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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. 2 hours ago, PumpkinEater said:

    Here is an important point…

    Were all at the party vaccinated?

    As Canada has announced the opening of its borders to ALL countries citizens that have been vaccinated (with a pre entry covid test), why are vaccinated people being charged with crimes in Thailand and elsewhere?

    The whole premise of beating Covid is for all to be vaccinated. We were told that once vaccinated then we could go back to “normal” but I see the authorities wanting to institute masks and quarantines unnecessary for the long term….maybe the rest of our lives if they find a covid case….?


    I think that once a person is vaccinated then lets get on with life and living! Lets get our freedoms back. Take an idea from Canada with common sense. This FEAR thing has turned people mad.

    If you are scared then stay home and order in.




    The vaccinated can still spread it, especially the delta variant. That is a very recent development. The problem is that this is unprecedented, and each time we try to adapt it throws another curve. Not enough people have been vaccinated in Thailand to stop the spread. Stronger measures must remain in place, and it’s hard on everyone. There are counterfeit vaccination certificates being dumped into circulation by China. What works in Canada won’t necessarily work in Thailand. The US is still an insane bloody mess. And of course we have a slew of new laws that are seemingly randomly enforced. No happy endings yet. 

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  2. On 8/21/2021 at 4:38 AM, Doctor Tom said:

    Some people here just think that laws don't matter and you can do whatever you feel like doing.  You see it in lots of posts on various forums, where this kind of behavior is almost admired by some. Thailand is not a free for all State, some need to learn that fact. This lot did.  

    I think it’s premature to think such people actually learn. You can’t fix stupid. It’s more likely that the next time they think they can get away with something, they will try. “Repeat offenders”

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  3. On 7/30/2021 at 6:29 AM, sucit said:

    It’s all absolute insanity. The stuff we are doing is the equivalent of the crazy person freaking out and screaming in public. It’s just all of us. 

    Think about it. The guy is getting on planes, and into confined spaces like taxis, going through screenings with people around, all to save himself from a virus. I am criticizing the system not him. Anyone over a certain age should have easy access to the vaccines. I don’t care what passport you hold. 

    To your point, I don't understand why countries that had the vaccine wouldn't do something for their own citizens living abroad. It might be that they weren't allowed to do so under Thai law. Red tape and import/export laws as to medicines/vaccines.  Meanwhile, the biggest insanity is how Thailand bungled the distribution of the vaccines, even with the Astra Zeneca making them right in Thailand. As to the planes, they are never fully booked, no one is allowed to sit next to anyone so there is one person per 3 seat row, I have flown twice during Covid and the planes are no threat. 

  4. On 7/27/2021 at 12:18 AM, spidermike007 said:

    Hey Prayuth. What about your promise to fight corruption, that you made seven long years ago? I doubt if you remember back that far, but when you and your clowns launched a coup, it was ostensibly to restore law and order, which you accomplished with draconian measures, and to get rid of the rot, and corruption in immigration, the police, customs, the government, at the highest levels, which you never even made the slightest attempt to do. You substituted 7 foot alligators, with 14 foot crocodiles. And you have spent your entire seven years protecting the elite, those in office, the army, the police, those who are connected, and the super wealthy.


    For God's sake, you could not even bring the Dark Tao killer to justice, nor the Red Bull creep. Again, busy protecting the wealthy with all of your power. We all know even if you issued a red notice for the Red Bull criminal, Interpol would simply have a good laugh, as you have reduced your nation to a level, where few take it seriously anymore, and it continues to be a laughing stock of the world, when it comes to justice and the fight against both corruption, and rich criminals.


    Just look at the heroin dealer who came back to Thailand recently from an Australian prison. He was immediately put into a position of power. Almost to say, good job, you got busted, but you are so rich it does not matter. Welcome back to the "totally above the law crowd!"
    The real problem is, you will not go after any of these guys. Not the top bankers, not the high ranking guys, not the provincial authorities, and certainly not the army, or the police. They are all corrupt beyond imagination. And the level of corruption simply escalates, the further up the food chain you go. As far as most of us are concerned, everything is the same. The police and army are not expected to be honest, and they are not expected to engage in law enforcement, traffic or public safety, on any level. It is an irrevocably broken and dysfunctional system. Any hyperbole to the contrary, is just a smoke screen, intended to deceive the most naive amongst us. 
    Now, in this time of desperation, with your nation needing you more than ever before, where on earth are you? What have your proposed? Where are the solutions? How are you going to rescue the economy, and the millions who are out of work? Where is the meritocracy? Why are you always picking from the bottom of the barrel, when it comes to appointments? Why do you insist on people with no experience? Sheer cronyism? The nation does not need or want that nonsense. Grow up. Be a man. Behave like a man.

    There are at least a dozen good reasons why you should be removed from office. Get out. Get out now. 

    Now that you have explained everything to him I'm sure he's packing his bags even as we speak. Thanks.

  5. I think we can assume this is the result of a tragically failed vaccination program, poorly organized if at all. As to the hospitals AND the vaccines, I don't see why western countries that have been recovering can't donate vaccines and medical equipment. That could have been done long ago. There is more than ample worldwide vaccine supply. In the US every pharmacy and many major retail and grocery stores offer free walk in vaccines. As someone else said, this goes to the top - this is Prayuth's failure. 

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