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Posts posted by mrrizzla

  1. Ah so if you don't like Suthep because he is massive hypocrite in fighting corruption when he himself is loathed by his ex party members for his level of corruption, you must like Thaksin?

    You see well balanced people don't like the fact that one is (rightly) deemed evil but the other gets a free pass because he represents the 'good' and 'traditional' power players.

    Some of you need to wake up.

  2. This thread is interesting for analysing techniques used in order to try to lessen the impact of a topic which can be detrimental to the poster's preferences, beliefs, interest, etc...

    Tactic 1: Divert discussion towards a periferical issue

    i.e. the guy may not really have medical problems, Thaksin, etc...

    Tactic 2: relate an "abnormal" situtation to a "normal" situation in order to lessen its abnormal/unethical character

    i.e. people are also condemned in other countries for facebook comments (even if the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case)

    i.e. there is no "free speech" anymore and we have to live with it (of course without mentioning that "free speech" restrictions in democratic countries are related to issues such as racism, harassment, peadophilia, etc...). Again the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case

    Of course what you seem to suggest is that

    1. obviously the junta is not speaking the truth

    2. obviously thanet is a sick man who needs compassion

    3. anyone with a brain can see that.

    Well, to accept 1, and 2, as is I would need to switch off my brain and stop thinking. That of course would make 3. a wee bit difficult.

    Terribly sorry and all that, but I wasn't brought up in the Thai education system where the teacher will tell you. I was brought up in the Netherlands where it was continuously stressed that not to ask questions is dumbing you down.

    So I questioned the junta activity in post #52

    "Mind you, assuming there is some truth in all this, I agree Thanet should have been left in the Hospital. With plainclothes guards of course. And another doctor for a second opinion."

    I did question what ails Thanet as he seems 'real' sick with what ails him depending on who you ask. See post #63.

    Now if you feel that my questioning is just a diversion you seem to imply you don't like questions. You don't seem to like people educate themselves by asking questions.

    BTW the topic is neither you nor me although at times I get the impression that currently it is not duck hunting season, not wabbit hunting season, not even Elmer Fudd hunting season, but just "let's get that blasted Dutch uncle' hunting season. Probably means I question what some don't like to be questioned.

    No it's not what this particular post was suggesting.

    To sum up, you are an excellent and smart debater and would be probably very valuable in training community managers.

    You use several techniques in topics that can be detrimental to the Junta's image (which for some reason you have chosen to defend). Asking questions with this specific purpose in mind is part of these techniques (technique n°1). It's not randomly questionning information, it is with this specific purpose of diverting attention, downplaying a topic, etc.... Along with technique n°2 and others that may be interesting to decrypt.

    Unfortunately, there have been recently plenty of news that can be detrimental to the Junta's image. As you have been particularly present in some of these numerous topics, it is not really surprising that some people have been annoyed by the repeated use of these techniques, and resorted to what you call "Dutch uncle's hunting". For me, it has been the opportunity to discover some interesting rethoric techniques.

    Really out of character your last two replies to me. As if you had help. It's also interesting you suggest 'some people' are annoyed by what you describe as 'techniques' whereas it would seem 'some people' are just unable to accept opinions which do not match their own. As such even your post here is just a deflection from the contents of my posts.

    So, one facebook poster who 'liked' some doctored photo has shown remorse, the other may or may not need medical attention. With the somewhat conflicting descriptions on what ails him a second opinion by a doctor would be a good idea.

    He has suddenly 'shown remorse' after being removed by some men, taken to an undisclosed location and then had some 'attitude adjustment'.

    Funny that.

  3. Prayuth, his administration and the elite he protects are producsts of a bygone age. Where there was no internet waking up the populace, international business interests and human rights. They simply don't get that it is not the old days anymore.

    "We abduct people in Thailand, that is just the way we do it".

    I suspect a fair few certain posters will be avoiding this thread.

  4. This thread is interesting for analysing techniques used in order to try to lessen the impact of a topic which can be detrimental to the poster's preferences, beliefs, interest, etc...

    Tactic 1: Divert discussion towards a periferical issue

    i.e. the guy may not really have medical problems, Thaksin, etc...

    Tactic 2: relate an "abnormal" situtation to a "normal" situation in order to lessen its abnormal/unethical character

    i.e. people are also condemned in other countries for facebook comments (even if the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case)

    i.e. there is no "free speech" anymore and we have to live with it (of course without mentioning that "free speech" restrictions in democratic countries are related to issues such as racism, harassment, peadophilia, etc...). Again the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case

    You have just summed up Rubl's Modus operandi.

    Locking sick people up for 15 year is ok because you can't say overtly racist stuff in the west.

  5. Did the rich guy, the Red Bull Heir who killed the policeman whilst high on Cocaine and booze ever see the inside of a prison ?

    These sentences are ridiculous and are aimed at putting the poor in their place, you have Army Generals who are USD Multi Millionaires which is impossible on their Salary, Police Chiefs who are also USD Multi Millionaires, again impossible on their salary given free reign to do anything they please, as long as they keep the super rich that run Thailand safe from the poor, and safe from any questions as to how they came by their vast wealth.

    Hence the defamation laws, there purely to protect the corrupt from criticism.

    If you're poor in Thailand you'd better do what the rich men tell you to do, they have thousands of armed thugs in uniforms and the Judiciary at their disposal.

    While it is complete wrong that the Red Bull Heir went free, you can't compare that.

    He was crazy and had an accident, he never planned to kill anyone, it was not on purpose. He didn't want to cause any harm.

    These red shirt leaders planned and did it on purpose.

    (I also need to point out that if they find Somchai on a pee test with cocaine in the blood (like on a regular check in a discotheque, without causing harm to anyone), he is in big troubles......RB Heir: Nothing)

    Hmm I'd argue that deliberately setting fire to a building where people maybe hurt is pretty comparable to deliberately getting into a sports car while knowing you are heavily under the influence.

    Both reckless and life endangering.

  6. I think rubl is physically incapable of actually giving (deserved) criticism to the junta. He always has a way of trying to twist and turn out of saying the words, throwing as many distraction techniques out as he possibly can.

    Rubl. People are being taken away to military prisons (some with serious medical conditions, stop trying to scrutinize what is a prevalent point), being court martialled behind closed doors and being handed hefty prison sentences for Facebook comments! Admit that it is worrying and deplorable actions by the Thai junta. No "but Thaksin" or "but USA". This is a quite sickening level of suppression.

  7. I never visited East Germany when it existed but I have read a good deal about it and have German friends with first hand knowledge. It would seem that this Country is rapidly descending to the lows that the East Germans had to suffer for all those years. Draconian laws, Stasi type police spying, arbitrary imprisonment. Happiness being brought back to the people - MY ARSE.

    Over the past few days I've noticed a deafening silence from the likes of EnglishJohn, Roblock, Rubi, Halloween etc. C'mon fellers let's have a rigorous defence of your heroes.......no?......but, but, Thaksin.

    EnglishJohn does his broken down record player post of constantly repeating the very (one sided) story of why the coup happened. He got posts deleted in other threads because it had nothing to do with the topic (of the juntas serious misgivings).

    Rubl posts his usual distraction material. Never address the issue at hand. Just a typical "But Thaksin, but USA" stuff. (but a lot less than normal)

    Haven't really seen the other two.

    I wonder why....

    And your post is on topic? Nope - just a chance to knock posters who don't swallow all the Shin PR and believe the nonsense they claim.

    What's more pertinent, is that the Shins tried to do the same. Having the police announce people would be identified and prosecuted under the Computer Crimes Act if they dared click "like" on any social media comment against the PTP regime. From memory is was a senior police officer named Pissit who announced this to the press. They backed down at the the outcry.

    The Junta just do it. No backing down and seemingly widening the original scope. Now that is scary.

    I don't follow 'Shin PR' either. I know full well the type of Thaksin snake is and he is very mach part of Thailand's problems. I just hate hearing that these incorruptible heroes in green are here to save the day from him when current events and history tell us otherwise.

  8. I never visited East Germany when it existed but I have read a good deal about it and have German friends with first hand knowledge. It would seem that this Country is rapidly descending to the lows that the East Germans had to suffer for all those years. Draconian laws, Stasi type police spying, arbitrary imprisonment. Happiness being brought back to the people - MY ARSE.

    Over the past few days I've noticed a deafening silence from the likes of EnglishJohn, Roblock, Rubi, Halloween etc. C'mon fellers let's have a rigorous defence of your heroes.......no?......but, but, Thaksin.

    EnglishJohn does his broken down record player post of constantly repeating the very (one sided) story of why the coup happened. He got posts deleted in other threads because it had nothing to do with the topic (of the juntas serious misgivings).

    Rubl posts his usual distraction material. Never address the issue at hand. Just a typical "But Thaksin, but USA" stuff. (but a lot less than normal)

    Haven't really seen the other two.

    I wonder why....

  9. I am not anyone else but myself, interesting to see that my last post was removed.

    Getting a little to near the truth for those of you who think you know what is best for we Thais was it.

    Perhaps certain members in this site are actually lobbying against the current administration to promote their own political and business agenda's.

    I will ask this again.

    Why is this coup and junta any different to any of the last multiple ones that ultimately changed...not a lot really.

    My stupid farang brain can't seem to compute what I am missing here rolleyes.gif

  10. Suthep is the creature sent by God to battle the evil anti-Christ and his band of dirty cronies.

    Now the goblin is never coming back, Suthep's purpose is fulfilled and his sort aren't needed anymore. Maybe he just doesn't realise it yet.

    Suthep? You mean the guy that even his own party members tell he is too corrupt? The land selling affair? The strange shortage of palm oil? The one who pocketed baht from the street for.... for what ? We will mever know...

    And you should really try to cure your monomania

    And let us not forget

    "In 2009, Suthep was accused of violating the Constitution of Thailand by holding equity in a media firm that had received concessions from the government. Under the 1997 Constitution of Thailand, which Suthep had supported, Members of Parliament are banned from holding stakes in companies which have received government concessions. In July 2009, the Election Commission announced that it would seek a ruling by the Constitutional Court to disqualify Suthep. Suthep held a press conference a day later, announcing his decision to resign from Parliament. Suthep's resignation as an MP did not affect his status as a Deputy Prime Minister and as a Cabinet member. If his case had been submitted to the Constitution Court, he would have been suspended from duty as Deputy Prime Minister. He insisted his resignation was not a proof that he had done anything wrong but that he was worried about status as Deputy Prime Minister"

    (from wiki and sourced by The Nation).

    It's ok though. Like we are witnessing right now if you are in with the right people corruption is A-Ok. thumbsup.gif

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