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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. Here is an account from a bridgeplayer, in a bridge forum:


    Wow. Quite an account of the whole matter and basically everything that was expected. A jealous Thai ex-wife tipped off the police that the elderlies were gambling so the 50 strong police raided the place and then trumped up charges when they found out they were wrong. It would be nice to hear that the informer gets whats coming to her for lying.

    But this story just further adds to my belief that Thailand is not a place you want to fall foul of as the police act with impunity and aliens will feel the full wrath of whatever laws the police can think up for bribes or to save face. The truth and what is fair and just is irrelevant if a Thai's face is involved. And the things that you can get arrested and charged for are becoming a joke, especially if you are not a local.

    I'm glad me and my family all left the country last year when we did. I never wanted me or my family to ever be at the mercy of this corrupt system if any of us were ever involved with the police as a victim or be accused of a crime by anyone, nor do I want my kids being raised in a country where such corruption is the normal mindset of society. After every news story I've read in the last year about Thailand I don't regret moving everyone back to the UK one single bit. Its reputation gets lower by the day as the world is currently paying attention to it.

    But good to hear the elderly non signer got released from jail. After 24 hours inside!!!

    Whats an English Communist. Is it wise to be in the room with one?

  2. This is exactly what Thailand doesn't need now. The drinking bans on holidays that members of this forum complain so vocally about probably has little or no effect on tourism. Many countries have an assortment of restrictions surrounding the use of alcohol. But the chance of being arrested and held at a police station for hours for doing something that is not only legal, but seen as a positive, intellectual activity in most or all countries is scary. That is not something people at 60 years plus want to experience during retirement or when travelling on holiday. Many will ask themselves: If they do this, what will they do next?

    If Thailand wants to destroy its reputation as a peaceful tourist nation and lose some of the most profitable, trouble free tourists around, this is the way to do it. Unfortunately, those in charge of this operation most probably don't have a clue about this, and may well instigate other, equally damaging operations in the future.

    The reputataion Thai has is one of wall to wall BarGirLs.

  3. US of A, you have made your bed, now lie in in it,

    I get sick of the USA bashing on here.

    Too bad your puny country can't invent the drugs and equipment and procedures the USA does, eh?

    It is often the profit motive that drives these discoveries and then other "more civilized" but tiny, inconsequential yet incompetent countries leach off them.

    (You asked for it.)


    It might come as a surprise to you but there's plenty of puny countries out there punching well above their weight when it comes to inventing stuff, medical and otherwise.

    Of course, that's not part of the 'pedalled' information fed to American citizens, so there's a mild excuse for your ignorance.

    These puny countries are puny! the people have to live under oppressive rule-no incentive to show smarts!

    Capitalism does work. I bet the iq of n koreans would rise if the leader would let them be free.

  4. But clearly neither of you (wife or farang husband) have any idea on how to run a bar, so just stop and cut your losses. Sell what you can.

    I bet my Pattaya condo on the 35 floor with spectacular views that i boght for $150,000 now worth $225,000 that op wife experience consisted of being a cashier.........................Come on now-----..these guys cant be for real.

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