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Posts posted by joinme2leave

  1. wanted to give THIS a try:

    Oasis Sea World

    48/2 Moo 5,

    PakNam, Laem Sing,

    Chantaburi, 22130

    is anybody here who's done that "swim with the dolphin" thing b4?

    is it worth the money?

    do you really HAVE to wear that life jacket?

    are there any other (better) places around S-E asia where dolphin swim can be done?

    Thanks for your inputs.

    PS: entrance fees for thais are cheaper....another nice TIT

  2. sounds familiar to me.... :o

    even though I am not (yet) having GOUT trouble I can very well confirm ur mentioned FOOT CRAMPS.

    man, I can tell you (all) ... those cramps i experienced have been un-be-lievable pain.

    I am a no pain-no doctor-person. Means: unless somebody has to CARRY me into doctors or hospital room I won't go.

    After heavy whisky consumption (I am no beer drinker) those cramps lasted more than 2 days afer I had no other choice than call emergency and have the driver carry (!!!) me down from second floor to his emergency car.

    Spent two pain suffering days in hospital.

    That was back in 2003.

    Nowadays...well, I reduced my whisky drinking quantity but still enjoy my share of booze from time to time.

    BUT - in addition - I do have a daily portion of MAGNESIUM together with my breakfast.

    just my 2 baht...

  3. electricity charges are of no great worries for me....gonna use the apt just some days within those 1-2 months, most of the time I shall be in China.

    @ PATTAYAHUNTER....TV charges to be paid separately happened to me in Bkk once. Not fair though.

    @ all1....if I find accomodation outside Pty (15 min distance)---will there be any trouble in finding a cab into town? is it metered taxis available? Or can I simply use a rented motobike to drive?

    @ all2...price range may be 20000 as well but definitely prefer lower than that as I won't be using the room very often

    thanks again for inputs so far.

  4. dear TV Pattaya members....

    i tried a search with TV search engine about this request but the result was close to zero... :D

    maybe somebody of you can forward usefull information for me:

    i am looking for an apartment to rent within the period jan 10 - feb or mar 10, 2007.

    no need of beach location, neither nightlife (intend to stay there for business reasons), nonetheless not more than 15 min drive frm Jomtien or similar.

    internet connection (wireless inside room) is a must.

    pool would be nice too.

    small kitchen/kitchenette if apartment is located quite far away from restaurants.

    monthly rate between 10000 - 15000.


  5. i would not say gulina's doctor is american .... hard to find american doctors in austria. anyway gulina.....my gf (austrian) bought some in thailand too...no worries so far.

    as about sleeping pills.....at various places all over thailand i did get HALCION without any hassle (Bkk, KoChang, Krabi) .... but since about a year ... it seems to be: NO CHANCE. Frustrating as I definitely cannot stand the noise (Bkk in particular).

  6. whenever i played with thai golfers (who by-the-way seem to have no idea about golf rules and manners at all) they kinda embarrased me by means of caddy tip: i gave (and still give) 100 to MAX 200 .... but the thais gave at least double that amount (300-500)!!! (way too much, imho)

  7. 1) yes thats what i am ADDICTED to....ages less dangerous to someone's health than cigarettes (anyway, i never ever smoked a single cig in my life...)

    2) the labelling question has been a joke....i would not do such thing...i never smuggle...haha

    3) IF you would CHEW the Snus....man oooh man....that would be as worse as eating a cigarette.....it is NOT chewing tobacco...not at all...

    4) but i agree....declaration of contents says "tobacco".... so it might be possible they charge for duty (but i still doubt it)

    5) can't buy in duty free...unless you fly from Arlanda, Stockholm

  8. looking forward to read about your first hand experience in Pattaya golf.

    1) best place(s) to play (by means of: difficulty, nice environment, good clubhouse)

    2) places with close-to-zero german players (wanna avoid 'em if possible)

    3) average greenfee rates (jan/feb/mar)

    4) places within reach by using public transportation or short-distance taxi drive


  9. if the driver refuses to turn on the meter.....take a piece (any piece) of paper and a pen.....start to (do so as if u would) note down the complaint phone number/drivers identy card number .... and WAIT what his reaction will be .... he almost sure gonna change his mind and switch on the meter...(at least he will learn a lesson and probalby realise that not every farang is a total fool)

  10. hmmmmm...i wonder.....this official thai customs website says (lit.)....SMOKING tobacco...right?

    so, CHEWING tobacco....no limit???

    am asking as i will bring at least 50 cans (50 grams each) of swedish SNUS which isn't smoking tobacco at all (neither chewing tobacco....but it contains tobacco).

    any clues....(i doubt) ???

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