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Posts posted by joinme2leave

  1. a bit bored to read or answer those questions regarding "how much is needed for good living in Los" etc bcoz as mentioned soooo many times...it depends on each individuals life style. But ONE THING 4 sure guys: do not forget about social securities!!! Mean: add another 10.000,00 baht per month for times of sickness or accident/hospital expense. IF it (unlikely) happens that you never ever have an accident: be happy and keep on drinkin' ... but IF it happens: be double happy that the hospital doctor knows that you have enough cash available to safe your life.

  2. KaeBae does have all the necessary amenities (thow, no -annoying- girlie bars but I guess that's the least u r looking 4) such as 7-11, minimarts, pharmacy and lots of restaurants. Not a lot on beach side as the beach is quite small. Nevertheless I remember some spots where beach side BBQ is offered. Very nice place to stay (imho) is KoChang Theme Park Resort and they definitely offer BBQ as well. Small private kinda beach there too. And a pool. Reasonable prize (if u compare with Amari resort just 1,5 kilometres away at Khlong Prao Beach). Another option would be to take a motobike ride to Lonely beach (approx 10 kilometres further south). Lots of (backpack like) beach site restaurants there and cheaper prices too. All-in-all-summary: as far as I can read between your "line": forget White Sand Beach (it's just a very poor Pattaya copy) and think about any good resort between Khlong Prao and KaeBae. :o

  3. between 4 and 5 bht per unit. that's what i paid for short term rental. Checked the electricity meter every now and then to pretend them cheating me. Nevertheless I was surprised to have a Bht 2000,00 bill for 1 month (45 squ.mtr-condo) even though I never ever turned on air/con. I think the oversized 20 year old fridge was main reason for such high monthly cost...

  4. hasip-hasip (well, almost hasip-hasip) solution I am practising now for years (5 months asia, mostly thailand + 7 months europe) BUT my question was: point of no return...THAT particular moment when you tell (told) yourself: goodbye to my old, welcome to my new life. New by so many things and (mostly) financial considerations. How easy (or difficult) must it be to say farewell to all of your friends (most of them won't come to visit you and if they do it won't be more than just a short visit)? How easy (or difficult) must it be regarding (already mentioned) kids educational possibilities, change of social security, life standard, pollution level (just talking about Bkk), job opportunities (in case you are not retired yet) and so many more? As said in my first post: ... maybe I AM the perfect chicken as I STILL do not have the courage to move. Or what? Or how? :o

  5. doc, it STILL takes (and worries) me ... thinking, thinking, thinking.

    maybe too short time elapsed after having left.

    maybe having real trouble in deciding what is best for my life.

    maybe I am the perfect chicken.

    when was YOUR time to be sure about YOUR point of no return?

  6. back "good old europe" after 6 month LOS (nov2004-apr2005).


    despite the fact that:

    * my european location offers super clean, super silent natural environment

    * i do have zero obligations to live in europe (by means of job or wife or kids)

    besides the fact that:

    * i was just super lucky not to be on Ko Phi Phi on dec 26, 2004

    * i was just super lucky to miss that special underground train from "Thailand Cultural Centre Station" in january 2005

    besides the fact that:

    * i cannot stand the noise and air pollution in Bkk

    * i am not happy with mosquito trouble whilst on any LOS island

    besides the fact that:

    * i do not have any serious thai girl relationship (and not even looking for)

    besides the fact that:

    * i spent almost the same amount of $$$ in LOS as I probably would have needed if I decided not to take that 6-month-biz/pleasure-break in asia

    and besides the fact that:

    * I did not feel sad entering DonMuang for my return flight


    I do not know HOW to manage future life here, in europe.

    So I wonder: WHEN ---oooh when---- will that magic "point of no return" reach my brain?

    How was it with you guys (and girls) ???

    How long did it take you to say: ok, this is it ... I'm leaving (europe, america or whatever)


  7. Route 66 ? - imho, nothing special at all. Normal music, normal ppl, higher prices.

    Same thing but lower price u can have e.g Ratchadapisek /MRT PhraRam9 at "Bazar" night spots.

    All-in-all, RCA isn't a cool place to spend any money....

    just my 5 satang.

  8. HOW come, I worry more about that (right said) "bratwurst and sauerkraut" thing than any other brit (mis)behaviour?

    As posted in other samui forum threads: samui unfortunately is rapidly loosing its island identity. Few unspoiled spots left.

    Imho, no need at all for any new bar.

    And definitely no need at all to accomodate more and more package group german bratwurst tourists.

    Just my 5 final satang b4 taking my summer break (in europe, yes...but definitely not in germany).

    Have a nice time meanwhile, folks and girls. Enjoy Samui as long as u can enjoy.

  9. Shanghai indeed isn't so-to-say cheap.

    Some things are equal priced to Bkk such as :


    food (if u like the chinese style of food of course),

    subway (but do not expect same emptyness as happening in Bkk MRT ... Shanghai sub is super full, all day long, prepare to feel like a sardine in a box),

    public bus (even though verrrrry difficult to take a ride unless u can read the chinese signs...sometimes there is not even a bus number visible)

    or supermarket shopping deals.

    Western kitchen (to be found at many places all over Shanghai, not necessarily in hotels) is incredibly expensive.

    Particular tourist spots (such as TheBund-tunnel/btw, a waste of money or the lift up to JinMao Tower (400something metres high/btw, only take a look if not a foggy day) are real ripp-offs. Try to avoid conversation with local (nice dressed) chinese (men and women) who want to stat conversation with you whilst walking along Nanjing Rd: they are just after ur money. Any other place chinese (and,imho, especially Shanghai ppl are keen to have a conversation with you and I have to say (sorry Bangkok) Shanghai ppl are very well educated and on high standard by means of english (or russian or german or french) languages.

    Your main question - about affordable accomodation - I do not agrew with other posts. YOU CAN VERY WELL have nice and under $50 accomodation. Yes,it might be chinese hotels (and chinese names) but they do offer western standard (except the breakfast buffet, maybe) and the staff mostly speaks reasonable good english (compared to some Bkk hotel staff I would even say, they speak perfect english).

    As about Shanghai I can give u 3 referrals:

    (1) JinJiang Hotels ***** www.jj-inn.com

    rates are around 150 RMB. all rooms are nice equipped. u have got a nice bathroom and televison (more than 100 channels but not one of them is in english). staff is talking english. JJ-inn has got many hotels on different Shanghai locations. I have been to JJ-inn near WanHangDu Rd, Jing'an district. Got an extra 20% discount with the JJ-inn member card (and I assume u can apply for that card online)...

    (2) Shenzhou Hotel, Jing'an District (near Jing'an temple subway station)

    rates are around 330 RMB

    this hotel is better than JJ-inn, bathroom is bigger and there is a gym+pool

    sorry, lost www-link but u may email to:

    [email protected]

    He is receptionist at Shenzhou Hotel and speaks english very well. U should refer to Mr.Wolfgang from austria otherwise he won't know what u want (this is his private email address i assume)

    (3) as said in other posts:

    search forum pages such as:

    shanghaiexpat.com and/or


    there are lots of links and tips about Shanghai accomodation as well as travel and expat info. Really all u need to know...

    Finally to mention: Shanghai might be still cold these days (have been there 1 month ago and -gosh- was I happy to have brought a warm winter jacket with me). Definitely get a room with a/c (it is both heating and cooling function)!!

    Enjoy Shanghai ... u will be impressed...both by ppl and buildings...ooh yes, and even more impressed about so much less pollution compared to Bkk.

  10. surg...LP17 apt....does it have a gym? how silent is silent? can u give the name? i am currently LP35 (PK Mansion, 65m2, so-la-la pool+MickeyMouse gym, bht 10.800) but I am ready to have another place around this area when returning from my summer europe break....

  11. have been to Samui on more than 20 occasions the past 5 yrs or so. Cannot comment a lot about Chaweng accomodation but I reckon Chaweng DO have good capacity of high quality rooms. Lamai, instead is more and more heading towards "little Pattaya" image and therefore annoying (at least, for me). Used to reside in Maenam but have to admit Maenam is too quiet sometimes (even in high season). Nevertheless, even Maenam accomoation rates "surprisingly" increased after 26/12. Service sucks. Ppl (thai and farang) become more and more unfriendly. All in all I decided not to return but rather switch to KoChang (* surrounding islands) instead. KhunJean IF u talk about paradise: Samui -imho- no longer is paradise, unfortunately. Just a very few spots left (LeMeridien area and some other spots south of Lamai)...but I am sure thai & foreign investors soon gonna destroy those locations as well. No wonder if that mentioned german travel agent is soley promoting Samui: welcome Mallorca #2.

  12. as far as I remember the government bus is INSIDE ekamai LEFT side first window. and yes - agree with profFart - mid morning time tends to be the better time. last time i took that govt bus (it's a 30something seater) there was hardly passengers. maybe i was lucky maybe it is the rule. one thing 4sure: that (govt) bus doesn't stop nowhere (except one piss&food break) on its way to trat.

  13. tried all possible ways of transportation to Trat.

    plane: expensive and just a lil' bit of time saving as u need furtheron taxi to anywhere KC

    bus: really really depends on luck. Last bus was a (white-blue colored) government bus (starting Ekamai) - just 12 ppl onboard (both thai and farang). Bus DID NOT STOP nowhere on its way and it was amazingly fast!!! (approx 4 hours from Bkk to Centre Point ferry pier)

    limo/minivan: waste of money, imho. Same speed as most of the busses.

    train: oooh, i would like to use the train once. but I guess i have to wait some 25 more years to enjoy that experience....

    nuff said?

  14. u should have had that idea earlier (well, at least as it concerns me): after 5 months Bkk I shall leave for summer break on apr 15...too sad but unchangeable.

    hope, frequent TV pissups succeed and I am in again later this year...

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