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Everything posted by SHA 2 BKK

  1. No. They are actually encouraging exit through the E Gates. No confusion when you return. A sneaky look at my immigration screen on return last time showed some history so I guess they can easily tell you exited using the gate.
  2. There are also E Gates at the Fast Track. I used them the other week. One less Stamp in the Passport. Arrival still has a staffed booth.
  3. I was "downgraded" last month on my flight Hong Kong to BKK by Cathay. Was told accept the downgrade or take tomorrows flight and I'm a One World Emerald flyer. The plane was changed from the one I originally booked and there were not enough Business Class seats. Sure they gave me some monetary compensation but the total lack of communication and threats of "come back tomorrow" left a very sour taste. I'm taking Emirates there and back next month - A380 first class for the same price as Cathay Business.
  4. Drove back from Cha Am yesterday. Rama II is becoming worse and worse. The pavement terribly uneven and many potholes combined with the usual congestion makes it a very unsafe experience. RIP to those killed this morning during construction. I really would hate to think of the number of lives taken during the construction of the road.
  5. There is another thread on hear about emails from K-Bank asking customers to supply TIN's etc. As an LTR Visa holder (and with some accounts outside of Thailand here is my response). May be of interest to some. "I got a letter from HSBC Australia last week, where I have a very small sum of money, to self certify my Thai Tax residency and TIN. So not just Thai Banks caught up in this. I was in Malaysia last week to open a new account with Maybank and also had to self certify - Identical form apart from Bank Logo. I am a K Bank customer but no email (yet)! The HSBC - Maybank Self Certification gives three choices re TIN (A), (B) and (C) - from memory (A) is the Thai TIN (13 Digits), (B) is TIN cannot be obtained and (C) is Country does not issues TIN's or equivalent. I ticked (B) in my case as I have no assessable income in Thailand and I have an LTR Visa which I stated via Royal Decree 743 means I don't pay tax on remitted income and am not entitled to a TIN (that's what the RD on Pahonyonthin Road told me). Anyway both Banks accepted this - but I'd really like to put this on the record with my Thai accounts!!!"
  6. I got a letter from HSBC Australia last week, where I have a very small sum of money, to self certify my Thai Tax residency and TIN. So not just Thai Banks caught up in this. I was in Malaysia last week to open a new account with Maybank and also had to self certify - Identical form apart from Bank Logo. I am a K Bank customer but no email (yet)! The HSBC - Maybank Self Certification gives three choices re TIN (A), (B) and (C) - from memory (A) is the Thai TIN (13 Digits), (B) is TIN cannot be obtained and (C) is Country does not issues TIN's or equivalent. I ticked (B) in my case as I have no assessable income in Thailand and I have an LTR Visa which I stated via Royal Decree 743 means I don't pay tax on remitted income and am not entitled to a TIN (that's what the RD on Pahonyonthin Road told me). Anyway both Banks accepted this - but I'd really like to put this on the record with my Thai accounts!!!
  7. It happened here too - remember a few months back? "The number of people killed from drinking herbal liquor spiked with a composition of methyl alcohol rose by two more to six on Wednesday morning, the Public Health Ministry said. The Medical Services Department said it had received reports that two more people had died on Wednesday – one in hospital and another at home. The department said that so far, 37 people have come out to seek medical treatment since the first case was reported on August 19. As of Wednesday morning, 22 people affected by the bootleg alcohol were still in hospital and nine have been discharged. The department said 11 were being treated at the Nopparat Rajthanee Hospital, one at Lerdsin Hospital, one at Rajvithi Hospital and nine others at private hospitals. Of the patients still in hospital, seven are on ventilators, the department added." https://www.nationthailand.com/news/general/40040974
  8. Not that it was Capital Gain but I was approved with three consecutive Pension Payment Advices (I get paid fortnightly). As they are non taxable payments I could not provide a tax return from my home country. I explained this and was accepted. Hope this helps.
  9. Re thoughts on worldwide taxation in Thailand. This is an interesting article on LTRs and possible implications of the above. Apart from being some years away (discussion, legislation et al) the article opines that Royal Decree 743 may be amended to take into account the above changes. But then again TIT! Interesting read for those so inclined. https://www.businessblog.asia/en/proposed-changes-to-thailands-foreign-income-tax-impact-on-ltr-visa-holders/
  10. Agree. He did well. “Peace in our day”.
  11. That particular scheme ended over 20 years ago. MPs are now paid the standard super from their employer (whichever parliament they are a member of - States included) along with their own contributions. Like other workers depends on age when it’s withdrawn. It sucks to be wrong.
  12. I suggest you contact the BOI directly at Chamchuri Square. The staff are helpful and friendly and speak good English. If you are in the Bangkok area I would strongly suggest a personal visit. I have the Pensioner LTR so I’m sorry I cannot assist further but it’s a great Visa and best of luck.
  13. I see in the Newspaper that cannot be mentioned today the BOI is talking about worldwide taxation and that the RD hope to implement it in 2025. Anyone who stays in Thailand for more than 180 days will be liable to the world wide scheme. The BOI is talking to the Finance Department and other Government Departments to lessen this moves impact on BOI clients. I hope this also includes LTR Visa holders. Whilst the no 90 reports and other benefits are wonderful the lack of tax on remittances attracts me greatly. My income in Australia is already taxed and me pension which becomes Tax Free in a few years is Government Service and therefore DTA Tax Free. But the pain of paperwork worries me most.
  14. I do a fair bit of trade (outside Thailand) with Chinese Companies. They pay me in USD and RMB. BRICs won’t mean we can’t deal with Euros, USD or AUD in Thailand anymore. Simply introduces other currencies as trading currencies rather than the Greenback. So Somchai the Rice Exporter may find it easier being paid in RMB as it’s quicker than USD from his Chinese buyers whilst the Chinese buyer may prefer this too as converting RMB to USD is costly and time consuming. Maybe the Chinese buyer (as mine do) will offer a better price because of this. Just have to careful of the volatility pitfalls. Indeed you can you use the scan QR Code feature from most major Thai Banks to pay for goods and services in China where cash has just about disappeared from use. BRICs I can sense is trying to provide an alternate to USD denominated trades. So for most Expats I really can’t see much change.
  15. Just what we need. More work on Rama II. Be another 50 years before it’s finished.
  16. You must have never watched a State of Origin - Queenslander!!!!
  17. We have Female Rugby League "Pundits" in the Rugby League Competitions in Australia and have had for a fair stretch of time. The Women's Rugby League Competition is also very well patronised and they play good football. Women's Cricket and "Pundits" commentating on mens matches are also well received. Asha Guha who played for England is a very good commentator. I agree that soccer players dropping at the slightest touch might as well be "sheilas" but you Yankees with your helmets, pads everywhere and stop starts aren't much better. That's not how to play football.
  18. I am in a rural area without a fixed line provider. I use a True Data only SIM with a TPLINK DECO SIM Router and three TPLINK DECO 6E acting as a Mesh across the house (which has two floors. We run CCTV, two televisions (Netflix etc) and a Cinema Room, Apple phones and Mac without much problem. There is a lag sometimes during heavy rain and evening when I think traffic picks up. But generally I have been very impressed. Previous to this we used an AIS SIM Router with Linksys Mesh. The TPLINK DECO has thus far proved far superior though a "hard" (unplug from electricity) reset is sometimes needed. Cost for the data from memory is 1299 per month (unlimited). That being said when fibre does become available I will certainly switch but keep the SIM as backup. You could look at a Mesh system off your fixed line router and have your devices connect to them?
  19. Thems' be fighting words to most Aussies. Looking forward to the next Ashes flogging of the Poms.
  20. Apart from some bureaucrat mentioning it some months ago "All quiet on the Western Front". BTW anyone with an LTR Pensioner or Wealthy Individual - without Thai income - going to lodge a Tax Return next year on remitted income? Earlier some LTR holders reported they couldn't get a TIN from the RD as they didn't have to pay tax. On Global Income - I hope its just a thought bubble - I guess time as always will tell.
  21. Little as I don’t want to wade into “Yankee” politics I must correct the above. Rupert Murdoch (formerly Australian but now a Citizen of The United States) to my knowledge is not Jewish. In fact his father, Sir Keith Murdoch who founded the media empire, was the son of a Presbyterian Preacher and was born in the then British Colony of Victoria which became part of the Commonwealth of Australia on the 1st of January 1901 (no blood spilled). Sir Keith made a name for himself during the First World War when he reported on the horrible conditions faced by Australian Diggers (soldiers) at Gallipoli and the the Western Front. After the war he returned to Australia and formed the genesis of the company Rupert inherited. Whilst I’m no fan of the Murdoch Empire I find it incredulous to believe that the Grandson of a Presbyterian Preacher is Jewish.
  22. I switched from a nearly expiring 5 year Elite to the LTR. Best decision I made in a long time.
  23. I renewed my Thai Drivers Licence some months ago. A Certificate of Residency was needed. So I imagine the same for vehicle purchase. Dead easy to get one if you live in Bangkok and head up to Chamchuri Square with a print out of your TM 30 report. Took me about 1 hour (45 mins downstairs for a coffee while the document was produced).
  24. I thought it was when the child turned 16. Before we all moved to an LTR Visa we used to do 90 day reports and include the kids who were on an ED Visa. Then I seem to recall Immigration telling me no need until 16. But that's a distant memory now.
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