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  1. im not in those ages yet, but looking at those nursing home fees and private helpers, i probably wont be able to afford and i dont want to waste that much on these places. they cant walk, get out of the bed by themsleves at these ages? its just too unimaginable for me to pay up all these bills (which i dont have) which is way more expensive than during my flourishing lifestyle of 30-50s oh lord jesus, when i imagine my spouse passes away and im all alone, i cant imagine what i will be doing.
  2. Hello people, im curious to know does thai families use nursing home services? as far as i know, most of them takes care of their elderly (i think they are living together), and i often see them wheel chairing to restaurants and even overseas trip....omg) can foreigners use these services? im not sure these care takers can communicate in english or whatnot. and i certainly dont want see them abusing the elderly. anyone or anyone u know use these nursing services in thailand and whats ur expereinces and prices if u dont mind sharing.
  3. Im concered about how cancer is being treated, being chemo and radio being the only option. do you think when some dud doctor in pattaya (especially in B@ngkok hospiyal) tells one that theyve got some sort of SERIOUS cancer, its better to take nature its course instead of being an experiamental rat posioned with all the expensive goodies which they [ossibly know that they mostly wont work, squeezed all the monies from the patients and their familes for their happy fruitful retirement wealth passed on to their next gens? it is hard to distinuish the doctors with their smiles, and i can see dollar signs shining in their eyes and ear to ear grins. im scared... i guess i will have some beers
  4. thanks for yall advices. immunotherapy which iminterested as alteranative to chemo and radiotherapy, does insurance policy must state immunotherapy for this to be covered? ive skim through the policy, but says nothing about immunotherapy. Does anyone got insurance policy that covers immunotherapy ?
  5. Hello there, Im currently looking into health insurance here in thailand and ive got this offer from the broker AXA. Im mostly concered about the cancer treatment, and as below policy states theres only chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments that are covered regards to cancer treatment. Im not quite confident with these treatments as I have seen ppl whove undergone these treatments and seems to become more ill. (loss of appetite, loss of hair, depressed, and some have actually died ) I was more looking into the surgery option as to cutting out the cancer effected parts. Is there those that have experienced the cancer treatment or those that uve know, do you mind sharing how did it go regards to the treatment?
  6. Any immigration office in thailand such as in Bangkok. I can’t imagine 90 yr old on a wheel chair applying for renewal of retirement visa at chaengwattana. It just seems so odd and cruel for such elderly to do all these extention processes
  7. Hello as the subject I’m wondering if ur in ur 80s and ur all frail and have difficulty walking without assistance, does one still needs to visit the immigration office, collect all the banking documents etc to apply for an extension even one have all these physical difficulties??
  8. how do you feed them, i ever heard my mate bought those premixed anti freeze and poured it over the plastic bags. he told me that the dog actually came up and licked the liquid but was still alive. also he told me a story about feeding the the rat bait, not sure theve consumed them or not, but theyre still roaming around
  9. oh thanks dude, i asked this cus i wanted to block either u or some dude (i think name was LOS or something) that keeps replying to any other topics! 55555
  10. i know what u mean, them washing ur balls and stick. but u know what, i dont like me and them to take shower before the action. i like the raw stinky smell instead of some fragrance soap
  11. Hi there, I think there used to be like a block option where u can block some members foir this forum. Is it still there? How to use it? just to clarify, block meaning, u wont be able to see their messages and posts the one u've blocked
  12. Hello there, there are many MR DIY shops here in the land of SMILES. I do not think only Mr does the DIY and I assume there are many MRS that loves doing diy isn’t it sort of discrimination? if I’m to buy a beer at MRS COOLER shop I might be offended and avoid this shop at all cost
  13. Thanks for your replies. if it’s actually leaked into to the antifreeze should I not even drive the car? As i assume inexperienced so called mechanic at autobacs and the pt engine oil may have caused this. I’m gonna take it to the nissan dealer to sort this <deleted> out no more autobacs and pt oil for meh
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