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  1. There are many financial organizations well prepared to prepare and file your Thai expat income taxes. In case you missed it (almost impossible) the process of filing and paying Thai income tax has been under development for very many months now. Suggest a little time reading up on this could be well spent. Many expats are already reporting their experiences with the TRD and companies processing their documents and filing them.
  2. Use the contact form on the BOI website. My experience is that an answer will be received within a very few hours and always the same day unless submitted late afternoon. Most likely it is for the full last 2 years. Also, no appointment is needed to visit their facility with your questions. Counselors will come and sit with you to provide any assistance needed. Overall, a very positive experience with BOI.
  3. Recommend Bangkok Nursing Home (BNH) on Convent Rd.
  4. Go to your phone service provider DTAC/True etc. and have them cancel that SIM card. They can issue a new one with the same number to use with a new phone.
  5. Your statement may not be entirely correct. If the Thailand tax due is greater than the amount paid in the USA, you will have to pay the difference to Thailand. Tax due in USA 15K, tax due in Thailand 20K, you pay Thailand the 5K difference.
  6. “Operators of these vehicles are required to bring them for inspection at Land Transport Offices nationwide, free of charge.” Operators will voluntarily bring their vehicles for inspection? Wishful thinking! Once inspected, how will they be visually identified as having been inspected? Windscreen sticker? New option for scammers to make a few baht, counterfeit stickers available soon. Inspectors stationed at all filling stations? Some with their hands out before confirming compliance. Road blocks (check points) and permanent markings in vehicle registration books might help.
  7. I just recently received my 10 year LTR. My original visa entering Thailand was O-A. No hassles at all. The folks at BOI are very helpful. Questions submitted on their contact form are answered very quickly. I had some questions that I preferred to ask in person. Checked in at their front desk and two counselors came to sit with me and answer questions for about 30 minutes. Very helpful. One thing to remember, this is a very professional office and if you do visit, shoes or sneakers but no sandals or similar, a nice collared shirt (I wore a tie), and long pants. The people at BOI want to see you get the LTR so go for it!
  8. To be a licensed tour guide there is a class that has to be taken and a fairly comprehensive test you must pass to be certified. I believe the license is good for five years. Not sure about the renewal process. My Thai wife was certified a few years ago and the test was not easy. You also must wear either a suit or nice slacks/dress and a dress jacket to all classes.
  9. Yes, to take him out of the country you must have her written permission, or you will be denied travel at the airport or other place of legal departure from the country. My stepdaughter from my wife's first husband had to provide this document before we could take an overseas holiday.
  10. Try Lazyboy in Bangkok. Large multi floor showroom, not cheap but very good quality. Leathers or fabric.
  11. 28 years USAF. Atlas missile systems maintenance 4 years, Instrument repair and calibration (field - Metrology), no degree but numerous AF technical and professional courses, 19 Years with another company started on the work bench in manufacturing building gas analyzers; So2, NOx, CO and CO2. End products were air pollution monitoring systems. Travelled much of the USA and many countries internationally including Thailand installing and servicing these systems. The sampling system for these systems were often high up on a power company smokestack, many between 500 to 800 feet above ground level. Has been a great life!
  12. As stated above, I understood there always was a special key slot for fire and emergency crews to manually unlock the doors. I could be wrong but using the jaws of life to open the doors may have done some damage to the door operating mechanism that will need possibly expensive repairs. I had an elevator experience recently that I would not want to repeat. I lived in a Jomtien condo on the 28th floor. At 9:00 one morning the power to all four elevators in the building was turned off for routine maintenance. I found this out about 9:30 as I had to leave for appointments with a lawyer and a court appearance later. On the way out, office staff told me power would be back on around 2:00 in the afternoon. As I had no choice, I had had to walk down 28 floors. I am handicapped and walk with a cane. I side stepped all the way taking about 45 minutes. What if there had been others with a medical emergency at that time? I don't live in that condo anymore.
  13. I can already tell you their answer. But, you are SO naive it would be a waste of text space. Do you even understand about the sinsod! Do you know you will more less be adopting her immediate family. Be prepared to be the 'payer' at family dinners at restaurants. Basically, GROW UP. Come here, enjoy your holiday but make NO long term plans at least until your 10th visit when you will be more aware of things here. Above all, DO NOT agree to send money so 'she' will wait for you. BTW, you could be chatting with a 'ladyboy'.
  14. I understand an MRI is expensive. I have had a few. What you want is to be sure the person reading the results is 100% qualified to produce an accurate diagnosis. This is not the time to skimp because of a few thousand baht. BNH (Bangkok Nursing Home) on Convent Rd is my suggestion. Am sure there are several with qualified doctors to interpret the results.
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