet your Thai girlfriend that speaks English? Big problem #1 Koh Phi Phi. Big problem #2 I bet you do not speak a single word of Thai. Big problem #3 Opening shop with a Thai woman you barely know. Big problem #4 Getting married. #5 EVERYTHING. Sorry to tell you the raw truth but you sound like a common newbie that is about to get taken to the cleaners like thousands maybe millions before you. But hey go ahead and don,t listen. In less than a year you will be asking us how to save your ass from the Thais.

    plus one on this post. brutally honest but best to be said.

  5. The first time in Phi Phi I had to take a long tail. No other boats going there. There were bungalows mostly. I wanted to take a shower and went to the shower area and many girls and guys naked in a circle surrounded by a tarp with a well in the middle and a bucket. It was a shock for me but boy was it nice to see all these naked girls from all over the world and not caring, just bathing. I feel really old now and a little depressed that there is no place left like this, maybe on the earth.[/size]

    phi phi certainly had a different feeling when I started going there many years ago. it is so built up now it is amazing. what little septic system there is seems to be tainting what little ground water there is. I stayed in a decent hotel there a couple years and the water had a distinctive rotten egg smell. a great party place for the party boppers but I don't think I will go there again. pattaya now more my style.
  6. I decided to learn kiteboarding and start a kiteboarding business on koh phi phi about 10 years ago but I ended up opening up in pattyay instead. a friend of mine ended up setting up on koh phi phi, and I went down to help him. is tricky on the islands as it is not just a matter of paying the cops a fee. it is a family who runs (and probably owns) the island. I don't like to be negative but what you are planning to do is very very difficult as you will be competing against people who are very well set up on the island already. best of luck to you if you do try, let us know how you get on.

  7. Psychiatric treatment ?

    For you I mean.. Be thankful for the peace and quiet. I love a good 2 day meditation smile.png

    solid advice here. but seriously if you are going to stay with a thai girl you are going to put up with this shXt. I know I have been with one full time for almost 4 years (we have 2 kids together) if you dont have any attachments then I dont see why you would bother being in a relationship with a thai girl. before you all go bat shXt on me this is just my opinion. Thailand is heaven on earth for a single guy.

    now I forgot to write I have 2 condos and we live next door to eachother so I see my kids all day every day but when the bullshXt starts I go to my own place. since I moved into my own condo the bullshXt has all but stopped. maybe this is the solution?

  8. Psychiatric treatment ?

    For you I mean.. Be thankful for the peace and quiet. I love a good 2 day meditation smile.png

    solid advice here. but seriously if you are going to stay with a thai girl you are going to put up with this shXt. I know I have been with one full time for almost 4 years (we have 2 kids together) if you dont have any attachments then I dont see why you would bother being in a relationship with a thai girl. before you all go bat shXt on me this is just my opinion. Thailand is heaven on earth for a single guy.

  9. Truly doubt that their economy will crumble, they are Japanese they will make out just fine. I always wondered why the Japanese put up with this base for so long. They don't need it and don't want and it is their country. They can get along without the US nonsense there just fine. I wish them God speed on moving the base out. Now if we can just work on removing the other 999 US bases worldwide that would be great. The poor US taxpayer needs a break and could use the money on a lot more really useful stuff.

    you need to look at what happened when the philipines kicked the yanks out of clarke airbase. was not long before they begged them to come back in. bases in japan will be no different.

  10. Draconian laws are not popular

    But it is necessary.....

    It certainly is if the goal is to maintain the polarisation of society for your own ends.

    I and I guess many Thais don't want to pay the compensation for Yingluck. And this is what happens. Money doesn't grow on the tree so the lost money must be recovered with the tax and so everyone pays more tax because of her.

    Better she pays than I pay or Mr. Motorbike Taxi pays.

    you are right it does not grow on trees it is printed up from nothing. not really relavent i know.

  11. imagine if they actually find a black box or voice recorder. think this is the only one never found appart from the planes in the twin towers. (please correct me if i am wrong, but be polite about it if possible)

    Not sure I understand what you mean. The "black box" is routinely found after an air crash, although some of course are never found.

    watched a doccumentary on black boxes that said they have found every black ox from every plane crash every crash except for the 9/11 tower crashes. true?

    but the main point i was making is that finding the black box from the 370 plane dissapearance would answer alot of questions.

  12. Pretty simple, it's called benchmarking. Measure American society against a society which instituted gun control in response to mass shootings. Since gun control came to Australia, there have been no mass shootings. QED.

    What little research there has been shows putting more guns in the hands of citizens in response to illicit firearms does not reduce gun-related deaths, it increases them.

    If you want a comic's take on the issue of gun control, check out Jim Jefferies on Youtube. Bound to enrage the supporters of the Second Amendment.

    it is not quite that simple. nz has fairly high ownership rates of firearms and low firearm crime so it is not just the ownership of the firearms thats the problem. also it is hard to regulate firearms now with over 300 million of them in the states (probably far more) how would you go about getting rid of them? some organised groups have said they will fight to keep their guns. would be messy trying to confiscate them.

    tricky to point out the obvious.

  13. How about a Crackdown of all dubious thai lawyers and land developers, who still sell these semi-legal business structures uninhibited to clueless foreigners?

    ah, you see those activities make money for thailand and thai people, at least in the short time. again keep your money out of thailand, just bring your spending money, better just to loose that.

  14. well lots of people have said it already. rent rent rent. cheap rent, expensive mortgages, little capital gain, risk of loosing it. so many reasons not to buy. hope you listen to everyone here. i have had 2 houses and some condos and although i did make a bit on one i lost on another. take it from me it was not worth all the hassle. why dont you buy 2 condos next to each other and know through?. i have 2 i can do you a deal on that i need to sell.

  15. i dont get it. i put something relavant to this discussion. guy calls me ignorant, i ask him for an explanation, no reply. why do alot of people seem to be so angry on this forum? thailand is the most liveable country in the world, despite some shortcommings. i assume everyone on here lives or frequently visits this great country so why the negativity. still waiting for that explanation.

    "why the negativity"? Most ex pats who live here do so because of the weather, and the cheap cost of living, and for the most part enjoy life here - or we wouldn't be here.

    However, the negativity comes from seeing how great the country could be if certain aspects of life here were improved, and the frustration that comes from the constant lack of remedial action.

    For instance, corruption seems to be is an accepted way of life here, "loss of face" can literally mean "loss of life", and while none of our home countries are perfect, there are other certain aspects to "Thainess" that a lot of us can not understand, or agree with :-

    The "dual pricing system" where "farangs" are charged up to 20 times more (!) than Thais, the farce that constituted an investigation into the Koh Tao murders, and the ongoing trial that would have been thrown out of court in most Western countries, the "motor bike helmet" rule or lack of it depending on where you are/live, where "No have" often means "Can't be bothered to look". etc etc.

    I agree with you when you say that you deserve a reply, and this is only IMHO, but it is in human nature to complain about things that aren't right, but less so to make positive comments about when things are OK.

    all good points but calling me ignorant because i ask people if they notice if there arent many chinese tourists around? idiotic.

    anyway thailand is the best country to live and if people are so negative they should leave. we are foreigners, we always will be, there is nothing we can do to change anything and it pisses thais off when we try. good thing too if everyone here had their way we would be living in an anal uptight western style country. i am happy with thaialnd the way it is. ok it will probably be better if the army goes back to doing its normal job but militay take overs are a pert of life here. there will be another within 4 or 5 years of the next election. no point getting pissy about it.

  16. anyone notice the chinese have gone? the normally extreamly busy chinese hotel at the end of my street and other chinese businesses around pattaya are empty. it is supposed to be some chinese holiday as well golden week or something. hope it is not from the bombing.

    Please keep your ignorance to yourself. It adds zilch to the OP.

    ignorance of what champ? you lost me on this response.

    ignorance of what exactly? everyone knows where the chinese have gone except me?

    this discussion was about the govt expanding the economy. tourism is perhaps the most important part of the economy in my area, a fair part of which is chinese based. govt said this week there were large numbers of chinese tourists in thailand now due to some chinese holiday. my comment was about the tourist industry not doing so well due to seeing a lack of chinese tourists. hope this helps you understand my post, i thought it was fairly relavent to the topic.

    not entirely sure what your reply was about. maybe you can help me out on an explanation.

    i sense alot of pent up anger and frustration in this chat forum and i wonder if it a fair representation of westerners in thailand or just of people using this forum.

    Its the night of the long knives. A lot of posters are getting feisty because of the amount of BS flying around. If you could see their eyes you would see that they full up with the brown stuff and overflowing. My eyes are brown to.

    i dont get it. i put something relavant to this discussion. guy calls me ignorant, i ask him for an explanation, no reply. why do alot of people seem to be so angry on this forum? thailand is the most liveable country in the world, despite some shortcommings. i assume everyone on here lives or frequently visits this great country so why the negativity. still waiting for that explanation.

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