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Posts posted by dennis123

  1. 7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Like I said, there is newer signage and it's a lot more flashy as well. 

    OP said new rebranding, just pointed out this rebranding started two years ago, so now it's just same words, better sign.


    I think it's good that they create those gay ghettos, in Phnom Phen you have to walk 400-500 meter or more before you find the next gay bar, so why not put it all together, very convenient. Also good for straight people, knowing which places to avoid. Even in Amsterdam most of the gay bars are concentrated in one area.

  2. One last comment, why are you so anti-gay?


    Trying to turn a 100% gay area into a non-gay/mixed area. Did you invest in one of the businesses, like takeover one of the failing bars for 100k baht or something like I did six years ago? My biggest mistake EVER lol.


    It was only 1 year ago that the Belgium guy, that ran the 3BB gay bar, wanted to get rid of his lease contract for 150k-200k baht, he offered it to me when I saw him at Bamboo bar.


    Usually, It only looks busy because there are so many boys working there, and yes now, at the start of January, in peak season it's obviously crowded with foreigners, no surprise. Check back again after a few weeks/maybe months, and did you see how dead it was from 12-16 April?


    Literally, a ghost town because all the boys went home for Songkran. Take the boys away and nothing is left. Sunnee is really dying, I suppose most moved over to Jomtien. Altogether it does appear that sex tourism is slowing down so maybe your dreams come true one day.

  3. Because you are stubborn as always:

    PATTAYA, THAILAND - DECEMBER 30, 2017: Sign at the entrance of the "Super Town Jomtien Walking Street", also known as "The Gay Town", for the many gay bars in the area

    That's just when they reported it, a little over a year ago, added image to Shutterstock: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/pattaya-thailand-december-30-2017-sign-1044075523


    Facebook post from 2016, whoops that's TWO years already.
    Thanks for noticing so quickly ????
  4. 18 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    You are incorrect and there are actually two signs at two entrances. There is indeed recent signage. 

    No, I am not incorrect that sign has been there for as long as I said, at the very least 1.5 years, but more likely 2.5 years already.


    Maybe you should open your eyes a little bit more. Any other gay that visits that area can confirm.


    And yeah at both entrances, still remember when I saw it the first time which is a loooong time ago as I don't go often to Jomtien Complex anymore. Used to go twice a week. In the beginning always mentioned how ridiculous it was.

  5. On 1/10/2019 at 2:09 PM, Jingthing said:

    Well, the area does seem to cater heavily to foreigners, tourists and expats, and it's my impression that lesbian tourism isn't a big thing here, so the Tomboy bars that exist are not commercial and generally for Thai people. Ladyboy bars probably not there already because those are mostly for straight identified men as the place has been largely focused on nightlife for gay men. But yeah, that's not a bad idea at all to bring in more straight identified men. 

    There used to be a ladyboy bar in the other soi that runs parallel on the busy one, it was always empty indeed.


    I read a few times that you said it's a large area, with multiple streets, well not really it's just 2 sois running parallel to each other and at the end a side street, and a short right/left one and that's it.


    The quiet/dead soi has hotels, blind massage, one or two other gay massage, and one or two gay bars, then around the corner to take the exit towards Jomtien beach again a few gay bars, a gay massage, and a restaurant or two.


    The main soi ONLY gay bars, some useless shops, few restaurants and gay guest houses on top of the bars, as well as gay restaurants, I never see male/female couples eating there, except for the one near Poseidon perhaps at the start of the entrance.


    See how often I use the word gay? That's because it's a 99.9% gay area so the responses you received are quite valid ???? impossible to rebrand this area to non-gay.

  6. Seriously JingThing, when its the last time you've been to Jomtien Complex? Just this month?


    That Super Walking Street sign has been there for at least 1.5-2 years, odd you just noticed but okay.


    Mostly gay bars, how about ONLY gay bars. Oh yes, you are right, the one next to 2Donna is still a beer bar for non-gays the last time I checked.


    You know what happened when they hung up that sign?






  7. Well, my date canceled last minute, made an excuse about to busy at work.


    So I went to Sunee Plaza instead, which was rather deserted though plenty of boys. One of them had his birthday and a nice pig roast.


    Bought some fireworks, those small crackers, confetti pipes, and those thin pipes that shoot fire, and we had a few of those 500 baht boxes that create some real firework, lots of beer, lots of whiskeys and a good time.


    Actually, I was semi-glad my date didn't show up because after reading the posts here my mood was a bit down lol, and I'm never too crazy about these huge events so can't report how it was.

  8. 7 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

    "Animals are not ours"


    "13 Times Zoos Were Bad for Animals"



    "Zoos and Other Captive-Animal Displays"


    "...even the best artificial environments can’t come close to matching the space, diversity, and freedom that animals want and need."



    "Zoos: Pitiful Prisons"


    I suppose Peta is also against having pets? And while we're at it let's all become vegan, otherwise it's kind of hypocritical. Animals in slaughterhouses are fine but not in the zoo ????????????

    • Like 1
  9. 15 hours ago, robblok said:

    As there was a topic a few days ago about a farang who drank too much and ended up in jail for the weekend and then straight for a judge and had to pay a fine around 8000 if i  remember correctly they wont be jailing many of them at all. Just huge fines and lockup till they can see a judge. But somehow i don't think that all the drunks are locked up to face a judge right away (judges have holidays too and the extra amount of drunks is huge so i think much of it is just a fine and go on.


    I can only hope the fines are high so people learn a bit. 

    I have a hard time believing those numbers seeing how few people were locked up on the 22nd, and how difficult they made it for me to bribe me out of the situation or maybe I was just too much of a cheap ass, but really 20,000+ people nation-wide and only 4 foreigners in prison in Pattaya, of which 3 of them already stayed there for multiple days so I was literally the ONLY foreigner thrown in prison for DUI that day?


    It's almost like they are making these numbers up in a way of look how hard we work, see how many we arrested! Others would think that's a bad reputation for Thailand while they perhaps apply their flawed logic of pretending to work hard to punish all those violators. Strange story, sure my case was on the 22nd but even then.


    And what about those 752 vehicles seized but 20k+ arrested for DUI, why didn't the majority get their vehicle seized? ???????????? That's an average of 20 people per motorcycle/car lol. It doesn't really add up does it?

    • Like 2
  10. 31 minutes ago, cedel said:

    a tourist does OF COURSE not need a thai driving licence, it is almost impossible, and would be absolute nonsense if a tourist on a 30 day visa exemption or on a tourist visa, only here for a few weeks or sometimes just 1 week or 10 days should be forced to go to immigration, doctor, and pass all the paperwork and hassle to be able to rent a motorbike or car and be in order and coverred by insurance... it would then be a reason more for good tourists to never come back or chose a more reasonable country where they are welcome and considered...but with an international driving licence or permit, it is ok. I checked again to be sure ( because I heard also this information) in the local police on soi 9 in Pattaya. but with them you never know... I would not be surprised..

    Yeah the other poster on the previous page is wrong, international drivers license is valid.


    Getting a Thai driver license requires a certificate of residence (30-60 minutes), proof of good health by a doctor (5-minute job), and half a day at the Land & Transport office where you spend most of your time waiting so altogether it can easily consume a whole day. It's funny how they provide a paper of good health without any health check at all.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  11. On 9/21/2018 at 5:26 PM, oobar said:

    You are getting ripped off.  A sheet of 10 tramadol capsules (50mg) is available for as low as 25 baht.  Have never paid more than 35 baht.  Paracetamol is even cheaper.  Find another pharmacy. 

    Is that 25 baht/pill or 25 baht/strip. I don't even remember where I got it but I got 5 strips of Tramadol, maybe I got it in Laos, my memory really sucks, and purely for recreational use, and I think I paid around 25-30 baht/pill, same price as Clonazepam, also 30 baht/pill.

  12. 2 hours ago, giddyup said:

    What do you intend doing about your lack of a valid driving licence, continue driving uninsured and just pay the 200 baht if you get pulled over? How long have you been driving unlicenced?

    None of your damn business. Happy holidays ????

    • Like 1

    4 hours ago, AtoZ said:

    It should begin with having usable public transport instead of mafia taxis (which is the case everywhere except Bangkok)

    I never get overcharged by motorbike taxis except for this one that brought me to the police station with a stop in between a few days ago, and who thought he could charge me 300 baht for that. I gave him 120 baht and told him to <deleted> off.


    Then he said I go to the police, I say good, because that's where I'm going as well so you can join me. Then he left as the 120 baht was a fair rate in the first place. So yeah, there's some screwing around during the holidays, especially if you don't ask about the price up front.


    Outside of the holiday season, I have no need to ask for prices anymore, they always charge me the same amount so this mafia taxi thing is a little overrated. Unless you only come here during the holidays and never ask about prices upfront, then I can understand your point.


    Or go to Phuket, I got charged 200 baht in one of those odd looking taxis for a 300 meter ride lol. Had I known it was so nearby I would've walked of course. Phuket is really terrible, bbq food on the street side sells at 40 baht/stick, I bought 4 sticks and he said 160 baht, and I was like WHAT? I pay 40 baht for that in Pattaya, how can you charge me 4 times the price. Then he calmly explained that he paid the police 10k baht/month to sell there while Pattaya vendors pay 1000-2000 baht/mo to the police so he made a fair enough point and I handed over the cash without further arguing though still slightly pissed off. Thank god I didn't choose to live in Phuket.

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