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Posts posted by mrrizzla

  1. the last time I visited a National Park was with a good Thai friend and his family. Mum and the Kids in the back and me in the front passengers seat. My mate got out and went over to the 'centre' to pay the entrance fee for all off us. Which he did. Halfway back to the vehicle the Thai Park 'Ranger' came outside having spotted me, a farang, in the passengers seat and yelled out to my mate that he needed to pay the farang entrance price for me. My thai mate, who is not your average cop it on the chin Thai, fired up, giving him a gobful and refusing point blank to pay it. Citing that I wasn't a tourist and that I lived here permanently, that I am his neighbour! The bloke immediately backed down and went back inside. We carried on into the park without any problems. . Actually I was willing to pay the fare, but my mate was having none of it. He was more offended than I would ever be. Not all Thais agree with this practice either.

    A large well known (internationally) fishing park near me has two tier pricing. But they also have a system whereby if you can prove you are a 'resident' and not just a passing tourist/tripper you need only pay the local price.

    Well done to your mate. My Thai friends are also embarrassed by dual pricing.

  2. As long as Wattana keeps drawing horns and superimposing things over military personnel photos on FB he will be in the lime light.

    What an immature little man.

    At least try to constructively argue against military rule. Drawing things on military personnel's heads on FB does nothing except show your stupidity and desperation to stay in the spot light.

    You mean like when some people went to corruption park in Hua Hin to protest and ask legitimate questions of what happened there?

    Or students getting arrested for eating and sandwiches and reading 1984?

    This government does not accept criticism. It "attitude adjusts" anyone that dares to question it.

  3. The people who supported the coup from the beginning are in heaven; finally a topic where they don't have the impossible task of defending the junta's actions and can simply comment on Thaksin and Yingluck and still be on topic. Of course they're very sparing on facts and evidence, mostly they present opinions as if they were facts.

    Funny they don't address specific comments of the OP, such as:

    "I want the military junta to consider that having different opinion is not dividing the country. The NCPO should open its mind to allow free expression of opinions which some may agree or disagree. But this will enable the people to hear all opinions, and will make the referendum perfect.”

    freedom of expression? Openness? This is Thailand for the Thais and if you don't like it you can take your poisonous views of "freedom" elsewhere Bruce! cheesy.gifwhistling.gif

  4. Nice to see the usual coterie of The Thais should make no comments here and my many Thai friends say"" bunch are out in force, I can only presume you may well be Americans wishing to impose American style democracy on Thailand.

    The military have the guns. Yes .,But the military will not use them they do not want a re run of 1976 either.

    As a digression I seem to recall the demonstrators from those you appear to support were very liberal with their use of their guns in the last round of demonstrations against the previous administration, selective memories indicate a bias and a denial of the truth.

    As you seem to be so knowledgeable about that horrendous event in 1976 and were here at the time no doubt we can have some first hand accounts of that outrage from you please.

    Nice to see "I am Thai so I know better than you" arguments too.

    1976 before that we had 1974 ohh and we also had the army killing Thais in 1992 as well.

    As you seem to be so knowledgeable about that horrendous event in 1976 and were here at the time no doubt we can have some first hand accounts of that outrage from you please.

    That sounds like you are denying it happened, skipped over in most history books and censored here too.

    You can take your high and mighty, myopic attitude and shove it quite frankly.

  5. Strange as it may seem there have been no great demonstrations of public disapproval of the current administration to date. Irrespective of what the law may say people would have taken to the streets by now as they have in the past.

    What I do find somewhat puzzling is that some posters find the current situation totally abhorrent to their ideals yet they are still here. Now why pray might that be? Is the situation in their own country so bad they won't go back or can't go back?

    I hold Thai citizenship by birth as well as another country's citizenship birthright I feel that I actually have a right to criticise the political antics here as opposed to those who have no vote and change irrespective of who or what it may entail takes time.

    Over two years of no public disorder is an achievement from an administration that a small vociferous section of the ex-pat community feel offends their ideas of a democratic process. perhaps looking at other countries may well be an educational move.

    Europe is in turmoil awash with financial, political and social problems perhaps a focus on those issues in your country's of origin may bring to you an understanding of the matters here being a lot less divisive to society here.

    You came here for what you saw and liked, now it seems as if you wish to change it to that which you left behind, a somewhat perverse set of actions and paths to follow is it not?

    Because the population know they CAN'T protest? The few brave souls that have tried get locked up. "But there is peace now" is such a weak argument because there was peace BEFORE the PDRC protests that people in the current government help exasperate. Plus those protests were limited to BKK only and dwindled as the months went on. What about the situation in the South? It is just as bloody as ever!

    The military took control to stamp out corruption...yet there have been SEVERAL examples that nothing has been done about corruption or even some questionable behavior..the microphone and park scandals to name just a few.

    I know that Europe is a mess and I find Cameron to an abhorrent PM. But you know what? If you were living in the UK as a Thai and criticizing the government I would never tell you to "go home if you don't like it" because it is the refuge of a scoundrel and such a weak, weak argument.

    Because of your birthright do you feel that you speak on behalf of all Thais? Then that makes you as arrogant as you are proclaiming us to be. I have many Thai friends that are alarmed at how much things are going backwards in a time warp under this dinosaur regime. So you are wrong in your assumptions there.

    You should really think before you post next time.

  6. "He would never do it as he still loves and misses the country, she said."

    Thaksin himself stated "he didn't need such"

    Altogether we have some fine non-denials, like before with talks with Southern Terrorist groups, with "calendars", with many things.

    "There will be no coup"

    "I don't want to be PM"

    "There will be elections next year".

    Mr T isn't the only one versed in the art of bare faced lies. Of course it is impossible for you to criticize the current regime as we all know.

  7. If you look at Wattana's FB page today you can see he has superimposing things on the heads of the military like a child would do to goad someone they don't like.

    Non constructive criticism is a specialty of these people. Criticism that doe nothing to further their cause except to keep them in the limelight where they desperately crave to be. Wattana is just following his natural traits.

    What next. Drawing horns on photos of the military and blacking a few teeth out!

    "Tourists think that Thailand is beautiful, safe and that they can do anything they want here. That they can put on their bikinis and go anywhere they want. I ask, can you get away with wearing bikinis in Thailand? Unless you are not beautiful?" Prayuth said in a televised speech on Wednesday.

    Thailand’s junta leader, Prayuth Chan-ocha, has said he will “probably just execute” any journalist who does not “report the truth”.

    Some gems from your hero there Jamie.

  8. It's so nice to see the rightful leader of the Thai nation make honourable statements and clarify things.

    Not that she for one minute will be believed by her masters who deposed her in a military coup and placed Thailand under their rule.

    But she is a kind loyal sister and citizen .

    Ultimately it will be her that creates the protests nation wide.

    I fear one day her brothers statements or actions will trigger our mighty PM to jail her or get her into AA.

    Something half of us here need in all it's manifestations .

    But minus my morning Chang I digest.

    Quote Yingluck

    "" International communities would look at facts , and would not allow anyone to tell anything or to allow any lobbying?

    She said she Believed at present her brother is living difficultly and in abroad.


    Firstly TS and his money would be suffering the usual 5"10 models in high heels between Singapore races on a giant Plasma and 60 year old scotch and rib eye prepared by chefs.

    Secretary scribbling notes.

    Lets not worry about his exile .

    But her prior comment is whats interesting me.

    She is getting maybe disillusioned at the international communities track record.

    Which amounts to over 700 days of doing really nothing.

    She feels vunerable perhaps?

    A poster posed the question on this forum yesterday .

    "" when are they ( international community) going to act?

    It's a fair and timely question.

    Surely sanctions must be ultimately considered now?

    Or are they in on all this insidious AA and clamp downs on speech.

    Since when does the international immunity care what's said about a military government ?

    Early days one senses and until they boil this woman alive the rebellion will be quelled and a few sessions ensure the clock ticking is heard above any protests.

    At least until the brother really does decide it's time.

    Then their boat will indeed be rocked.

    Not by peasants with pitch forks either

    What a load of nonsense. Yingluck was removed from office by a court. Did you miss that? She's already dissolved parliament despite vowing previously not too (we see her vows are meaningless). She moved someone illegally so she could give his job to someone else and move her ex brother-in-law into the "vacancy" created in that key position. Getting the family in where it matters.

    Anyone with half a brain or who actually lives here, knows she was a puppet, stooge, pretty put in place by her criminal brother who called the shots.

    And you think she's the rightful leader? Unbelievable.

    She is a puppet of her brother but she did win an election. Prayuth TOOK power and his the puppet of the old elite. He has less legitimacy than Yingluck.

  9. Those who still defend equal pricing are living in a Marxist utopia. Fact is, while people may be held to be equal in terms of their human rights, they are simply not equal in other ways, certainly not economic. National GDP is a fair indication that foreigners do actually have more disposable income.

    Price discrimination, which in economics not just necessary but inevitable, should discriminate against the well-heeled rather than the poor. If everyone was charged the same, that would discriminate against those with least money. That's worse.

    This is not a human rights issue, but an economic one. The question is really how much the differential should be for tourist sights. I say 50% extra for foreigners is fair until Thai GDP per capita is equivalent to that of their foreign tourists.

    What about the Thais that are richer than me? And I don't mind to say there is few fair of them.

    So if I rock up to the national park on my suzuki step motorcycle and some high so arrives in his shiny new Benz, I should have to pay more based on the colour of my skin?

    Marxist utopia...peh! What's right is right. If I am expected to pay more on the basis that I am rich because of my skin colour then a Thai driving a Merc should also be charged more on the basis of the car they drive.

  10. He is a massive, massive pillock and he has been shown up several times as a wimp when coming to a fight. Most notably running away from JCVD.

    I'm no fan of Segal, but he does have a really impressive track record with regards to martial arts. You don't get these titles easily. It's takes years of hard work. From my previous Wikipedia link:

    Fair play but he acts like the tough guy and has been put in his place several times.



    He may have the titles but he constantly seems to go around acting the tough guy. There are a fair few stories to the contrary.

    Understood. He's fat and old. Like a lot of the rest of us. But still deserves some respect for what he's achieved. Which is impressive. He'd put most of us down without raising a sweat.

    The JCVD incident was 20 years ago and Gene LeBell is 20 years older than Segal! A master he maybe but the tough guy and bully act comes off stupid when he has been shown up by his peers.

  11. He is a massive, massive pillock and he has been shown up several times as a wimp when coming to a fight. Most notably running away from JCVD.

    I'm no fan of Segal, but he does have a really impressive track record with regards to martial arts. You don't get these titles easily. It's takes years of hard work. From my previous Wikipedia link:

    He attained a 7th dan degree and Shihan in aikido, he also holds black belts in karate, judo and kendo and became the first foreigner to operate an aikido dojo in Japan.[19]

    Fair play but he acts like the tough guy and has been put in his place several times.



    He may have the titles but he constantly seems to go around acting the tough guy. There are a fair few stories to the contrary.

  12. The sharp and sustained fall in oil prices is making someone very desperate to be back to the feeding trough...

    So are you privy to inside information regarding Thaksin's financial dispositions or are you as usual full of......?

    Maybe he is.

    Would it be better to ask for clarification through links before defaulting to your usual tactics?

    PS - Please don't start bullying me as well.

    Have a great day my friend.

    "Would it be better to ask for clarification through links before defaulting to your usual tactics?"

    I've asked you for clarification through links many times and it didn't do any good.

    We've had a few comedy MSpaint looking graphs provided after some badgering though cheesy.gif

  13. I am sure that Prayut is correct in his assessment, but everyone knows this. As for the many who love thaksin, I once had a conversation with a taxi driver who assured me that thaksin was the ONLY HONEST MAN IN THAILAND !!! and it became very clear that the whole aim of the country,s biggest crook was to court the people who did not have a brain cell between them. A sad but highly effective strategy, and a huge flaw in the democratic system sad.png

    Do you have the same condescending opinion on the so called "educated" that have the same unshakable faith that the Thai military are some sort of paragons of justice? When history has proven time and time again that they are very far away from that manufactured image. We have had several examples of this from the past two years. The park scandal, microphone scandal, that cop fleeing to Australia because of what he knows about corrupt officials being involved in human trafficking....Hell even the two murdered backpackers in Koh Tao makes for very interesting reading when you find out about the connections the REAL killer's family has.

    It takes two to Tango. Thaksin did something no Thai elite had down before to get power and majorly rocked the boat by doing it (out of his own self-interest of course) but he is not the be all and end all of this country's problems and you are incredibly naive if you think he is.

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