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Posts posted by mrrizzla

  1. Just got this on my phone:

    "The Lawyers Council of Thailand issued a statement for Myanmar people to be calm and have confidence in the Thai justice process in the Koh Tao murder case"

    May I suggest, that the council have a look a Thai social media, to see what Thai people think of this farcical and tragic trial!!

    CSI LA is a good source for this. Thais are appalled at their system but I know they feel pretty powerless against it.

    All of my Thai friends I know personally too think that the B2 are innocent. They know the consequences if they speak out against it though.

  2. β€œThe court in Koh Samui heard that the senior investigating police chief and his officers did not believe the killer would have taken that boat,

    which left an hour or so after the estimated time of death of the pair.”

    "We have the footage, but we never checked it," Police Colonel Cherdpong said.



    Even those of you that think the B2 are guilty must admit that this case would of been thrown out in most legal courts in the world. If a deliberate cover up wasn't instigated by the RTP then they are definitely guilty of gross incompetence.

  3. David's head wounds looked like stab wounds from those ninja shurikens but more of a clover shaped blade designed to be put between your fingers for a stabbing motion. Also he had wounds on his fist indicating that he fought with his attackers before he was over powered. The court are saying that he was savagely attacked from behind, if so you would imagine that he wouldn't of been able to stand up to defend himself.

    It is my belief that David had come to try and rescue Hannah and was beaten by the gang that were there hence the wounds to his fists. David tried his best but was overpowered by numbers. Plus one of Nomsod's possy was a big fella for a Thai guy. He didn't really stand a chance.

    How David was killed was conveniently overlooked (or misinterpreted) by the court, when it ought to have taken precedence, and cast doubts on the ability of two small men being able to overpower and kill him while he was facing them. IMO, this is the biggest flaw in the prosecution's case. If the B2 were at the crime scene, I'd lay a pound to a penny that there were others - and I hope they will speak out and reveal the truth of what happened that night.

    It's my belief that the B2 were there for clean up duty. Moving bodies and evidence and what not ordered by the real perps (the B2's employers, or family of their employers). I think that once the real culprits knew that the B2 could be put in a compromising position that the set up against them began.

    This was a crime of hate. It had been reported that there was an incident in that bar the same night with Hannah rebuffing the advance of one of the locals. I think that perhaps Yaba was involved into making it into a jealous fit of rage and this local then took his local gang with him to 'correct' the embarrassment. It was a matter of wrong place, wrong time for Hannah, David and the B2.

  4. Mises, on 26 Dec 2015 - 18:01, said:Mises, on 26 Dec 2015 - 18:01, said:

    As the leader of a specialist group here in Chiang Mai I have been actively publicising this case to my group's membership, asking them to support the defence team's funding and care of the boys whilst in custody. The news of the verdict greatly shocked me and then statement by the brother of one of the victims disturbed me even more.

    As Nigeone implies: something just doesn't add up. Has he seen something no-one reporting the case has seen - perhaps something in the UK's Metropolitan Police report, which they've refused to publish publicly or the UK Coroner's report, yet to be published publicly? I can think of no other logical explanation for making such a strong statement of support for the verdict, but he certainly needs to explain himself in view of all that has been publicised and reported by many reliable media sources who've followed the case.

    Michael Miller appears to be both misinformed and ill-informed. His statement: He [David] was hacked down from behind dragged into the sea and left to die rather gives this away. It seems Michael Miller does not know about the wounds on David's front shoulder and neck. Have they done another autopsy in Guernsey?

    And what was Hannah doing while the B2 dragged David to the water? Waiting quietly? Or slowly moving 20m away and lying down between two rocks with her legs in the water ready to be raped and bludgeoned? Hannah was already dead or unconscious when bludgeoned. You cannot hit a moving target dead centre with a heavy hoe. And she would have defended herself with her hands. She was not held down, how do you hold someone whilst another strikes her face with a hoe without being in the way and how do you hold their head straight? In any event she could not have been held down from the side as the rocks are too close.

    Like many others have said, I have no idea whether the B2 were involved but the official story just does not pass muster.

    Why was David naked apart from one sock whilst Hannah was fully clothed (albeit in disarray) apart from her panties?

    Why was Hannah's body arranged in that pose?

    What happened to the condom found with supposedly Hannah's DNA on the outside and no DNA on the inside?

    What happened to Hannah's clothes?

    What happened to the shoe found at the scene? Whose was it? It was not either of the B2's. I recall there was also mention of some black trousers found at the scene.

    Why did the Thai authorities initially say there was no sign of Hannah having been raped? A view later confirmed by the British Autopsy.

    Michael Miller appears to be both misinformed and ill-informed. His statement: He [David] was hacked down from behind dragged into the sea and left to die rather gives this away. It seems Michael Miller does not know about the wounds on David's front shoulder and neck.

    This was just a repeat of the mantra of the RTP and the prosecution. It bears no relation to the reality of what happened to David. Obviously the Miller family have not seen some of the crime scene photos I have. David also had defensive wounds to his hands (confirmed by the Thai autopsy) which meant he must have faced his attackers at some point. His DNA was found on the handle of the hoe as well which would indicate some sort of a struggle. No, he was not simply hacked from behind and disabled.

    Also why would the attackers have bothered to stab David multiple times with a stubby sharp bladed instrument in the head and neck, if they had disabled him instantly with blows from behind? What was that instrument and why was it not mentioned by prosecutors or in the police autopsy?

    David's head wounds looked like stab wounds from those ninja shurikens but more of a clover shaped blade designed to be put between your fingers for a stabbing motion. Also he had wounds on his fist indicating that he fought with his attackers before he was over powered. The court are saying that he was savagely attacked from behind, if so you would imagine that he wouldn't of been able to stand up to defend himself.

    It is my belief that David had come to try and rescue Hannah and was beaten by the gang that were there hence the wounds to his fists. David tried his best but was overpowered by numbers. Plus one of Nomsod's possy was a big fella for a Thai guy. He didn't really stand a chance.

  5. All the Burmese I know, various ethnics, are fed up being considered as pariahs by the self-proclaimed superior thais/thai culture. The Thai systematically seem to forget that Myanmar will become the most important player of se Asia, with huge potential in plenty of fields (natural resources, tourism, industry, etc). The dirty, dangerous, communit (sic) country used to be a pearl and I will call it home when time is there.

    Yep. Burma is awakening to its massive potential. Thailand had something of a head start in South East Asia compared to it's colleagues but refuses to lose its old world elitist mentality.

    Give it 20 years and Burma will be thriving. In that time Thailand will probably look how Burma did 20 years ago.

  6. Why? They are protesting peacefully? There is no vested interest in the leaders of protests like there are (on both sides) here.

    The Burmese people are, like the rest of, angered at the Thai legal system, Not the Thai people themselves (who all mostly know this is a travesty too).

    It also shows how far Burma has come and Thailand has fallen. If some people were to gather and protest about this in Thailand right now they'd be carted off for attitude adjustment.

  7. The day they start rounding up foreigners for sharing opinions online on an external website related to Thailand will be a decsive one for the junta. Media in the west would go nuts and I am sure politicians won't stay quiet on it. Tourist numbers and foreign investment would dwindle as this place looks more and more like North Korea.

    It's just the local population that they car about.

  8. I still feel the strong statement from David Millers brother means he must have heard something in this case that convinced him that the evidence is good enough. As an observer and not knowing all the facts it's very difficult to understand for most people . We are not closer to the truth ,if they are scapegoats or not.

    Personally I believe they were present on the beach that night, close to the murder scene, but that someone else did the actual killings.

    But I'm pretty sure they will appeal and the sentence will not be death, unless new evidence is provided that will clear their names, this will probably end up as a life sentence. That could take a couple of years.

    I believe this crime was committed by more than two people, and that the B2 may have indeed been on the scene at the behest of their employers at the time.

    Their employers who btw people that believe that this verdict is correct, have been pictured mocking these events. They have been posted here before.

  9. The statement for Hannah's family is quite different to that of the Millers.

    "The past year has served as an unimaginably impossible time for our family. We have found the trial process extremely difficult and our trips out to Thailand, to attend court, made for particularly distressing experiences. We found listening to proceedings very challenging and we have had to endure a lot of painful and confusing information. We now need time, as a family, to digest the outcome of the trial and figure out the most appropriate way to tell our story.”

    They have yet to say that justice has been done. Quite understandable given the timing. We shall soon see.

  10. So saddened by this miscarriage of justice. I kind of expected this, but still had hoped in the end the guys would be exonerated.

    "Woe to those...who acquit the guilty for a bribe,

    and deprive the innocent of his right!" -Isaiah 5:23

    Under this current regime AND ITS INFLUENTIAL SUPPORTERS, nobody in the tiny chickening justice system would dare to make those powers lose face and risk their sorry a***** lives into their own death by misadventure....

    Ha ha ha - you win the first carrot for trying to twist this to blame the Junta.

    I suppose you think things would have been different under Pheu-Thai right ?. LOL.

    This is the Thai system : rotten right to the core. Blame your Thai police : red-shirts through and through and as corrupt as all their comrades. Then blame dirty politicians who fund them and judges who take pastry boxes. Here's a clue : the ones who did it are not Army.

    Remember the guy murdered by the shoelace (Who just happened to have spoken out against Yingluck) ?. Chalerm announced the result of that inquiry personally about 2 days after it happened.

    Grow up and join the real world.

    Oh look who it is.

    Why didn't your hero the general go and crack some skulls in this farce then? He has article 44, he could of really made a difference in this case but just went a long and said the investigation was "perfect".

    I suspect you will say "it's not his job" but you John and others of your ilk are saying he is doing so well cleaning up corruption. Here is a case of massive corruption that was on the world's stage. Would it have been any different under the PTP? Nope, has it been any different under the junta...ummm...NOPE!

  11. Hearing the waling of the B2's families while David's brother read their statement was harrowing viewing. People are attacking David's family but lest we forget what an agonizing year they have just had. Anger and pain have clouded their judgement and I also suspect that the British Embassy may have asked them to go along with the court proceedings for matters of 'diplomacy'.

    So we are to believe then that these two tiny men one night saw David and Hannah having sex (was that ever proven?) and got into some sort of jealous rage, overpowered the 190 cm tall David and beat him to a pulp while also raping and pulverizing Hannah. Then just going home to sleep. The bodies were discovered and subsequently trampled all over by influential local family members, locals, tourists, dogs and whatever else. The first rounds of DNA swabbing apparently missed them, people accusing locals were chased, harassed, given death threats.

    Then when they arrest these two they are questioned in a 'safe house'. Beaten and tortured into confession. Then the trial where the RTP withheld, lost, bumbled loads of evidence. Certain top Thai DNA experts not allowed to work on the case. Translators for some media outlets (certainly sky news) threatened and told to stop working with the media.

    These are all off the top of my head from following this case the last year. I am sure if I delved back into it I would find a heap of glaring inconsistencies in this case that in most courts in the world would been thrown out immediately.

    I wonder what has been presented to the families. It must be pretty damn compelling because this all stinks to high heaven. I hope that the B2 fight in the appeals and some justice is done. But you just know that their fates have been bought and paid for by the real culprits. 2 more young innocent lives ended, what a crying shame.

  12. Do not know how many non-Thai posted in this forum but I would like those who questions about the poll, please exit our country ASAP, we, Thai, do not want you. I am sick of reading of those who can not grow old/retire in their own country and need to flee to our beautiful country (for whatever reason) and think that they are superior and criticize our way of thinking/governing. Not a perfect world you know.

    If you have a fair mind, just take a look at what the past government did to our country and you will understand why the majority of Thai totally support the current government. Mind you that in every society there are people who love you and hates you. So be fair and you are welcome to contribute to our country's plan to move away from the rotten old way of doing business and governing the country.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Obvious troll is obvious.

    Or at least I hope you are a troll, god help you if you're not!

  13. As longer I stay here I feel like Thailand is not just becoming a military but a Communism state.

    Its sad really how one person can bring the country back to start from Zero.

    The Embassies must have a good time sending all those cables back to their capitals that Thailand is becoming a Banana Republic.

    The China model is the preferred system for all Asian countries. Western Democracy does NOT work in developing countries. And now Western economies are faltering they are starting to feel that pinch as well...

    Ill bet you would change your mind smartish if you found yourself waiting for the bullet in the back of the neck because you got on the wrong side of the party!

    Asiamaster. Both Koreas were poor and economically ravaged after WWII and The Korean War. Now one of them has a flawed western model and one of them has something more akin to The Chinese model. Ask the people of both countries what they'd prefer. I think the answer would be near unanimous (and it wouldn't be 100% we love Kim).

  14. The amount of broken face on those two (with only the cop grinning like a loon).

    The van driver looks like he could still stab the other guy at any minute and is probably ashamed at having to do this public apology and also having his face out there so people now know who he is. But hey, it was either this or an attempted murder charge.

    I am thinking that the reporter has been told by certain people to seek the apology and look like the bigger man. I bet he would of wanted to of pressed charges, I know I would of.

    The cop is just happy for the photo op, aren't they always?

    Of course their could be other pics where they are all smiles but this looks like genuine awkwardness.

  15. They stopped the fighting and deaths. That has got to be a good thing.

    It appears that they also cleaned up the police who failed to arrest a single culprit in the shooting deaths before the coup.

    They were complicit in not properly dealing with the protests when asked. They have been planning this coup since 2010.

    Cleaned up the police, ah yes, have you forgotten about what happened at Koh Tao? Their handling of the Bombings (rewarding themselves for a job not done), and now one of their own has fled to seek asylum in Australia because he was actually doing his job and was close to exposing the big boys in the human trafficking here that are in the upper ranks of the cops and the oh so heroic army?

    Seriously those of you drinking the kool-aid no doubt supplied by your Thai wives, grow a pair and open your eyes.

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