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Jonathan Swift

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Everything posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. With neighbors like Myanmar breathing down your neck it makes sense to be able to show a nominally capable defense force.
  2. There is always an electronic trail which is easily enough traced. She need not provide anything but ID and account number.
  3. "2 million tourists expected this season in Phuket".
  4. Watch out, right behind you, BOO!
  5. He is a human, not a plant. The disease does not affect plants. But maybe he's a couch potato.
  6. Ummmm he got monkeypox from someone who is also in Thailand. Next question?
  7. "But mommy, Billy did this and Billy did that and why didn't you punish him?" How old are you, sonny? Did you happen to notice that this is not 70 years ago? You are drawing a false equivalency and injecting irrelevant topics to this one. You clearly don't understand what is going on, and what the difference is between Ukraine and other wars, you clearly don't want to actually educate yourself. I think you even might be Russian and a Putin supporter. Russian oligarchs are corruptly intertwined with Russian government officials and policy makers, the ones who wage and support these wars and often profit on them including and especially Putin. They are often as much extensions of the Russian government officials as the officials themselves. It's obvious to everyone but you that taking down these oligarchs is justified to oppose and put pressure on Putin. The sanctions were approved by and implemented by NATO countries, not just the US. Do you know what NATO is? This is today's world. I'm not going to explain it to you. I don't think anyone could, your mind is welded shut. But it would seem that you support Putin's attack and war on the Ukrainian people and its innocent civilians. Do you salute every time you see a picture of Putin?
  8. Drop it into a post mail box. Let the post office worry about it. In the US that is how it has been done forever.
  9. It happens during ALL times, always, it always has, always will, forever, since time began. Such is the very nature of wealth and power.
  10. Most of the people I have talked to who use these services seem to be simply lazy. When I tell them I do all my own work, because it's cheap and because I would never place such an important task in the hands of some one else, they look at me like I'm from another planet. But as in this case, laziness can cost you in the end.
  11. The answer is simple. Get the shots, get your CDC vaccine card, problem solved. You should have been vaxxed as of last year if you had your head screwed on right. You should then have been given a vaccine card or confirmation you can show immigration. If you're not vaxxed you need a negative PCR test within 72 hours prior to arrival, or you take one at the airport. All of these answers are readily available at the Thai immigration website and other reliable online sources. If you have a home there I don't understand why you are having trouble getting official info. Most who live in Thailand know how such things work. You should know that consulates in the US are of limited value, they are not the Thai immigration dept. You can just do a broad search on "what is needed to enter Thailand" and then go through the responses, beginning with the Thai immigration website. That's how I did it since the start of Covid. Cheers and good luck.
  12. You don't have to stay here if you don't like it. Oh, wait, it's complaining about everything that you enjoy best. Well, I hope you're happy in your misery.
  13. That's a new one to me, "professionally manipulated" - I didn't know there were professional manipulators. Clearly a made up term by someone who doesn't understand economics and leans toward conspiracy and Q-anon
  14. A culture CLEARLY more advanced than any western one. Like, wow man!

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