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Posts posted by mrrizzla

  1. There has been one or two "defend at all costs" juntas fan boys in here but even they conceded this is fishy. The most hardcore ones haven't made an appearance in here (or the facebook arrest story) yet. Ho Hum.

    This cop was getting right to the dirty rotten core, to close. A positive is that he and his family should be safe down under and I'm willing to bet some of the Australian media will be VERY interested in this story.

  2. I notice that the usual troupe on junta cheer leaders are noticeably absent from this thread. I wonder why..... rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

    I would guess that they read the article in the Guardian. Just when you think a smidget of progress is being made something like this article comes along and well dashes all hopes and we are back at square one again. Fairy Tales.

    Just finished reading that article. Very interesting.

    Saviors of Thailand indeed.

  3. We should all be very aware that this forum is monitored by the government 24/7. Nobody is immune from reprisals.

    Those outside Thailand won't care though, and I presume there's no way the identity of users on this site can be discovered anyway, especially if they use a good tunnel.

    Back on topic - this scandal does seem to be escalating...

    The day that the junta come to kick down our doors and arrest us for talking on here is the day that they've gone full north Korea. South east Asia and Thailand in particular has, since the Vietnam war, been seen as a mostly western friendly region.

    You would have to post something very extreme to prompt them. If it was for discussing their alleged corruption I think western nations would not tolerate it and step in. Normally if you do something bad out here you're screwed but the world is beginning to take notice.

    They would likely just try and shut the board down or block it than arrest ex pats posting here.

    I hope.....

  4. The "Stop meddling in Thailand affairs, if you don't like it go home" brigade.

    There is no 'meddling' just thoughts and opinions. I want some of you to address what these ambassadors have said. A draconian law and selective enforcement of a very suppresive law. Address whether you think it is right. Oh and no "but Thaksin, red shirts" in your answers too please guys.

    I won't hold my breath.

  5. That makes it worse. They lied to get elected, lied once they were elected, lied when the got kicked out and still lie. Totally betrayed those who voted for them for their own interests.

    The Military don't have to lie - they have the guns, tanks, Article 44 and can do and say anything they like - challenge them at your own risk.

    Which is worse the hypocrite who betrays your trust or the one who is open about not caring about your trust?

    Did you just seriously try to justify this 'governments' actions in that last sentence? Good grief some of you need to lay off the kool-aid.

    Anyways these students should of rocked up at the US embassy and protested there. They would of been actively encouraged.

  6. So according to some on here. Shut up and let the military rule. This is Thailand and they own the country and they can be as heavy handed and suppressive as they like. It's ok for the men in Khakis to be massively corrupt but not those men in suits. No, no no. This is Siam and there and masters and there are serfs and the serfs should know their damn place! Do you say the same for Kim in North Korea?

    EnglishJohn in here trying his absolute best to polish a turd. Making out that poor old Prayuth doesn't know what some of his kids are up to in his own home. The guy involved in this scandal is one of his eastern tiger classmates for christ's sake!

    Some of you really, REALLY, need to lay off the kool aid. Open your eyes and see what is really going on.

  7. Let's not be too critical. A great admission by the PM. Let's see how it plays out.

    A great admission? A necessary admission and here's what will happen.

    1. Nothing. Swept under the carpet when the attention has died down and threaten anyone that questions it further.

    2. Some people and scape goats arrested seemingly absolving his mate.

    3. Actually charging his mate with joke a joke slap on the wrist while his mate loses a title or two but keeps all the privileges.

    This is like when they got caught with their pants down regarding the great firewall. The sycophants lapped up the juntas embarrassing admissions only after the public outcry.

  8. Wow there's a lot of glaring home truths and criticism in that article. I'm surprised that it has been posted here!

    Oh, don't worry, the usual suspects will be along in a minute decrying the author as having sprung from the loins of Satan himself....................

    Thaksin bribes the Asian correspondent they'll cry. Just like some of them believe he pays people to ,thumbs down' junta articles on the Bangkok post site! :rolleyes:

  9. Disregarding the issue of protest itself I find it curiously amusing that so many ardent defenders of democratic principles and specifically freedom of speech etc are now critical of a demonstration utilizing those principles.

    The criticism mainly comes not from the actual protest, rather the hypocritical junta who made laws banning ALL protest and gatherings of more than 5 people. Yet they choose to enforce it very selectively. Protest against us you get thrown in jail, protest for us and you have a free pass.

    Even the most ardent of junta lovers have to admit that's sheer myopic claptrap.

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