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Posts posted by kash

  1. I'm a cynic and I will be until the day that I die. Anyone can write a book and say whatever they want to say. Does that make it factual? Books are written so that the author can make money. That's fair enough but DON'T believe everything you read.

    So why bother posting your opinions then?

  2. I find it hard to believe that many men still consider their best options for meeting Thai ladies are in bars where one pays for their services. I remember reading on a thread here a while back that with Thai ladies its a matter of knowing which buttons to press.

    May I also suggest it's more a matter of choosing the best ladies to meet? If you're aiming to date some pretty dolly bird that spends all day looking at herself in the mirror, then I think you have your work cut out. However there are many nice ladies out there in the 40 plus age range, divorced with perhaps 1 or 2 grown up children and in some poorly paid, dead end job.

    A lot of these ladies would enjoy nothing more to alleviate the monotony of their lives than to be treated to dinner at a nice restaurant and some good sex afterwards. I have met several Thai ladies this way and it sure beats bar girls. And not just Thai ladies, I have had similar experiences with ladies in Vietnam, Bali and Malaysia. I think we all have the same needs deep down, all it takes is a little respect, charm and good manners.

    The trick is, how to keep it casual (if that's what you want), rather than a full blown relationship.

    Let's be real here friend the only Thai LADIES that wants anything(been seen) to do with a Farang are those that work in the bars. Yeah you are right on about the 40 plus range, divorced, 1 or 2 grown children :o , for YOU, yes YOU to support and don't be surprise if the ex-husband is still in the picture. I think you are kidding yourself about the nice restautant and good sex afterward thing, that is their MO!! "been there done that"(seen that) :D

    so we may deduct then that your wife is a bargirl then?

  3. this is called "wet-leasing" in the airline business. NOK wet-leased an entire aircraft including Pilots and purser for the high-season in the kingdom from the british "XL-Airline". such thing is very much common all over the world.

    full information can be found here (hope its ok to post the URL):


    well - it doesnt explain anything about the visa issue. info about xl is also onboard all their planes ...

  4. Weve just had our site revamped ( www.psdphuket.com )

    Finflix and simple biz are the guys Jon and Omar , based in Chalong.

    Good service and price in my opinion ( actually got their number from a post regarding exactly this a few weeks back )

    That can hardly be called design, its a free template changed here and there - awful in my eyes, but I guess as long as the customer is happy ... hopefully you didnt spend more than 1k on that, but I guess you did :o

  5. It's so easy to criticise, isn't it, especially from a position of extreme ignorance. My friends at The Nation work for crap money, which means it's impossible to attract experienced staff. They turn over 4-5 times the amount of copy they would do on a normal newspaper yet have to work to ridiculously tight deadlines, all the while wrestling with sometimes near unintelligible English (I've seen samples, and it's enough to make a grown man cry). They also have to deal with writers of whom many are poorly trained and sadly deficient in their knowledge. What this means is that they are reduced to cutting corners however they can just to try and get the paper out. From what I've seen, theirs is a tough and thankless job -- thankless because they do the best they can under very trying conditions and then have to put up with ignorant criticism from people like you who have all the time in the world to edit their own copy. Sorry, pal, but my sympathies lie with my friends at The Nation, not with the likes of smart-alecks like you. In my opinion they do a great job in a difficult situation. So try to be a little bit more understanding. Like me, you should spend an evening in their newsroom and watch them work -- work miracles, actually -- and you'll not be so quick to judge.


    Yes, it is easy to criticise, especially when the paper is so bad it often has basic spelling errors in leading articles on the front page.

    As a paying customer, I expect better. You see, far from being ignorant, that's how business works. I could care less if the staff are overworked and underpaid. That isn't my problem. Besides, aren't the owners of Nation Multimedia exceedingly rich? Perhaps your concerns about staff should be levelled at them?

    Do you honestly believe paying customers should put up with a substandard product out of sympathy for the people that help make it?

    Erm, time for a reality check.

    dude - your posts suck even more here than those on thornthree, impressive.

  6. .....if you clean up your act, ie your extremely poorly detailed English.

    Dude, your just sad. God bless you family.

    Perhaps you should join HE in English classes kash.

    kumon blinkyboy - even you saw that was on purpose :-)

  7. HEY GUYS! Brush your teeth's and you don't have to waste your money at Grace or any other dentist :-)

    But for those of us who are lazy, Grace is fine - but I hate their "from" prices .... 600-1600 for cleaning ... how can you argue when they say it was 1200, or a filling 800-2000 - same again, how to argue it was a 1k filling and not a 1,5k, it should be renamed to Grace Dental Baht Factory.

  8. A Light box in photographic terms is a "box" surrounding a flash unit, normally with some white textile around and in front :-) You will find several models at Photobugs in CM.

  9. They have no more than five different Heinz tomatoes beans at Rimping, but I find as the previous poster Ayam to be very good and less than half the price :o What I really miss is toamtoe beans in curry sauce, haven't seen it outside SA though, Hyper Sandton (Josi) used to have a very large and great selection of beans.

  10. Can you provide the link? I want to buy the book & movie rights. Please proof read what you wrote - "i have told everyone in my family that i am married to bank clerk but she actually had another job" but later on you said "I was happily married to a bank clerk" - both statements cannot be true.

    Read it again, quite logical actually :-)

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