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Posts posted by joinme2leave

  1. gladly received your encouragement waldwolf. and yes, it is somehow hard earned money - I certainly won't throw (blow) it away needlessly as u say.

    I am into gaming just when there is time in between work or when I am really bored (so to say, no woman aside)....which leads me more and more into direction to spend a lil' bit more in a nicely sized new laptop.

    This said - madsere - I KNOW about the size difference (I am not that much of a pc dummy).

    Nevertheless, I intend to buy a Vaio lp which is - in terms of measurement - quite SMALL size as well...(VGN-T27GP).

    Took a look at the PSP this morning. Panthip. First floor left as posted earlier in this thread. Size is incredibly small hence my decision in favor of the new (better) lp seems to be a wise one.

    Besides, the today price was Bht 14.000,00 (value pack, japanese version including 1 game free of choice)...

  2. thx a lot for illustrating that possible pixel prob.

    and thx a lot for amazon.com - link

    now, pls allow me one more question to all TV PS/PS2/XB/GC-users (I promise I won't any further question thenafter... :D ):

    one review at amazon.com indicated that: ..."get yourself a good laptop instead and u have all the features a PSP possibly could offer..."

    Is that true? I do need to buy a new laptop soon. In case I decide for the laptop deal .... PSP (or any other gaming console) is just a waste of money ??? :o

  3. actually, that ebay europe deal is about either US or Japanese versions...

    anyone here who bought PSP in thailand already? if so, pls forward more technical details and personal opinion if PSP is worth the buy in general...

  4. nightlife: WHAT nightlife????

    padi: some courses offered, recommend to check KC websites. Prices might be similar to Samui.

    Amari: agree, nice but overprized (talking about the beach maintenance)

    weekend or weekday travel: weekday sure better. weekends crowded with thai. and - read above - weekday or weekend makes no difference at all regarding a non-existing nightlife (which is -imho- very much okay! Keep KC clean and realaxed...)

  5. waldwolf...call me a computer newbie or whatever if u wish...but pls enlighten me HOW to recognize that mentioned dead pixel damage prob. thx a lot!!!

    to all the other ones: ebay (europe; uk i don't know) prices currently cruise around euro 300 (Bht 15.000,00) upwards for the value pack version...so tell me, what is YOUR opinion? Buy it here (let's say, Panthip Bht 10.000,00 something and no guarantee) or .... ???

  6. slightly off original topic but urgent requests needed :D

    P2P (play station portable) questions:

    1) available in BKK ?

    2) if so, what prices (Panthip or similar)?

    3) compared prices in HKG, SIN?

    4) compared prices in europe?

    5) yet again: does a possible stop-of-sales in US influence P2P availablities?

    6) general recommendations about P2P: worth to buy?

    THANKS FOR FAST REPLY...leaving BKK in 7 days.


  7. roi percent agree Jockstar.

    as for me: not even 20 baht (I hate to negotiate with them. For what???)

    I'd rather wait an hour to have ANY other kind of transportation than using those TTTT*-services.......


  8. poll should be re-designed. should allow to vote for more than 1 option.

    And of course it always depends on where u live, where u heading to and how much time u got.


    As for me - currently residing LP - I needed to go to Pratunam/OTOP today.

    Here's my trip revue:

    1) bus (2 stops, bht 5)

    2) MRT LP-Petchaburi (bht 15)

    3) boat Asok pier-Pratunam pier (bht 7)

    NOW some of you might think, why the <deleted> didn't he take a taxi? Or can't he possibly afford the taxi fare?

    Simple reason: above mentioned method(s) of transportation have been the fastest ever imaginable! It is not about the money but about the time.

    bus/mrt/boat took me all-in-all 27 minutes.

    Taxi would have been at least 1 hour (and far more to pay, not to talk about having to "enjoy" the driver's taste of music and highest level a/c-setup).

    Last but not least: I NEVER EVER enter a tuk-tuk.

    Enjoy your bkk traffic folks.

    After 5 months bkk (but leaving soon for europe summerbreak) I can finally say: I won't get lost in the city of traffic horror.... :o

  9. cook almost every day. any style. from thai to italian (mostly). even bake bread from time to time. it is fun and anti-stress-therapy (at least, for me). oooh yes...the thai chicks are pretty much impressed about that aaaah soooo strange behaviour.

  10. dear oooh dear ... OF COURSE we two won't have ANY legislative solution for that kinda "problem"!

    And - furthermore - I fear, Thai politics and/or Bkk politicians don't care at all.

    ... it might unfortunately end like ... this was my 2satang comment about a not-amusing, never-changing Bkk-fact.

  11. Have been to Lamai some 14 years ago...what a dramatic and sad change!!!! Never ever I could give a vote for Lamai. Little Pattaya now. Chaweng: just a tourist ripp-off hotel-chain street-vendor crowded Phuket-copy. Agree with KhunJean: there a still some nice places left on Samui that won't kick you back to "horror"... but I prefer not to say WHERE those places are to be found.

  12. allow me to mention that your (desired) "free" time b4 five pm is nothing else but .... a dream! Who's gonna supervise the bar stock? Who's gonna supervise the cleaning? Who's gonna supervise (###### important) advertisment procedures? Who's gonna get in touch with potential customers? Who's gonna check, double-check, triple-check your accounting? ............. YOU !!!!!!!!!

    Anyway, wish you good luck and success. IF you really gonna open a nice, no-girlie, no 08-15, no sh1t-music-like-any-other - bar I might be one of your frequent customers any time I have the time to come...

  13. sorry, partially I have to agree with HENG:

    too much simply is too much !!!!

    (talking about the street vendors and alike totally, TOTALLY, ABSOLUTE TOTALLY blocking pedestrian walk)...

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