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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. 5 hours ago, jaiyen said:

    Take all the Russian tourists to the Russian Embassy and let them sort it out !

    Brilliant! Let’s make you president of the world! And what sort of magical powers do you suppose the embassy has over these circumstances? You may  not like Russians personally, but they are innocent civilian tourists and deserve basic human respect as well as sympathy, they are victims of the war

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  2. 22 hours ago, Enoon said:

    It's how the regime is.


    I'd like the world to know "what they're like".


    I'd like to see the statement broadcast around the world.......a translation sent to every European household.




    Rest assured, a statement like that in times like these will get around fast. I live here, but I would support a boycott Thailand movement until and unless he retracted his statement and joined the rest of the world in condemnation.

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  3. 22 hours ago, Jerno said:

    Natural path? Of illegal invasion and war started by Putin?  Unbelievable!  You are a total and utter idiot.  Damn you for condoning Putin's actions. Damn you.

    He is going to find himself not too popular in the near future. If this were my country I’d be calling for his resignation. If Thailand were attacked by Myanmar or China would he let things follow their natural course or would he be on his knees begging for help and sympathy? But I wonder who else is behind him in this. He didn’t come up with this on his own. What are Thailand’s hidden connections to Russian powers, oligarchs, dirty money, and brown envelopes?

  4. 7 minutes ago, Jimjim1 said:

    I disagree because now we know about the rich vein of appeasement running through an organisation that is more concerned about it’s own “ Vested Interests “ and not the killing of innocent civilians women and children by an uncaring madman who sadly has his finger on the nuclear button.

    we should also remember that this same bunch sided with Myanmar and the genocide perpetrated therein.

    Should we comment on their stance? Yes of course.

    should we condemn them for it? Yes of course.

    Can we do anything about it? No of course not because their own vested interests preclude them from listening to and acting in the same way that the Free World across the world has done.

    They should consider that every country who up until Putin started his illegal massacre of the innocents has had to stop all exports and imports from Russia and they have done so willingly and without complaint because it is for the good of the Ukrainian people and the free world, any short term losses will be more than compensated for in the longer term after Putin is removed and condemned to history just like all the other mad inhumane despots the world has known.


    Sadly Thailand a country I know and love dearly may well find itself ostracised in the future for it’s self centred stance when this travesty is over.

    Sincere Good Luck Ukraine if I were not in my 76th year I would be in your country fully armed and ready to fight for you.

    You are correct sir. Thailand is going to be demoted in the eyes of the world because of this, placed on permanent $hit lists. They will never see another Ukrainian tourist.

    • Thanks 1
  5. He sounds like Trump when he refused to condemn racist white supremacists after a protest that saw a racist run down a peaceful protestor with his car. This is by far the worst thing I have ever heard come out of Thailand officials, and it says a lot about their true moral fiber. They’re so afraid of pi$$ing off a source of tourist revenue that they are willing to condone war crimes

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  6. 16 hours ago, chang1 said:

    There must be a bit more to this than just a signature. 

    She must have known what her boyfriend was upto and what work was she doing? 

    Seems odd that the appeal court will not allow any new evidence to be considered. So even if there is video evidence of her boyfriend forging her signature when accepting the package, that proves her innocence beyond doubt, only the original evidence will be looked at.

    You've not heard the thousands of stories of partners leading secret lives on the side, be it drugs or just cheating? I am not a lawbreaker, nor a cheater, but there are certain elements of my personal finances that I would not discuss with a girlfriend, or a wife. Lots of good reasons for that. I just think it's probably a sad case of misplaced trust or stupidity with tragic results, but that's only my guess, since no one actually knows except her and her ex. 

  7. 17 hours ago, chang1 said:

    There must be a bit more to this than just a signature. 

    She must have known what her boyfriend was upto and what work was she doing? 

    Seems odd that the appeal court will not allow any new evidence to be considered. So even if there is video evidence of her boyfriend forging her signature when accepting the package, that proves her innocence beyond doubt, only the original evidence will be looked at.

    It may sound odd, but in the US it's the same. An appeals court only looks at the decision of the lower court solely based on  the evidence and testimony presented at the first trial, and decides whether there was any error of law, or whether the defendant's rights were denied or infringed, or whether the evidence PRESENTED AT THE TIME did not justify the court's decision . If the court were to find that exonerating evidence was withheld improperly, or that the defendant didn't receive adequate or lawfully competent representation, then a new trial can be ordered, or the conviction reversed. But the appeal doesn't RETRY the case. If it finds error, it will order a new one. In the US, a new trial can be requested separately from an appeal, based on NEW evidence, that is a different sort of action. I have absolutely NO IDEA as to Thai law in this regard. 

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  8. 17 hours ago, Pique Dard said:


    allow me to doubt a bit! why to sign a package you haven't ordered? the address of the package was in whose name? two questions, two reasons to be suspicious

    Could be a valid point, but some people just don't think about such things, someone shows up with a package, sign on the line, why not? It would be routine under many normal circumstances in other countries. Could be just extreme gullible stupidity. Or naiveté.

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  9. 22 hours ago, Cherrytreeview said:

    The vast majority of spread is community spread within Thailand.

    Foreigners arriving testing positive is an irrelevant decimal point.

    Most developed countries worked that out months ago.

    Why people don't understand this is beyond me.

    Attempting to stop people earning a living by closing borders when they are more likely to catch it from their children, is a little illogical to me.


    Why people don't understand is because it's easier to be stupid than to actually pay attention and educate one's self. 

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  10. "looks and your ability to do your job were separate entities, she said. "   While generally true to a certain extent, we all know that they are NEVER truly separate. Doors and opportunities will open wide for the beautiful, not so wide for the not so beautiful. It's human nature. It is a timeless universal currency. Nonetheless, the ideal of objective and non discriminatory professions and opportunities is worth at least TRYING to uphold. She walks that fine line, and if she wants to be an activist and flaunt her assets in a bathing suit which shows virtually nothing, absolutely Thailand needs to live in the 21st century. teaching moments abound

  11. 9 hours ago, madmitch said:

    The Prime Minister then ordered the government to create a public understanding that people could all live with Covid-19 safely under strict preventive measures.


    In other words normality is a long way off.

    The normality that you are imagining will never happen. You can't turn the clock back. The world has changed and there is no way back to pre covid, or haven't you noticed? Wishful thinking will not put the genie back into the bottle. Much as we hate the term "new normal" that term applies. From there we simply build back as best we can.  

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