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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. Just ask the seller for a 50% discount and you're close to the actual market price.

    I had the pleasure of dealing with such imbeciles when I sold my first condo. The only upside is they would blurt out "you take half price" within 5 minutes since they have no interest in the property lay out. A shove to the door is the only Way to deal with them [emoji1] [emoji1]

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

    Did you find a buyer or you still own the loser?

  2. How terrible it is to live in Nana, written by people who have never lived in Nana. How less credible can this thread get?

    Yes no one who has spent less than twelve months without leaving the Soi should be allowed to comment.

    We've been...it stinks and is full of every kind of undesirable imaginable.

    If I were looking to buy a condo I'd look at the street and run Forrest run.

    I don't think you'll be making much money with your investments.

    A condo in thai should not be viewede as an investment. It is a disposable like toilet paper.............hahahahahahahaha.

  3. That is because she is a stupid clone to his ideology, She does not have her own agenda, only a copy of Obama's socialist plan that ran the USA into the ground. I have first hand knowledge from past Secret Service teammates of mine who say Hillary is a raging bitch. That is why when she was alone traveling on the Presidential helicopter the code name was "Broomstick 1". She will be taken to task and hopefully prosecuted for selling nuclear products to Russia through her fake charity origination, for her inaction and continual lying about Bengazi and the deaths of a US Ambassador, her use of her personal computer to send classified emails. He should not be elected, but put in jail. I hope Trump wins because he is the only one with balls to go after her and Obama for their illegalities, lying to congress and the US, for all other atrocities

    Hillary will never be made to wear a orange pantsuit with a number on her back. The R will be too scared of her-she is a bi atch...........lol.

    The FBI will not do a thing even if they want to. A very scary man is still in Whiye House.

    Id vote for a democrat who believed in freedom, lower taxes, capitalism, balanced budget, strong national dee-fense, and a wall.

    I hope democrats vote for the above too...........................hahahahahaha. Sarcasm!

  4. Once again the message is: shoot the messenger!

    Here's a great article about how posting images online damages the image of Pattaya.


    "Although the official has tried to change the image of Pattaya from Sex Tourism to Sport Tourism, the good image is always damaged when videos are posted on the internet."

    cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

    this is the director of the Pattaya [/size]Business and [/size]Tourism Association[/size]. he really is having a difficult time thinking up a way to improve Pattayas image that doesnt involve media censorship.

    Indeed his hotels on Soi 7 and Soi 8(Flipper Group) are clearly in the epicentre of sporting Pattaya. Walk along either of those sois and what is featured is mainly sports....or perhaps not.

    As to attracting Eastern Europeans...they already tried that a couple of years ago.





    I for one, wouldnt go to pattaya if there were no gogo bars. There is absolutely nothing of interest to anyone other than local thais there.

  5. You don't 'have' to see that side of Thailand at all. I've been coming here for fifteen years and never felt the need to.

    As for the idea that it's part of Thai culture? That's funny.

    Isn't it better to see all sides? You can't deny that to many people overseas, it is seen as part of Thai culture. It does exist, even if you never visit and have no idea about what goes on.

    Try telling any ordinary workaday Thai that whoring is 'part of Thai culture' and stand back, well back .. smile.png

    these ordinary thai men spend more on thai girlies than farang can hope to spend(in a few liftimes i may add................hahahahahaha)

  6. You've been given evidence & common sense by craigt3365 and newnative. And they are exactly right. A kid can certainly have a great time & turn out quite well from Pattaya. And a great many have. The topic has been discussed multiple times on the forum already.

    Obviously you have some agenda and refuse to think rationally on the matter. So you've just moved into the trolling area. Suggest you agree to disagree and buzz off from the thread.

    I know you're always right, but did you even notice that the palces Craig talked about aren't called Pattaya?

    Huayai, Nong Hin, Chaiyapruek , and al those other places East of Sukhumvit are not part of Pattaya,

    I always assume (wrongly, sometimes) that people do have some shred of common sense. In any country, obviously, kids are usually better off away from the city center with the riffraff running around and in the affordable burbs w/ true neighborhoods, more space, and some nature, which may or may not be formally incorporated into the city. Raise a kid in the middle of the casino district, maybe w/ one downstairs to pass thru on the way to the schoolbus? Raise your kid up in a room above a brothel in Soi 6? Well, no. You see, nobody is talking about such a case, and to imply that they are is simply to be willfully obtuse (as you tend to be, loving to argue and nitpick I guess).

    I do know of kids doing well living in larger condos, closer to the city, and considered part of Pattaya. You can see the Regents van and others picking them up and dropping them off daily. I know of Thai kids raised in South Pattaya near the market, not far from Walking Street, who did well. Parents owned businesses and sent them to private schools. Parents and their raisin' make the most important difference in whether kids can resist bad influences--which you can never get away from.

    So we need to point out that a kid raised outside of Pattaya or Las Vegas is by no means guaranteed to grow up exemplary and could even be worse than if he had grown up on Soi 6. smile.png Friend of mine, professional, totally stable and sane, has a couple of kids raised middle class in a small conservative town in the USA--in a dry county of all place--and OMG they are horrible. Total failures. Feel sorry for him.

    But then I know of a kid from an unstable home w/ two alcoholic parents fighting and raising hell all the time, poor, working class, who became a star football player in HS then went on to do well at a respected engineering school, got a fantastic job, married a female plastic surgeon and has kids of his own now. Totally amazing.

    There aren't going to be any stats here or hard & fast rules like Nomyai wants or you may want. We can waste time swappin' stories and flappin' gums all day. You're both entitled your opinions: enjoy them, do things your way, nobody cares in the slightest.

    rules always have exceptions.

  7. just out of curiosity, why do they grow robusta and not arabica?

    Robusta is (as the name suggests) more robust, gives higher yields and flowers more regularly and so give more regular yields, and so is of a much lower quality (very important) and much lower value than arabica.

    Most domestic mainstream table coffee is a mixture of arabica and robusta, the robusta is more like a padding out, while the arabica supplies that nice nutty flavour and aroma.

    100% arabica with zero robusta is your premium and more expensive coffees and commands a much higher price.

    100% robusta coffee is your budget, economy rancid crap.

    8 years in coffee production for Kraft Foods.

    You have 8 yrs experience. You should be saying dont do it!

  8. You don't 'have' to see that side of Thailand at all. I've been coming here for fifteen years and never felt the need to.

    As for the idea that it's part of Thai culture? That's funny.

    Isnt just a part it is ALL of thai culture! what the beejesus do you think thai men do all day or think of doing..............hahahahaha. Bargirls for all.

  9. Guess you haven't been to Vegas in the past decade or two. Or three. But, never mind that, the point is that most cities will have places that you may want to avoid with your children when they are young. That doesn't mean you can't raise children in them. You just know where those places are and you don't go there with your kids. Not brain surgery. Some parents raise their kids well, some raise them poorly, but I'd wager ( wink.png ) it has little to do with what city or town they are living in.

    You are so wrong! Just because you and yr kids dont go where bargirls go doesnt mean yr kids wont learn. They learn by osmosis. His friend might have a sUpeRstaR sister......................lol. Yr cleaning lady might have a budding superSTAR. it does make a difference.

    RE VEGAS...im there right now. Not a place for kids! Show me a gambling town ill show you adults who are a bad influence(more than a non-gambling town). Degenerates are attracted to places like Pattaya and vegas........think people think!

  10. Who intentionally raises young kids in Pattaya? Lots of people. It seems too many TV posters seem to think that everyone is here in Pattaya to park themselves on a bar stool every evening, drink themselves silly, and maybe bring a working girl home. Yes, some are doing that but it's not a large percentage of the overall population--it's just very visible on certain streets, which can easily be avoided. The number of Western men riding a bar stool nightly is probably not growing, or at least not growing as fast as other groups. So, some of the bars maybe seem not quite as lively and you get the ridiculous 'Pattaya is Dead' thread when it has never been more alive, growing, and evolving. You're seeing more tourists arrive as families--and not just in tour groups. Chinese and Russians but others, as well.. Lots more Bangkok people are coming to their Pattaya condos on weekends with their families and friends--expect to see that even more when The Base opens as it was marketed to BKK yuppies. And there's always been the maybe invisible to some but still very much there expat families. Of course, there will likely always be an adult entertainment component to Pattaya, just as there will always be a gambling component to Las Vegas, and for both cities they are important. But, also for both cities, you can raise young kids and not set foot in a casino or an adult bar. Much as some of you like to think that Pattaya is all just about you, sadly, it is not.

    Bargirls and Pattaya is not equivalent to gambling and las vegas.

    ILL say it -it isnt wise to raise kids in vegas either. The atmosphere is not conducive to raising good kids.

  11. Hello You all!

    I'm happy to announce that I finally got divorced. First I got a bad and lousy lawyer who ripped me off 110.000.- THB...

    Thanks to the good advice of one amongst you I found myself a new good lawyer and also a good interpreter...If anyone is interested to know who the bad guy is...and also who the good ones are, just send me a private message and I will let you know.

    By the way...the relationship of my ex-wife and her "boy friend" who was acting like a pimp also ended...

    Stop using words like ReLtiOnsHip, words do matter. Use a man and his girl from the bar.....................hahahaha. There then can be no doubt what is going on.

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