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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. About 3 years ago the wife wanted to open a little coffee shop in her village, where we now both live.

    I gave her most of the money she needed to build her little coffee shop on her parents land and she had to save and put the rest to it herself.

    3 years later she's still in business and offers very good western food as well as coffee, ice-cream, etc. The coffee shop business seems to have gone sluggish (mainly because of all the copy cats who initially laughed at her for opening a cafe in the village, but then copied her when they saw the number of customers she had). Just recently she started baking cakes and that is booming! She's turning out cakes daily and they're selling pretty well with a decent profit margin.

    Overall, I'm quite satisfied with what she has achieved. She's happy to be back home, she very seldom has to ask me for money and she's now independent.

    At the end of the day, I think I made the right decision 3 years ago. It was money well spent.

    im crying.

  2. I keep seeing threads like this, and I'm shaking my head.

    A thai wife would milk you for money? And one back home wouldnt???

    Sheesh, just the extra difference in rent/mortgage Id pay back in my home country for the McMansion Id need for a wife here....would cover EVERYTHING for my wife, daughter and her parents in Thailand.

    So after a kid or two, she dumps you, gets a good for nothing thai boyfriend.....tell me it all still doesnt add up to 1/3 of what the same thing would cost you back home

    Holy words!!!!!!!!!

    A good for nothing thai bf has a lot more in common than the no good for nothing farang......................hahahahahahaha.

  3. My girl wanted to open a salon. Told her I would pay half of the startup. She saved her half, I kept my part of the bargain and she opened a shop and built it from bottom up. Over 2 years now and she has made all the money back. She wanted to repay me but, I declined. She has rebuilt her parent's house and now saving for land. She's done good for herself. I couldnt be more proud of her.

    That's a great outcome. Well done! It's good to hear a positive story.

    Thanks. Its not all gloom and doom and not all Thais are out to get us. She will never get rich but, she makes enough to live better than most other Thais. She's frugal and generous at same time. Salon workers usually work on commission and when low season comes it can hurt. She guarantees her employee's a steady salary each month even if it means she takes a cut during low season. Karma is really helping her.

    Doesnt sound like a thriving business to me. just being real here.

    Who are her customers- farang middle age men? one wouyld think thai girls hair need 'tending to all year round.....lol.

  4. Ive bought the missus a decent chunk of gold over the years. I keep it in a safe at my work.

    Good on ya,my ex sold the lot,some of it to by a motorsai for her useless new Thai boyfriend,who does nothing,but stay in the hammock unless he has to drive her car,somewhere,i have seen rats with more intelligence than the pair of em,am i bitter a little but now i have a partner in the Philippines i don,t really care,hopefully they end up eating each other.

    sir-you need counseling. Asking you for business advice is like asking a fat man how to lose weight.....................lol.

  5. I don't expect them to buy an attractive young short-timer in a small bar on Bangla Roadwub.png

    But Miracles do happen..

    So this is what you expect of "normal" tourists to do on their Thailand vacation? Have paid sex with hookers?

    YES................................get real man. the problem is far too many marry them............hahahahahahaha.

  6. Immigration and police dont seem to be following what was said about Passports , This is one main reason i left Thailand it is becoming very clear they have adopted a western approach i have only searched in Bangkok but 5 times in one week has turned me off the country , great bloody holiday

    Are you saying that you were stopped and searched 5 times in one week ?

    I have been going to Bangkok frequently for 15 years now and I have never been stopped and searched.

    ive been stopped once. it wasnt a pleasent experience.

  7. Ideally Obama would get to stay in and run things.

    Whatever happens I hope that moron Trump doesn't get into a position of power.

    I would like to see if Bernie Sanders can change things for the US, but I suspect that Hillary will in fact win.

    What has improved under obama for you.?

    He has set back race realtaions back to the Jim Crowe days for one. His biggest supporters(coloreds) have been hurt the worst under his presidency.

  8. If Dump would become the next US president, the whole US will see how lonely it will become in the world scene. Good luck with that.

    I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

    We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

    I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

    You said it the best, nothing else to say.

    all the immigrants invading europe are the result of usa foreign policy! the world needs a strong USA.

    sanders or bitchary winning means doom for the rest of the world. yr standard of living will go down even more,

  9. Sanders is the only one, who could start the process of giving the country back to the people, instead of giving the power to the corporations and folks who think they have right to use the peasants, the US citizens.

    Sanders problem is that the USA is not ready for his progressive ideas. He is called as socialist as he wishes to improve education, which is horribly bad in the US, and he wishes to give better healthcare to all.

    The republicans don't seem to understand that these are not the only socialist things, which are happening in the country. The military and the police are also paid by the government, thus those are part of socialistic government. Maybe in the true freedom, people could opt out, not to pay taxes to support military functions.. or to pay collectively paved roads.

    sanders owes 65K in credit card debt!

  10. My perfect Breakfast:

    Fried egg - just one, fresh and cooked to perfection with firm whites, runny yokes - no crozzling!!

    Scrambled eggs - two eggs, not too firm with a little diced onion and a light cheese coating.

    Sausages - preferably a good pork breakfast sausage that isn't 95% breadcrumbs. Definitely not a Thai plastic sausage.

    Bacon - preferably streaky that isn't full of water - three rashers thanks.

    Hash browns - not the ones you buy at the supermarket or Mackers, but real home made ones.

    Mushrooms - fresh (not canned), whole portabello and lightly sautéed in butter.

    Beans - Heinz preferably.

    Fried bread - cooked properly in dripping or lard. Yeah, 3 million calories a slice but uber tasty with the runny eggs.

    Black pudding - just a little bit, and perhaps a little white pudding to boot.

    Grilled tomatoes - fresh and not those disgusting canned abominations.

    Lambs kidneys - grilled or fried.

    Toast and Marmalade - I'll settle for Smuckers out here, it's not too bad.

    And against my usual preference I'll finish with Tea rather than coffee. There's just something about the combined taste of tea and marmalade that brings back some fond childhood memories.

    how much you weigh? 400+ pounds?

  11. ......meanwhile, the Obama administration drives the US economy to the shiiiithouse and soon enough the Americans government will have 300 million home grown slaves of their own.

    I'd be very interested to see the facts backing up your assertion. 70 consecutive months of job growth with unemployment now below 5% (http://www.politicususa.com/2015/11/06/obama-economy-sets-record-job-growth-streak-surges.html), record growth in the Dow (http://www.macrotrends.net/1358/dow-jones-industrial-average-last-10-years), cutting Dubya's $1.4 Trillion (with a "T") deficit that was bequeathed to him to below a half billion, cutting the deficit for six years in a row (http://trofire.com/2015/09/16/gop-wrong-again-obama-set-to-eliminate-deficit-by-2017-clinton-last-pres-to-do-it/), household incomes up, albeit modestly (http://www.cnbc.com/2016/02/01/us-personal-income-dec-2015.html). No, the American economy is not robust, and, yes, this is one of the slowest recoveries on record. But, when you have the leader of the Republicans in the Senate stating, at the height of the recession, that his top priority was making Obama a one term President (and taking his eye off of the needs of the American people to obstruct recovery efforts at every opportunity in order to do so worked out really well, didn't it?), just exactly how was the President supposed to make it a better recovery?

    I'm guessing you're pining for the "good old days" under Shrub, when we were shedding jobs at 800,000 per month, people had lost half their retirement savings in the markets, foreclosures were decimating the middle and working classes, our national debt was doubled, and the deficit grew to insane proportions thanks to his two "off the books" illegal wars. And before you try to use that pathetic trope about Obama giving us a $20 Trillion national debt...while it's quite true that the national debt will soon rise to that level, it's nothing but pure BS to try to blame that on Obama. The national debt is a function of two things...deficit spending, and accumulated interest on that debt. It was Dubya who set in motion the deficit spending that is now hyper inflating the debt. Obama has cut Shrub's deficit by two thirds, thus slowing the runaway debt train that "The question we have to ask ourselves is, is our children learning" boy stripped the brakes off of.

    Pretty sad post when I can't even say, "Nice try", mostly because it was a pathetic effort.

    Obama said deficit spending is very UN-american.

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