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About curlylekan

  • Birthday 11/01/1981

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  1. Look into the Belgian government and its politics
  2. Agreed. I find them better than most any other drug people talk about for depression. You only need a small amount and the anti-depressant effects last a while
  3. Remind me who was primarily in office during that time? Wasn't that party/person/entity taking over for the good of the Thai people? (Sarcasm) o like he scammed some millions of people, yet no military to chase him out of office.
  4. For a country that relies and cares so much about tourism, marijuana opens up a lot more of it, way more than taking a small tax of alcohol. Taking 300 baht off alcohol or allow alcohol sales in the middle of the day is not going to change really anyone's mind about where they travel, but open up a whole new industry in a region of the world where these things can come to the death penalty, and you'll get a whole lot of new tourists. We have yet to see mass casualties, road conditions go any worse, mass chaos throughout the country. You just need better regulation. It not need be an all or nothing enterprise. Then again, this is Thailand. When we westerners attach our mindset with those of the Thai people, we get lost in the whole system.
  5. And how does this matter of he is right? In fact, for this reason, he is better off to talk about this than others who don't have the experience.
  6. It often seems that Move Forward is the main party in government who uses logic.
  7. You're right. I had to go back and read the article. The author articulates their thoughts very well, better than most Thais. Better than many westerners too. Interesting to think about
  8. Or Hilary, which could be why Obama never went after it, even though Russian interference broke while he was in office. Very easy to write or think about something based on our own confirmation biases. Hard to do the other way around.
  9. Rewrote the constitution to their own liking, including the 250 senators. He had to leave the country for 15 years. Do don't ever remember these coup leaders or any of them having to leave their home country or risk going to jail for some trumped up charges that the military never has to stand for themselves. I think, other than that, yes these situations ae both about people with a lot of power and money being able to make their own rules.
  10. I wonder if the government ever thinks that people want to see more than just temples. The temples are fun, but after you've been to a few, you've been to them all. Outside of that, the TAT needs to look at other attractions. For instance, cleaning up all the litter at the national parks - they charge us foreigners enough to make up for it. And STOP taking the fun out of Thailand. Work on updating your museums and creating more. Bring back the street food. I really don't like how this has disappeared. It added to the fun of Thailand I love Thailand, but as for places to go and things to see in SEA, Singapore is at the top of my list. Very clean, a good variety of food, but most importantly a lot of things to do and museums that are kept up with or at least created well.
  11. I like your analysis. It is different from the western point of view - very refreshing. The viewpoint can help to make sense of a system we westerners know little about, but we judge based on the western system.
  12. If Tradeau were in the same position as Thaksin, the newspapers would be all over it, as they should. The same holds true for any country. It's about people with money and power "abusing" using the system.
  13. Plus the crazy working hours. Who has time to exercise after working 60+ hours a week?
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